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Jul 28, 2018
Birmingham, Alabama
Seriously, I am not spending any more money on anything Apple. I am on open forums and comments on youtube saying out loud, I will not do business with Apple - not just Macs. No more iphones, ipads, nada. That's what I'm doing to get their attention. Let them take a big hit in quarterly earnings and they might finally take notice. You bend the will of a company by boycotting them. You talk smack about them every chance you get and keep up the pressure. That's the only thing I know how to do to get their attention. If they can't make a computer that works, why would anyone keep buying it? These guys are nobody special, they don't care about you or your problems. Why pay them for that experience? It's not just the T2 chip. Somebody at Apple has screwed up the code so bad that it crashes any Mac you can buy. I've seen this same screen on 4 different iMacs over the last two years. I had less crashes on Windows in 24 years than I've had with Apple in the last two years. I don't care why it's crashing, that's Apple's problem. They don't care that my Macs have crashed, obviously by their complete silence and ignoring all of these threads.
After two years, I don't need any more evidence that they aren't working on this. The culture of Apple has obviously changed. Their computers are over-priced and underpowered and thermally run too hot. You can buy anything Apple makes for half the price and get a better build. The ONLY reason I used them was for nine years the OS was rock solid.
Now, it's a buggy piece of garbage. Windows 10 is now a better platform than Apple. I thought that would never happen. It just did..... why do I say that? Because I've just spent the last nine months researching Apple and how to find a replacement PC and software for Logic. I don't want a PC, I now have no alternative, it's more reliable. Where's Tim Cook? cricket noises.... they owe all of us an apology and a new computer. I've invested thousands of dollars in their products. Tim, if you're listening: you just lost a really good customer...... I want Tim Cook to personally give me an iMac Pro. Then I want a follow up every month from Apple's engineering for a year to see if I've had ANY crashes. I want the Heads at Apple to make a video that will be released on Youtube for all to see whether or not their iMac Pro works for a year without a crash. I want the top guys at Apple to take responsibility for their garbage......after a year, if I've had NO crashes, I will personally apologize to Apple and pay them full price for the iMac Pro. That's the only way they get my business back. I don't trust Apple any more. Without trust, you don't have a company or customers. Trust me, I'm not expecting any response from Apple... lol......

Though the frustration in your post is understandable, because it is almost word for word what some people have written for over 15 years, it is also misplaced. It always has been a misplaced opinion and I hope it doesn't annoy you to hear that. Let me explain why without wanting to get into any tiresome debate about it.

I have spent many thousands of dollars on Macs and PCs. If I tell you how much I spent your mouth will drop. Your eyes will fall out. I will keep doing it too.

macOS and Windows both have bugs. It's damn hard for an OS not to have obvious bugs, especially when new hardware comes out and you're dealing with first generation firmware and drivers. My PCs always need to be updated weekly or monthly. The motherboard BIOS is updated frequently to iron out performance and compatibility issues.

But here's big reason why I have both platforms. Because all computers are not the same.

I wouldn't use a PC for design, writing, reading or graphics work. It can be done completely well, but Windows font handling is not good on the eyes and color profile management is a pain in the ass. Apple knows this and that's why their platform is built mostly for students and creatives who work in writing, journalism, photography and design.

Macs are built for those sectors in mind. Writers, students, photographers and graphics designers don't need or want thick laptops. They need to be mobile and comfortable. A lot of research goes into designing Macs. They know who their bread and butter users are.

If you want a slim laptop for rendering CG or 4K/8K video you're out of luck. You'll need a thick laptop or one with a large footprint. Even when you have that, the software and media content will keep consuming more and more power. You will always have hot laptops, even if you go thick and large.

That's why people should use different tools for each type of usage, for the same reason a carpenter has different tools for different actions.

- Use a PC or console for gaming.
- Use a PC or Mac desktop workstation if you need to render the type of media content that requires a machine with suitable cooling and expandable storage.
- Use a Mac laptop if you're a student, creative or someone who needs portability and user friendliness.

Some people can argue 'I can't afford all that!' but if you're student you have a discount and if you're a pro you have tax deductions. The 'system' we live in does want to help you buy stuff.

