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Can someone please try Logic Pro and AmpliTube 3 (latest version) under the GM release? I can't access it and don't want to, as I'm not a paying developer.

If those two programs work flawlessly, I can upgrade on day one. My audio interface just got updated for ML, these two are the last key things for my studies and job.

Logic Express 8 runs fine, although I don't have any additional VST/AU plugins installed.
Yeh enabling TRIM on a sandforce controller based SSD does seem a bit pointless and causes me more issues (micro freezes and the like) than its worth. But I do have a spare 8gb usb stick with an emergency copy of osx installed, that has trim enabled.. So once every few months I just run

fsck_hfs -ffy /dev/rdisk1s2

and I get the wonderful sense that my drive has now been trimmed. Frankly I really dont notice any difference in performance, its more a psychological thing.

So you would recommend that I disable TRIM on a Intel 520 drive?
OS X Mountain Lion GM Seed
Posted Date: Jul 9, 2012
Build: 12A269

Known Issues
⁃ Network Migration requires OS X 10.7.3 or later in this Developer Preview
⁃ International users may be unable to enter a Wi-Fi password while in Setup Assistant. Users can select Other Network Options and continue setting up their system without a Wi-Fi network
⁃ On systems with FileVault enabled, the login window may be displayed incorrectly
⁃ Rotating an external display may cause a panic on AMD Radeon-based machines
⁃ QuickTime screen recordings may produce corrupted videos or cause an exception when run on machines with NVDIA graphics
⁃ Installation of Final Cut Studio 3 may cause a hang unless Automatic Graphics Switching is disabled in Energy Saver Preferences

Facebook Developer Preview remains the same.

Whoa. That's a pretty bad issue list for a GM or is there a chance they'll fix it all before the general release? I guess it will be Lion-class pain all over again until we reach 10.8.4.
Logic Express 8 runs fine, although I don't have any additional VST/AU plugins installed.

Thanks for that :) Just hope that AT3 is fine and dandy, although I think IK Multimedia will have a Mountain Lion update for it any day now.
OS X Mountain Lion GM Seed
Posted Date: Jul 9, 2012
Build: 12A269

Known Issues
⁃ Network Migration requires OS X 10.7.3 or later in this Developer Preview
⁃ International users may be unable to enter a Wi-Fi password while in Setup Assistant. Users can select Other Network Options and continue setting up their system without a Wi-Fi network
⁃ On systems with FileVault enabled, the login window may be displayed incorrectly
⁃ Rotating an external display may cause a panic on AMD Radeon-based machines
⁃ QuickTime screen recordings may produce corrupted videos or cause an exception when run on machines with NVDIA graphics
⁃ Installation of Final Cut Studio 3 may cause a hang unless Automatic Graphics Switching is disabled in Energy Saver Preferences

Facebook Developer Preview remains the same.

They're still referring to the GM as a developer preview... makes sense, as it's still pre-release, but is that a normal occurrence?
I've been using ML with Amplitube 3 for over a month now and no problems whatsoever. Upgraded to Gold Master this morning and every things fine so far.
I've been using ML with Amplitube 3 for over a month now and no problems whatsoever. Upgraded to Gold Master this morning and every things fine so far.

Thanks a lot :) This could be a quick update after all! I'll hang back and let the servers calm down a bit though, and see if there are any big issues with the final release that no-one has experienced yet in terms of a DAW or audio interface.
Absolutely no issues here running Mountain Lion, but I did have some problems during the installation. For some reason I had to disconnect all my USB devices since the install would fail then reboot then repeat. Once I unplugged everything except for the power it went smoothly. Besides having to reinstall a couple drivers, the upgrade seems to have went well. I don't notice any performance issues when compared to Lion. I ran DP4 in a VM, so I can't comment on speed improvements there. I am really liking the new dock design and that all the software updates were moved to the App store. Also, Safari 6 is a major improvement over 5.
Absolutely no issues here running Mountain Lion, but I did have some problems during the installation. For some reason I had to disconnect all my USB devices since the install would fail then reboot then repeat. Once I unplugged everything except for the power it went smoothly. Besides having to reinstall a couple drivers, the upgrade seems to have went well. I don't notice any performance issues when compared to Lion. I ran DP4 in a VM, so I can't comment on speed improvements there. I am really liking the new dock design and that all the software updates were moved to the App store. Also, Safari 6 is a major improvement over 5.

