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macrumors regular
Nov 18, 2006
I don't think so mate. It's a T2 chip related issue and T2 chip is only used on iMac Pro 2018 and mbp 2018. Perhaps some other factors are responsible for whatever happened on you 2017 mbp.

Mate I disagree, see my error report below:
Mon Jul 23 15:18:24 2018

*** Panic Report ***
panic(cpu 2 caller 0xffffff7fa19c8cf5): "Failed to complete supporting devices sleep/wake\n"@/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/
Backtrace (CPU 2), Frame : Return Address
0xffffff921ba2bbf0 : 0xffffff801ec6c1c6
0xffffff921ba2bc40 : 0xffffff801ed95274
0xffffff921ba2bc80 : 0xffffff801ed87544
0xffffff921ba2bcf0 : 0xffffff801ec1e1e0
0xffffff921ba2bd10 : 0xffffff801ec6bc3c
0xffffff921ba2be40 : 0xffffff801ec6b9fc
0xffffff921ba2bea0 : 0xffffff7fa19c8cf5
0xffffff921ba2bed0 : 0xffffff801eca5844
0xffffff921ba2bf40 : 0xffffff801eca53a5
0xffffff921ba2bfa0 : 0xffffff801ec1d557
Kernel Extensions in backtrace:[CCE30882-1413-3FEB-ACDD-077C8D1DABE7]@0xffffff7fa19c7000->0xffffff7fa19ccfff

BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task

Mac OS version:

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 17.7.0: Thu Jun 21 22:53:14 PDT 2018; root:xnu-4570.71.2~1/RELEASE_X86_64
Kernel UUID: 1AE5ACFD-3B6F-3D74-AD52-31F1430DBC6F
Kernel slide: 0x000000001ea00000
Kernel text base: 0xffffff801ec00000
__HIB text base: 0xffffff801eb00000
System model name: MacBookPro14,2 (Mac-CAD6701F7CEA0921)

I think it is a kernel problem for all of us. So is this so different to your problem?


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
One thing I do have differently, is that I don't have Siri turned on. I wonder if my stability is related to not having Siri enabled.
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macrumors 6502a
Jul 8, 2011
One thing I do have differently, is that I don't have Siri turned on. I wonder if my stability is related to not having Siri enabled.

At this point, with the little we know, it could be anything. For some context, when mine crashed I believe I had Safari open (with a few tabs), iTerm 2 (with a couple of Node processes running), Visual Studio Code, Docker (with 1 CPU and 1 GB RAM allocated to run a Prisma server), Spotify, Messages, Things, 1Password, Mail, and Backblaze. It was connected to an LG 27UD69P 4K monitor via a Thunderbolt to DisplayPort cable. FileVault enabled. Fresh macOS install on day 1 to get rid of the "crypto_val" messages. Completely standard issue stuff.

I'm interested to see where all this stuff goes over the coming weeks. Hopefully we'll get a random macOS update one day and these crashes will be a thing of the past. Fingers crossed.


macrumors 65816
Apr 25, 2011
I wonder if my stability is related to not having Siri enabled.
I have her turned off as well (I don't need to talk to my gadgets), and I haven't had any bridge OS crashes either. Of course, I've only had the laptop for a few days; some here have gone 6+ days without a crash as I recall... So touch wood. :)


macrumors regular
Jul 5, 2008
One thing I do have differently, is that I don't have Siri turned on. I wonder if my stability is related to not having Siri enabled.

I have siri turned off as well, and have had numerous crashes.

I haven't read this entire thread - has there been discussion about FileVault on vs off? I have it turned on FWIW.


macrumors 65816
Apr 25, 2011
I haven't read this entire thread - has there been discussion about FileVault on vs off? I have it turned on FWIW.
No crashes so far, I have siri off, filevault on - but on or off is just a technicality from what I seem to have gathered on forums, as the T2 encrypts data in either case, but doesn't requre a passkey to read the disk if filevault is off. ...Or something like that anyway. :)


macrumors member
Sep 22, 2016
Do you guys think is fault hardware or it can be fixed with software? I'm buying the 2018 Pro 15", and I'm hesitant with it cause of the issues I see guys reporting.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 8, 2011
Do you guys think is fault hardware or it can be fixed with software? I'm buying the 2018 Pro 15", and I'm hesitant with it cause of the issues I see guys reporting.

If you need one, just buy it. You have a 14 day return period which has been extended (up to 30 days) for quite a few people. Nobody knows yet whether it's hardware or software. Some people have multiple crashes a day and some haven't (yet) had one.


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
I have siri turned off as well, and have had numerous crashes.

I haven't read this entire thread - has there been discussion about FileVault on vs off? I have it turned on FWIW.
That's a bummer :(

I also have FV turned on


macrumors 65816
Apr 25, 2011
Some people have multiple crashes a day and some haven't (yet) had one.
It's likely that "some" having crashes are a few percent of sold units at most, and "some" who haven't is everyone else, IE overwhelmingly vast majority.