Apple could introduce an low to mid-range desktop computer for gamers or casual semi-professionals but the demand and the developers have to be there first.
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macrumors 68000
Mar 7, 2017
Is anyone here still in contact with those higher-up Apple support people? Are there any updates from them?
I am in contact with with a few. Still getting the awful "this is the first I have heard of this issue, but I will get it to engineering" comment... So no, no new info.
I just had to try something yesterday as last resort and upgraded my MBP to Mojave beta.I finished the upgrade, used it for a while, and closed the machine to sleep for the night. This morning when I woke it up, it crashed, yes, bridge os crash, very first sleep. So..., given for how long this has been going on, possible multiple hardware (iMac, MBP), multiple versions of BridgeOS, etc, at this moment I don't see Apple coming up with a fix anytime soon. In the meantime, they continue releasing hardware and OS with the same bug. I'm returning my machine tomorrow (or do they answer the phone on Sundays?). I haven't sold yet my 2012 MBP (the original retina MBP, still useful) so will just go back to that, needed a bit more power, but can't live with a laptop that can't sleep after spending 4 grand on it.
I figured that this upgrading to Mojave beta was not a fix. Bottom line is that Apple are just too busy with the next iPhone to care. And for those of you that keep exchanging machines, you are wasting your time...
Seriously, I am not spending any more money on anything Apple. I am on open forums and comments on youtube saying out loud, I will not do business with Apple - not just Macs. No more iphones, ipads, nada. That's what I'm doing to get their attention. Let them take a big hit in quarterly earnings and they might finally take notice. You bend the will of a company by boycotting them. You talk smack about them every chance you get and keep up the pressure. That's the only thing I know how to do to get their attention. If they can't make a computer that works, why would anyone keep buying it? These guys are nobody special, they don't care about you or your problems. Why pay them for that experience? It's not just the T2 chip. Somebody at Apple has screwed up the code so bad that it crashes any Mac you can buy. I've seen this same screen on 4 different iMacs over the last two years. I had less crashes on Windows in 24 years than I've had with Apple in the last two years. I don't care why it's crashing, that's Apple's problem. They don't care that my Macs have crashed, obviously by their complete silence and ignoring all of these threads.
After two years, I don't need any more evidence that they aren't working on this. The culture of Apple has obviously changed. Their computers are over-priced and underpowered and thermally run too hot. You can buy anything Apple makes for half the price and get a better build. The ONLY reason I used them was for nine years the OS was rock solid.
Now, it's a buggy piece of garbage. Windows 10 is now a better platform than Apple. I thought that would never happen. It just did..... why do I say that? Because I've just spent the last nine months researching Apple and how to find a replacement PC and software for Logic. I don't want a PC, I now have no alternative, it's more reliable. Where's Tim Cook? cricket noises.... they owe all of us an apology and a new computer. I've invested thousands of dollars in their products. Tim, if you're listening: you just lost a really good customer...... I want Tim Cook to personally give me an iMac Pro. Then I want a follow up every month from Apple's engineering for a year to see if I've had ANY crashes. I want the Heads at Apple to make a video that will be released on Youtube for all to see whether or not their iMac Pro works for a year without a crash. I want the top guys at Apple to take responsibility for their garbage......after a year, if I've had NO crashes, I will personally apologize to Apple and pay them full price for the iMac Pro. That's the only way they get my business back. I don't trust Apple any more. Without trust, you don't have a company or customers. Trust me, I'm not expecting any response from Apple... lol......
I feel your pain, believe me. I have done the math, and in my 24 years as an Apple customer I have literally spent over $100,000 on Apple products. Yes, you read that right, $100,000. I have owned at least one of every product that they have released. Am/was I a fanboy? Yes, I will admit that. But they are losing me now. Do they care? No they don't care. Tim Cook is a bean counter who's sole purpose is pleasing stockholders. He does not have the vision or passion that Steve had. I absolutely hate to say this, but in many ways Steve took the better part of Apple to his grave. I desperately miss the company that I once loved so much...
Though the frustration in your post is understandable, because it is almost word for word what some people have written for over 15 years, it is also misplaced. It always has been a misplaced opinion and I hope it doesn't annoy you to hear that. Let me explain why without wanting to get into any tiresome debate about it.

I have spent many thousands of dollars on Macs and PCs. If I tell you how much I spent your mouth will drop. Your eyes will fall out. I will keep doing it too.

macOS and Windows both have bugs. It's damn hard for an OS not to have obvious bugs, especially when new hardware comes out and you're dealing with first generation firmware and drivers. My PCs always need to be updated weekly or monthly. The motherboard BIOS is updated frequently to iron out performance and compatibility issues.

But here's big reason why I have both platforms. Because all computers are not the same.