My install on my 2010 MB took about three hours for some reason. When the time remaining reached less than a minute, it started showing -1. It got all the way up to -1 hour 20 minutes and then I restarted. The install restarted and then went back to -1 and went all the way up to -40 and then showed that it had 20 minutes left which took about another hour. Finally it finished and I am all set.

My Google search showed that this has happened to many other people with OSX in the past.
Installed on my MBA C2D 2010 vintage. I got an update alert in the Appstore - Macbook Air SMC Firmware 1.4 update for Mountain Lion. Can't find much info on what this is meant to fix. Does it just cause your fans to permaspin?
Can someone please try Logic Pro and AmpliTube 3 (latest version) under the GM release?

I've had no issues with Logic or any of the plugins I use. If you want to try it out I'd recommend installing 10.8 on a second partition (and migrating prefs/apps), once you've tested it you can upgrade your main boot drive.
Safari not having the activity window is really annoying to me. Is there any possibility that someone will make a plugin or add-on that will bring the feature back? Or is there a way to download the old Safari similar to how people can download Quicktime 7 alongside QTX?
And yet Kotoeri languishes version after version. Japan's supposed to be a primary market for Apple. Why don't we get handwriting support too? It's practically already there.

As for Japanese IME, I feel the default one is good enough. I have used Google Jpn IME for a while and turned back to the default one. (I am not a fanboy of handwriting.)

There are fairly good third party Chinese IMEs as well, but none of them is aesthetically pleased for me. That is why I really hope Apple could improve theirs.

And talking about Japanese, I really hope Apple could ask Jiyukobo to update the fantastic Hiragino Mincho font to include all Japanese, and Chinese kanji. That is THE best Mincho font and sadly I have to substitute all simplified Chinese characters to Japanese kanji so that I can use it. They have already released the Kaku GB version, why not Mincho too?
Lol, why I say that my MacBook Pro is laggy with Mountain Lion and get down voted? Can't I state that fact?
Installed on my MBA C2D 2010 vintage. I got an update alert in the Appstore - Macbook Air SMC Firmware 1.4 update for Mountain Lion. Can't find much info on what this is meant to fix. Does it just cause your fans to permaspin?

I am using a PowerBook 12'' and still wouldn't call it vintage even though it does deserve the title more than any Macbook produced in 2010. ;)
Lol, why I say that my MacBook Pro is laggy with Mountain Lion and get down voted? Can't I state that fact?

It may be because nobody here reported that ML was "laggy" which makes your statement at the very least suspicious.

70% chance: You've made something wrong with the installation.
20% chance: You're not aware of the meaning of "laggy".
5% chance: You're simply a liar.
5% chance: ML is indeed laggy.
It may be because nobody here reported that ML was "laggy" which makes your statement at the very least suspicious.

70% chance: You've made something wrong with the installation.
20% chance: You're not aware of the meaning of "laggy".
5% chance: You're simply a liar.
5% chance: ML is indeed laggy.

Oh, yeah, sure, bugs doesn't exist and I may not suffering one!
And sure, click "Install Mountain Lion" and wait for reboot may cause many thing to go wrong! Like, I may misclick the "Agree" button.
Here's a video, is not that noticeable on video, but a normal usage on my Mac shows some lag while opening and scrolling documents. It's not flowing right and I don't know why!
And I'm not an american user, and some bugs are related to that. May have to add "lag" to the list.
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