Thabnks for the reply! I do have the Supplemental update, and verified it's working well per the posts here. I am not on Mojave however. Is that why? (Not complaining mind you just curious what the difference is).
Could be why since BridgeOS version is 2.4.1 on 10.13.6 and is 3.0 on 10.14
Will see of members of this forum that are experiencing crashes have the same firmware version as you. Unfortunately, I haven't seen so far any feedback from other persons using Mojave.
So far, I 'd say
if this issue is software related, it seems to need some specific factors to be combined so the OS would crash. Otherwise, it can only be hardware. And Apple's reaction to offer a replacement unit when you call them about this issue is really strange. To me,
it looks like admitting there is a hardware issue. But how could a hardware issue be on an iMac and a MacBook Pro, be related to sleep status when one is a desktop (always power plugged in) and the other one is a laptop (which is power plugged in or on battery).
Another option would be that Bridge OS crashes are just a symptom of something else going wrong, not a proof that Bridge OS or the T2 are the culprit. Which would explain why focusing on Bridge OS firmware version or macOS version does not help us guess what to look at to make sense of all these crashes.