I wouldn't use a PC for design, writing, reading or graphics work. It can be done completely well, but Windows font handling is not good on the eyes and color profile management is a pain in the ass. Apple knows this and that's why their platform is built mostly for students and creatives who work in writing, journalism, photography and design.

Macs are built for those sectors in mind. Writers, students, photographers and graphics designers don't need or want thick laptops. They need to be mobile and comfortable. A lot of research goes into designing Macs. They know who their bread and butter users are.

If you want a slim laptop for rendering CG or 4K/8K video you're out of luck. You'll need a thick laptop or one with a large footprint. Even when you have that, the software and media content will keep consuming more and more power. You will always have hot laptops, even if you go thick and large.

That's why people should use different tools for each type of usage, for the same reason a carpenter has different tools for different actions.

- Use a PC or console for gaming.
- Use a PC or Mac desktop workstation if you need to render the type of media content that requires a machine with suitable cooling and expandable storage.
- Use a Mac laptop if you're a student, creative or someone who needs portability and user friendliness.

Some people can argue 'I can't afford all that!' but if you're student you have a discount and if you're a pro you have tax deductions. The 'system' we live in does want to help you buy stuff.

Apple could introduce an low to mid-range desktop computer for gamers or casual semi-professionals but the demand and the developers have to be there first.
I appreciate your sentiment but respectfully disagree, as you seem to have missed the whole point here. And that is you are talking as if Apple products haven't been suffering from an enormous upswing of very serious issues. It would be one thing if you wrote this a long time ago, I would wholeheartedly agree with you. But you are talking about the Apple of 2018.

Apple has lost/is losing its way as a computer company geared at the professional creatives. They are obviously transitioning into a consumer tablet/phone company. To say that you cannot see this would be utter denial. What so many are angry about here is the trend we are seeing.

As far as your statement about our eyes falling out over how much money you've spent; I am certain my number would startle you as well.

I am not here as a hater, but as someone who has desperately wanted to see Apple succeed and to get better. They are however choosing to blatantly ignore and turn their back on their loyal customers.
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macrumors regular
Nov 18, 2006
I am in contact with with a few. Still getting the awful "this is the first I have heard of this issue, but I will get it to engineering" comment... So no, no new info.
I figured that this upgrading to Mojave beta was not a fix. Bottom line is that Apple are just too busy with the next iPhone to care. And for those of you that keep exchanging machines, you are wasting your time...
I feel your pain, believe me. I have done the math, and in my 24 years as an Apple customer I have literally spent over $100,000 on Apple products. Yes, you read that right, $100,000. I have owned at least one of every product that they have released. Am/was I a fanboy? Yes, I will admit that. But they are losing me now. Do they care? No they don't care. Tim Cook is a bean counter who's sole purpose is pleasing stockholders. He does not have the vision or passion that Steve had. I absolutely hate to say this, but in many ways Steve took Apple to his grave. I desperately miss the company that I once loved so much...
I appreciate your sentiment but regretfully disagree, as you seem to have missed the whole point here. And that is you are talking as if Apple products haven't been suffering from an enormous upswing of very serious issues. It would be one thing if you wrote this a long time ago, I would wholeheartedly agree with you. But you are talking about the Apple of 2018.

Apple has lost/is losing its way as a computer company geared at the professional creatives. They are obviously transitioning into a consumer tablet/phone company. To say that you cannot see this would be utter denial. What so many are angry about here is the trend we are seeing.

As far as your statement about our eyes falling out over how much money you've spent; I am certain my number would startle you as well.

I am not here as a hater, but as someone who has desperately wanted to see Apple succeed and to get better. They are however choosing to completely ignore and turn their back on their loyal customers.

Spot on - you nailed it. Its true they are all too busy focusing on the small mac community.


Oct 14, 2013
Quick feedback, the chime issue is also "available" on my replacement unit... At least my Touch ID button is properly fixed.

Chime issue is when the computer suddenly makes a charging sound without any interaction randomly?

I also have some issues that are centuries old, like if your keyboard isn't Apple keyboard, you will have to unplug/plug USB to get it working again after deep sleep. "Show desktop" won't work after it is assigned to a mouse button (all Logitechs I have owned) after using it for a while, but will come back again after reboot. I also have to manually killall Dock in Terminal to keep the dock from blocking the screen when in fullscreen with movies after using an external display and going back to just the MacBook Pros internal display. These are bugs that have been in OS X/macOS for 10 years.