Forums tend to magnify issues through echo effect, IE you hear from those having problems - because naturally those having problems post about it seeking help, or to vent their frustrations. Whereas those with no problems have little or no urge to reach out - especially if they're not already a member of a forum such as this one. So it skews the sample selection towards a greater proportion of those having issues. Whereas if this was a very widespread thing it would most likely have prompted immediate action from Apple.

Right now it seems to be not quite worth their bother to spend a lot of resources on, considering this issue has been around since T2 chip Macs first launched.
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Jul 3, 2011
Happy Jack, AZ
It's likely that "some" having crashes are a few percent of sold units at most, and "some" who haven't is everyone else, IE overwhelmingly vast majority.

Forums tend to magnify issues through echo effect, IE you hear from those having problems - because naturally those having problems post about it seeking help, or to vent their frustrations. Whereas those with no problems have little or no urge to reach out - especially if they're not already a member of a forum such as this one. So it skews the sample selection towards a greater proportion of those having issues. Whereas if this was a very widespread thing it would most likely have prompted immediate action from Apple.

Right now it seems to be not quite worth their bother to spend a lot of resources on, considering this issue has been around since T2 chip Macs first launched.

I agree that those with the issues speak louder than those who are not experiencing the issue... however, to those with the issue, it's a major problem. Who knows what the actual percentage of the T2 machine owners are affected, but if you are experiencing the issue, you are 100% affected.


macrumors newbie
Jun 23, 2003
It's likely that "some" having crashes are a few percent of sold units at most, and "some" who haven't is everyone else, IE overwhelmingly vast majority.

It also might be the case that this problem occurs more frequently, but in a manner that is not obvious to the casual user.

I've been following this thread for a while since I recently bought a 2018 MBP 13" i5 16GB 1TB (upgraded from a 2010 MBP 15").

I didn't think I had any problems until I read the comment about having to log on to re-enable Touch ID. That's happened to me a couple of times, but I didn't think anything of it, since that doesn't look like an obvious problem.

So I checked my log file, and here's what I found:

{"timestamp":"2018-08-11 00:28:24.61 +0000","bug_type":"193","os_version":"Bridge OS 2.4.1 (15P6703)","incident_id":"0D772EB8-43EB-4D7E-9FCF-1CE6A4407105"}

I haven't seen any posts about bug 193. I count 7 errors in this log directory, daily starting August 4th around midnight.

I'm going to open a case with Apple later today.
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macrumors newbie
Aug 4, 2018
Missouri, USA
So i had my 2nd machine come in yesterday, did a wipe on drive and reinstalled OS clean, still had the same bridge OS 2.4.1 bug if i put my new laptop to sleep (connected to a usb-c external monitor).
At this point I think this looks more like a software bug than a hardware one as it is quite unlikely that two different machines would have the same issue (unless of course, i'm very unlucky, so i could be wrong).

Also did some digging around crash report:

"build" : "Bridge OS 2.4.1 (15P6703)",
  "crashReporterKey" : "c0dec0dec0dec0dec0dec0dec0dec0dec0de0001",
  "date" : "2018-08-11 00:03:13.85 +0000",
  "incident" : "94D22F03-EB61-4F4A-BED7-66A1CEA450D5",
  "kernel" : "Darwin Kernel Version 17.7.0: Fri Jul  6 19:25:51 PDT 2018; root:xnu-4570.71.3~1\/RELEASE_ARM64_T8010",
  "macOSOtherString" : "\n** In Memory Panic Stackshot Succeeded ** Bytes Traced 821440 **\n",
  "macOSPanicFlags" : "0x4",
  "macOSPanicString" : "panic(cpu 6 caller 0xffffff801e2fab10): \"Sleep\/Wake hang detected\"@\/BuildRoot\/Library\/Caches\/\/Sources\/xnu\/xnu-4570.71.3\/iokit\/Kernel\/IOPMrootDomain.cpp:9838\nBacktrace (CPU 6), Frame : Return Address\n0xffffff8219c83b60 : 0xffffff801dc6c1c6 \n0xffffff8219c83bb0 :

Looks like during sleep T2 chip tried to wake up mac for some updates and hence cause some panic in memory (not an expert here, again i could be wrong)? So i disabled power nap while connected to power source & seems to be fine for now. Will continue to monitor and report back.
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Jul 3, 2011
Happy Jack, AZ
Well,I can cross this Laptop off my list!

