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Loving ML on my rMBP. Fixes virtually all the lag issues and I'm enjoying the new features.
Retina macbook pro users, does it fix lag everywhere, or just safari? I'm wondering whether system wide updates have eliminated lag, or just safari updates specifically.
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Hi all,
I have following the restore on USB stick (no error, everything seems to be ok), and i am unable to boot on it and get a no entry sign after few seconds.
The USB stick is showing as a bootable device, and begin booting properly, but stall on no entry sign.
I have checked the MD5 sum of installesd.dmg, and it's ok.
I have tried on a macbook air 2012 and macbook pro 15'' 2011, same results.
I have upgraded from 10.7.4, no problem, 10.8 GM build is installed and run fine, but unable to install from scratch...

An idea ?

Thanks in advance.

A few people have posted full instructions on how to make a "proper" USB stick installer. I'll just (really) quickly summarise the method I've used since lion (and through all the DP's and with the ML GM I used last night).

1/ There is a hidden file in the root directory of the Mountain Lion dmg called BaseSystem.dmg. Use Disk Utility to restore it to your USB stick.

2/ Copy mach_kernel from the root directory of the Mountain Lion image file to the new root directory of the USB stick after BaseSystem has been restored on it.

3/ Copy /Packages from the Mountain Lion image file to /System/Installation/Packages on the USB stick (i.e. replacing the link that is already there, with the Packages folder)

Thats it. Boot using your USB stick and its done. You can fresh install, upgrade, or use it for basic emergency/recovery duties (it even has a usable safari for emergency browsing too!).


Thanks for that :) Just hope that AT3 is fine and dandy, although I think IK Multimedia will have a Mountain Lion update for it any day now.

They wont need a specific update cause it works great! Been using AT3 on DP4 and no issues what so ever. Just tried it briefly on GM and it looked just as good. Logic 9 and Digital Performer 7 both work well also. I'm not a Pro Tools user, so I have no idea if that works as it should.
just out of curiosity, how do apple pick people for these invites? or is it mainly people who have friends working in one way or another for apple, that can sign people up? :)

You got me! I don't know what their criteria is for choosing participants for AppleSeed. Many other people already selected wonder that also, but no one can come up with anything specific. In my own case, I was an Apple certified tech back in the 1980-90's, and have always owned Apple products, but I'm not active in any Apple programs, or write blogs, reviews or anything like that, nor do I know any Apple employee. But one day I had an invite in my email, and I have no idea why I was selected. :confused:
I converted to mac about 5 years ago because I was tired of windows updates constantly using system resources. I've had no such problem with OSX. I know I'm not the only convert though and if enough people jump ship I think the focus of all the young hacklettes will start aiming at OSX. Maybe it's awhile off though because mac costs so much more to buy the hardware. Unless, hackintosh boxes start popping up all over the world.

Sometimes people forget how far far far far away apple is in terms of claiming anything that will change the world on the PC marked. Smart phones yes, all good and up there.. Personal computers. Hovering around 4% marked share compared to microsofts all time low of 95%.

All I'm saying is unless apple convinces dell and HP to sell computers with osx (and let osx be installed on 3rd party hardware) apple will never really be competitor in the marked.
I have only this to say : ML is a great OS! As opposed to the turd that's been Lion.
ML is so pleasant to use, as it should be..but after Lion this comes as a truly great experience!
Finally Apple...finally
Can someone please confirm if they still have a Kernel.log in Console.

Mine appears to have vanished :confused:
I wonder if the issues with the 2010 MBP (video card) and Lion have been resolved in ML without having to take my 2010 MBP to the Apple Store for a new logic board.

If anyone has info on this, please do share!
Did everyone notice that the Nvidia driver version went from,

2.1 NVIDIA-8.0.46 - in ML DP4


2.1 NVIDIA-8.0.51 - in ML GM

Figured it could be interesting to someone :)
Yup I pirated it. Why? I wanted it today. Am I going to buy it on release day? Sorta, my rMBP has free upgrade so... anyway I'll be removing the GM one when the real version is released.
I have only this to say : ML is a great OS! As opposed to the turd that's been Lion.
ML is so pleasant to use, as it should be..but after Lion this comes as a truly great experience!
Finally Apple...finally

Have to agree. This is the first OS upgrade that felt like the actual OS was upgraded and not just a few features added here and there. Giving new life to some older Macs. Loving it so far.
I'm sure this has been asked and probably answered, but if I got my hands on the GM dmg but am not a developer nor are registered can I just install right from my MBA?

Thanks guys! Way too tired to scroll through all these pages, lol.
Yup I pirated it. Why? I wanted it today. Am I going to buy it on release day? Sorta, my rMBP has free upgrade so... anyway I'll be removing the GM one when the real version is released.

If you're going to spam the internet with updates on insignificant life events try Twitter or Facebook.
I'm sure this has been asked and probably answered, but if I got my hands on the GM dmg but am not a developer nor are registered can I just install right from my MBA?

Thanks guys! Way too tired to scroll through all these pages, lol.

Yes, it will upgrade your existing installation by default.
Installed on my MBA C2D 2010 vintage. I got an update alert in the Appstore - Macbook Air SMC Firmware 1.4 update for Mountain Lion. Can't find much info on what this is meant to fix. Does it just cause your fans to permaspin?

My 2011 mid mini is keeping the fans on high which is new since GM. iStat is no longer reporting temperatures.
OSX 10.8 install require WIFI and sign in with apple ID ?

restored the GM to USB drive. i was going to install it on early 2008 MBP to test it before i put on my 2012 MBP. But i encounter messages like: you need to be connected to internet to verity.... bla bla.

if i connect, it asks for apple ID and even if i sign it it says this account did not purchase MT....

what the hell ?!
how long did apple usually wait in earlier releases of GM versions of the Mac OS before announcing it to the public?
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