The RTX 2080 Ti is launching tomorrow, I have a DOA claim confirmed and I may jump ship...
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macrumors 601
Nov 6, 2011
Highlands Ranch, CO
And for those of you that keep exchanging machines, you are wasting your time...

You are very likely correct, but since the replacement is arriving tomorrow, I will at least give it a try. If that doesn’t work out, I think I may pick up a Razer Blade and give that a try. It may not be the thing to say in these forums, but I actually really like Windows 10 and the two things keeping me from looking at the Razer was the annoyance with the secondary functions not being backlit and the Apple Ecosystem.

Except lately it appears that the Apple Ecosystem has been in a state of decay and I rarely use my laptop in low light, so... it’s looking more appealing and a second machine with problems may be the trigger to make the jump


macrumors 6502a
Jul 8, 2011
At this point I'm pretty sure my replacement 13" (arriving in 4 days apparently) will be going back and I'll be getting a refund. I'm just not interested in owning a model with such problems. Yes, I know it's new and that fixes will likely come but it's not a good feeling spending so much and having to put up with stuff like this, hoping it'll be sorted. I still have my work MacBook Pro (2015 13") so that'll have to do for a bit for personal stuff. I think I'll actually keep an eye on what happens with the iMac line in the coming months. That said, I can see it now... the updated (non-Pro) iMac will get an updated CPU and will come with the revolutionary T2 chip and all of the lovely Bridge OS problems. :rolleyes:


macrumors 68000
Mar 7, 2017
At this point I'm pretty sure my replacement 13" (arriving in 4 days apparently) will be going back and I'll be getting a refund. I'm just not interested in owning a model with such problems. Yes, I know it's new and that fixes will likely come but it's not a good feeling spending so much and having to put up with stuff like this, hoping it'll be sorted. I still have my work MacBook Pro (2015 13") so that'll have to do for a bit for personal stuff. I think I'll actually keep an eye on what happens with the iMac line in the coming months. That said, I can see it now... the updated (non-Pro) iMac will get an updated CPU and will come with the revolutionary T2 chip and all of the lovely Bridge OS problems. :rolleyes:
That is exactly what I suspect will happen with the late 2018 iMac to come as well. It will definitely have a T2 chip. This is the foreshadowing of the transition away from Intel and to the molding of macOS and iOS together. SMH


Jul 28, 2018
Birmingham, Alabama

Apple has lost/is losing its way as a computer company geared at the professional creatives. They are obviously transitioning into a consumer tablet/phone company. To say that you cannot see this would be utter denial.

I’m not going to debate this further. Apparently when I visit dozens of brands, studios and offices and they have thousands of Macs between them and very few PCs (mostly budget systems for secretaries and receptionists), then you think I’m seeing illusions and that I’m in denial.


macrumors 68000
Mar 7, 2017
I’m not going to debate this further. Apparently when I visit dozens of brands, studios and offices and they have thousands of Macs between them and very few PCs (mostly budget systems for secretaries and receptionists), then you think I’m seeing illusions and that I’m in denial.
Yep, when you visit studios NOW you see tons of Macs. That trend may be changing very soon and very quickly. I happen to be one of those studio guys. Again, you are are not addressing the Apple of 2018.
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macrumors 6502a
Jul 8, 2011
That is exactly what I suspect will happen with the late 2018 iMac to come as well. It will definitely have a T2 chip. This is the foreshadowing of the transition away from Intel and to the molding of macOS and iOS together. SMH

Yeah, it's possible. What I'd also hate to see, likely or not, is that any newer models – a new iMac, for example – would get a newer T2 and people with the current iMac Pro and new MacBook Pro would be stuck in endless replacement cycles or they'd just be potentially due a crash at some point. It's still entirely possible that there are new ones that don't have this issue but more and more people seem to be jumping on this now so it's hardly making any of us feel better about it.

I held off getting a 2017 MacBook Pro because of the keyboard and I feel bad for the people now who are stuck with that model and can only get repair after repair if it messes up. It's such a shame as I was really excited about this MacBook Pro. Again, I've had just one Bridge OS restart but I've had a bunch of other weird things (like this, for example, which has been much worse than that single restart).
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macrumors 6502
Sep 12, 2008
I am following this thread and very eager to hear of its conclusion, just want to say a lot of people are reading this and assuming this mac pro is faulty. I have had mine a month now and haven't had 1 single Bridge os crash. Its been rebooted about 3 times in this period and is constantly on sleep (lid closed) for 3/4 of the night/day. If it is a software/setting issue (and not hardware) I wonder if its because I didn't set up as a new machine, I restored from time machine from my 2012 MBpro Retina. Maybe some setting carried over that doesn't cause the mac to crash ( like some setting in el capitan that has carried through due to me installing every update over itself since then) that a fresh install of high sierra doesn't have, just an idea!

that's kind of a mystery to me, why some people don't have any issues. must be the use pattern. unless it is a manufacturing issue? are all machines made in china? was yours a BTO?


