I am seeing "AppleACPIPlatformPower Wake reason: EC.ARPT (Maintenance)" entries in power management logs every few minutes when my macbook pro is put to sleep via menu bar > sleep.
I'm assuming ARPT refers to Airport ie WIFI ?
Doesn't seem normal and I am wonder if its related to the BridgeOS crash.
I have 'Wake from WI-FI network access' disabled.
If I turn off WIFI and then sleep it stops appearing in the log.
To get the output I run this: log show --start 2018-08-14 --style syslog | fgrep "Wake reason"
Can someone who the BridgeOS issue confirm if they see this in their logs ?
I don't seem to have this issue on my macbook air when I check the logs, connected to the same network / router.
2018-08-14 18:00:23.694499+1000 localhost kernel[0]: (AppleACPIPlatform) AppleACPIPlatformPower Wake reason: EC.ARPT (Maintenance)
2018-08-14 18:00:23.694500+1000 localhost kernel[0]: (AppleACPIPlatform) AppleACPIPlatformPower Wake reason: EC.ARPT (Maintenance)
2018-08-14 18:00:38.355241+1000 localhost corespeechd[309]: [com.apple.corespeech:Framework] -[CSHostDaemon _isWakeReasonVoiceTrigger] Wake reason: <private>
2018-08-14 18:00:38.355246+1000 localhost corespeechd[309]: [com.apple.corespeech:Framework] -[CSHostDaemon _getPowerAssertionIfWakenByVoiceTriggerNotFromS3Sleep] Wake reason is not VoiceTrigger or it wake from S0i
2018-08-14 18:00:38.751203+1000 localhost kernel[0]: (AppleTopCaseHIDEventDriver) [HID] [ATC] AppleDeviceManagementHIDEventService:
rocessWakeReason Wake reason: Host (0x01)
2018-08-14 18:00:49.551375+1000 localhost kernel[0]: (AppleTopCaseHIDEventDriver) [HID] [ATC] AppleDeviceManagementHIDEventService:
rocessWakeReason Wake reason: Host (0x01)