Why do you say that? Mine has none of the issues at this point. Never had the KPs, nor the Bridge OS errors. A simple wipe/reinstall resolved the crypto_val errors in short order. Many others have no issue. It seems somewhat short-sighted to dismiss a product based on a relatively few people with problems.
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macrumors newbie
Oct 25, 2014
Bologna Italy
I would like to buy the 2018 MBP too but with all these problems (crash, speakers problem) I will wait and if I had already bought it I would ask for a refund.
Apple must give the best and perfect products to their customers. I accept to pay more then others company offers only because Apple is perfect.
My advise is not to buy and eventually ask for refund, until they solve all the issues.


macrumors 6502
Aug 6, 2015
I would like to buy the 2018 MBP too but with all these problems (crash, speakers problem) I will wait and if I had already bought it I would ask for a refund.
Apple must give the best and perfect products to their customers. I accept to pay more then others company offers only because Apple is perfect.
My advise is not to buy and eventually ask for refund, until they solve all the issues.
Well we are here mainly discussing an issue a few of all the buyers encountered. Don't see how this feedback helps in any ways.
Plus people are plenty aware of their right for a refund if needed.


macrumors 68020
Dec 7, 2016
Seattle, WA
I would like to buy the 2018 MBP too but with all these problems (crash, speakers problem) I will wait and if I had already bought it I would ask for a refund.
Apple must give the best and perfect products to their customers. I accept to pay more then others company offers only because Apple is perfect.
My advise is not to buy and eventually ask for refund, until they solve all the issues.
Even with a random BridgeOS crash (only when sleeping) this is without the fastest Mac I have ever owned. I (and many others) are perfectly fine with waiting for Apple to resolve the problem (as they undoubtedly will). If you run for the hills every time you experience a bug, you’ll never own a computer.


macrumors newbie
Oct 25, 2014
Bologna Italy
Well we are here mainly discussing an issue a few of all the buyers encountered. Don't see how this feedback helps in any ways.
Plus people are plenty aware of their right for a refund if needed.

it was only my opinion in response to those who asked whether to proceed with the purchase or wait and who is in doubt whether to request a replacement or refunds.
It could be helpful for someone not for you but maybe others.


macrumors newbie
Aug 11, 2018
Why do you say that? Mine has none of the issues at this point. Never had the KPs, nor the Bridge OS errors. A simple wipe/reinstall resolved the crypto_val errors in short order. Many others have no issue. It seems somewhat short-sighted to dismiss a product based on a relatively few people with problems.

Just curious. For those who have no issues so far, do you have Time Machine enabled?

I have the same random crash and reboot issue with bug_type 210 and Bridge OS 2.4.1. This reboot seems to happen when TM is trying to perform backup to Time Capsule. But it does not crash everytime the backup happens. Nothing connected to the usb-c.

This is actually the third Macbook Pro 2018 with TB that I received. This one and the second MBP had this bug_type 210 when performing the first TM backup. Two days ago, I wiped out and reinstalled MacOS on this (Third) machine and it crashed again on the first TM backup. I'm disabling TM now to to test if this is the culprit on my end. Mine is still within the return window and thinking if I should exchange it again.


Jul 3, 2011
Happy Jack, AZ
Just curious. For those who have no issues so far, do you have Time Machine enabled?

I have the same random crash and reboot issue with bug_type 210 and Bridge OS 2.4.1. This reboot seems to happen when TM is trying to perform backup to Time Capsule. But it does not crash everytime the backup happens. Nothing connected to the usb-c.

This is actually the third Macbook Pro 2018 with TB that I received. This one and the second MBP had this bug_type 210 when performing the first TM backup. Two days ago, I wiped out and reinstalled MacOS on this (Third) machine and it crashed again on the first TM backup. I'm disabling TM now to to test if this is the culprit on my end. Mine is still within the return window and thinking if I should exchange it again.

I have enabled FileVault and use Time Machine, and back up wireless to a Synology NAS... don't have a Time Capsule device.


macrumors member
Aug 4, 2018
Adding a new data point with 2018 15" i9/32GB (High Sierra 10.13.6 with supplemental update, BridgeOS firmware 15P6703):

four days ago, first KP on day 16 while in sleep with TB3->TB2 connected to Apple Thunderbolt Display. Checked the log, viola bridgeOS.

I haven't experienced the same KP for the last three days.

One strange thing I noticed though:

it's known that MBP can wake up by itself during sleep, usually it's only for short period and it shouldn't heat up much (DarkWake, I assume this is Power Nap). But with this MBP I often observe extended wake period (30 to 60 minutes) with the machine heating up to typical operational temperature. I went through all the logs, no clue so far.


I had monitor tool running when it's awake (see attach pic). it happens rather inconsistently (0/1 per night to 4-5 times per night) .

Btw, I usually have the machine attached to power and DELL U2718q monitor (via USB C to DisplayPort cable) during sleep. My machine does have FileVault turned on from day 0.

I spoke to Apple Support yesterday. Their reaction "What do you want us to do?" and offered for an appointment with local Genius Bar.

If replacement is really a fix I might go down that route if it happens again.


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