Jul 28, 2018
Birmingham, Alabama
Yep, when you visit studios NOW you see tons of Macs. That trend may be changing very soon and very quickly. I happen to be one of those studio guys. Again, you are are not addressing the Apple of 2018.

It's not going to change in the foreseeable. Even the failure to bring out new Mac Pros in 4 years didn't change it. Business just stick to Macs for what Macs are good for and PCs for what PCs are good for. They don't go online and wet themselves in front of thousands of people about it.

Apple will maintain an easy to use friendly OS and keep introducing industry firsts. Almost every issue you see complaining about on forums are related to first generation drivers and firmware issues. All eventually fixed.

Y So Jelly

macrumors regular
Sep 14, 2013
Just got the new 13" MBP w/ touchbar yesterday after my 2013 MBA display stopped working. This thread does not make me feel easy as I was hoping to get another 5 years out of this one.

If I were to return it what would you recommend?

I see the Huawei Matebook X Pro has overheating issues, the Thinkpad X1 Carbon has build quality issues, and though the Air is still around, buying a new laptop with 768P screen in 2018 makes me feel like a sucker.


macrumors P6
Mar 19, 2008
Man - This is tough stuff to read - I feel bad for all you guys who've gone in with big bucks on these new machines and have this crap happening.

(disclosure - I'm typing away happily on my 100% problem free for 3+ years 2015 model)

This is so maddening. The keyboard - the T2 - some other issues also.
All of these issues and problems are 100% of Apple's own making by their own design decisions
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macrumors member
Jul 13, 2018
that's kind of a mystery to me, why some people don't have any issues. must be the use pattern. unless it is a manufacturing issue? are all machines made in china? was yours a BTO?
Mine is a standard 2.6 bought from John Lewis (Dep't Store) rather than direct from apple


macrumors 6502
Oct 9, 2014
Madison, WI
I am in contact with with a few. Still getting the awful "this is the first I have heard of this issue, but I will get it to engineering" comment... So no, no new info.
I figured that this upgrading to Mojave beta was not a fix. Bottom line is that Apple are just too busy with the next iPhone to care. And for those of you that keep exchanging machines, you are wasting your time...
I feel your pain, believe me. I have done the math, and in my 24 years as an Apple customer I have literally spent over $100,000 on Apple products. Yes, you read that right, $100,000. I have owned at least one of every product that they have released. Am/was I a fanboy? Yes, I will admit that. But they are losing me now. Do they care? No they don't care. Tim Cook is a bean counter who's sole purpose is pleasing stockholders. He does not have the vision or passion that Steve had. I absolutely hate to say this, but in many ways Steve took the better part of Apple to his grave. I desperately miss the company that I once loved so much...
I appreciate your sentiment but respectfully disagree, as you seem to have missed the whole point here. And that is you are talking as if Apple products haven't been suffering from an enormous upswing of very serious issues. It would be one thing if you wrote this a long time ago, I would wholeheartedly agree with you. But you are talking about the Apple of 2018.

Apple has lost/is losing its way as a computer company geared at the professional creatives. They are obviously transitioning into a consumer tablet/phone company. To say that you cannot see this would be utter denial. What so many are angry about here is the trend we are seeing.

As far as your statement about our eyes falling out over how much money you've spent; I am certain my number would startle you as well.

I am not here as a hater, but as someone who has desperately wanted to see Apple succeed and to get better. They are however choosing to blatantly ignore and turn their back on their loyal customers.

Damn - yeah I remember getting into a little disagreement with you a few weeks back over the MBP throttling, etc.

I have also returned my 2018 15" MBP after issues with it. I don't have a iMP (although I have always wanted one), but I read about your KPs on there too. This is getting absurd. I still love my 2013 13" MBP, but I needed something more up to date for a mobile workstation so I bit the bullet and went with a XPS 15. Is it perfect? Nope - but at least I get about the same or even a little bit better raw performance and as a technical person I can resolve most of my own issues while saving about $1,000.

I miss OSX though. Like really - I love it compared to W10. Last night I took a few hours to research Hackintoshes and actually got it working without any issues as a dual boot on my desktop PC - only thing that isn't working is WiFi, but I connect via ethernet, so no big deal... Nice to see that 8700k and 1070Ti on the About this Mac dialog. :D I did have to go to BBY and get a Magic Trackpad 2... OSX just isn't the same for me with a mouse - the gestures are most of the experience for me.

Anyway - I hope that everyone here with issues get it resolved at some point. I'm taking a break from Apple stuff (outside of this trackpad, haha) for awhile. The "it just works" mantra isn't as true as it used to be. Hopefully they get their sh-- in order relatively soon though. When Apple is on top of their game, they are definitely the company to beat in the tech universe.
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macrumors P6
Mar 19, 2008
The "it just works" mantra isn't as true as it used to be. Hopefully they get their sh-- in order relatively soon though. When Apple is on top of their game, they are definitely the company to beat in the tech universe.

I have to admit that I'm fairly skeptical they ever will get the Macs back in order with this particular leadership and the tiny percentage of revenue that Macs even represent.

This is quite literally "The iPhone Co." at this point.

Could you imagine if something came around to dethrone the iPhone and/or the direction of things changed dramatically and they missed it?
Apple could become the most amazing resurrection and subsequent collapse story in history.


macrumors regular
Jul 23, 2018
I have to admit that I'm fairly skeptical they ever will get the Macs back in order with this particular leadership and the tiny percentage of revenue that Macs even represent.

This is quite literally "The iPhone Co." at this point.

Could you imagine if something came around to dethrone the iPhone and/or the direction of things changed dramatically and they missed it?
Apple could become the most amazing resurrection and subsequent collapse story in history.

The problem is, it’s a fine balance between screwing over all the devs and focusing on iPhones. If/when they turn an iPad into a dev machine they will probably thoroughly ignore the Mac line up but for now they need to feign enough interest in macs so they don’t lose their devs. Or allow iPhone dev work happen on windows and Linux.


macrumors P6
Mar 19, 2008
The problem is, it’s a fine balance between screwing over all the devs and focusing on iPhones. If/when they turn an iPad into a dev machine they will probably thoroughly ignore the Mac line up but for now they need to feign enough interest in macs so they don’t lose their devs. Or allow iPhone dev work happen on windows and Linux.

Totally agree - I actually think they had dreams of iPads taking over the Mac completely by this point (misguided of course).

Tim has just never struck me as a big Mac evangelist (unfortunately).


macrumors 68000
Mar 7, 2017
Totally agree - I actually think they had dreams of iPads taking over the Mac completely by this point (misguided of course).

Tim has just never struck me as a big Mac evangelist (unfortunately).
And that is where Steve shined. The Mac was his baby. Of course it was important to him. I don't know that Tim shares the same affection for the Mac.

I could be wrong. Tim could love the Mac, but it certainly doesn't show. At least not in any believable sort of way to me...
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macrumors newbie
Aug 18, 2018
Update from my previous post--after the 3rd night post-Bridge OS 3.0 upgrade, this morning my 2018 MBP had crashed, with the following details:

"caused_by":"macos","macos_system_state":"running","bug_type":"210","os_version":"Bridge OS 3.0 (16P50361a)","timestamp":"2018-08-19 17:16:55.22 +0000",
"panicString" : "panic(cpu 0 caller 0xfffffff0268e29f4): x86 global reset detected

The "panicString" no longer says "Sleep/Wake hang detected" as it used to, but the net result is the same.

Looks like I have to go back to physically powering-down the connected devices when I want to sleep my MBP... :(


macrumors P6
Mar 19, 2008
Update from my previous post--after the 3rd night post-Bridge OS 3.0 upgrade, this morning my 2018 MBP had crashed, with the following details:

"caused_by":"macos","macos_system_state":"running","bug_type":"210","os_version":"Bridge OS 3.0 (16P50361a)","timestamp":"2018-08-19 17:16:55.22 +0000",
"panicString" : "panic(cpu 0 caller 0xfffffff0268e29f4): x86 global reset detected

The "panicString" no longer says "Sleep/Wake hang detected" as it used to, but the net result is the same.

Looks like I have to go back to physically powering-down the connected devices when I want to sleep my MBP... :(

Hey! It's like the old "safely remove hardware" from Windows! lol :D
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