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macrumors G4
Jan 12, 2008
Smyrna, TN
Curious, what's everyone's opinion on a drivers number, should the Champion be given a choice of number 1, or merely keep their main number?
Choice IMHO.

But - I think they should go back to the way they used to do the numbers.

Although I get that letting them pick gives them some branding for their "product".


macrumors G3
Dec 7, 2007
The Adirondacks.
Well, wasn't expecting this. Love or Hate him Epic Drive by Max in the RB18/HONDA. Just throw in that spare Same Spec PU and blast away......... (Apologies for being so PU Biased.)

Great drives by Lewis and George to get the W13 on Podium again. Would have been unobtainable in rain conditions in a W13. Nice to see Toto not order him to let Lewis pass.

Ferrari may not recover from this. Either Binotto or Rueda need to go over the Summer Break. I vote for Rueda to be replaced.

The 2nd Half of the season will be nothing like the first. Will be interesting to see how things play out. ;)
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macrumors G4
Jan 12, 2008
Smyrna, TN
Well, wasn't expecting this. Love or Hate him Epic Drive by Max in the RB18/HONDA. Just throw in that spare Same Spec PU and blast away......... (Apologies for being so PU Biased.)

Great drives by Lewis and George to get the W13 on Podium again. Would have been unobtainable in rain conditions in a W13. Nice to see Toto not order him to let Lewis pass.

Ferrari may not recover from this. Either Binotto or Rueda need to go over the Summer Break. I vote for Rueda to be replaced.

The 2nd Half of the season will be nothing like the first. Will be interesting to see how things play out. ;)

Time for Ferrari to throw the bank at Ross Brawn...


macrumors 68000
Jun 22, 2014
Pacific Northwest, U.S.
Darn shame that Mercedes did not have their car sorted out to the point it is today when the season began! We would have had a much different season with all three teams competitive.

Nice drive from Max. Shame that George could not get his first win, but fine result for Mercedes.

Ferrari? Sheesh. How bad can it get?

Apple fanboy

macrumors Ivy Bridge
Original poster
Feb 21, 2012
Behind the Lens, UK
Yet again Ferrari snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. They really might as well stop showing the WC points. We all know where it’s going.
Good result for Mercedes. Two drivers on the podium with the third best car.
Shame the rain didn’t come a few laps earlier for a more exciting finish.


macrumors 68000
Jun 22, 2014
Pacific Northwest, U.S.
Another observation from today's race - the new aero rules are obviously allowing cars to follow much more closely than we have seen in previous seasons. That is a real step forward in letting the drivers fight for position without being so influenced by turbulence when they did get too close.

And DRS is a worthwhile feature too, in my view, because the following car will not be able to approach within 1 second unless he is in fact faster, and DRS gives just enough additional 'push' to achieve a pass whereas in the past the difference between the cars would be too small to enable overtaking even if the following car was lapping quicker (or at least it would have been a darn sight more difficult).

All in all I feel the current rules are giving us interesting races, more passing, and more competitiveness - three teams now fighting for the top 6 places and highlighting the differences in team management that are becoming more determinative (I'm talking about you, Ferrari).

Plus we have drivers showing good performances from week to week from the other teams, getting the occasional podium and fighting for top-10 and points each week - Alonso, Vettel, and many others.

Good season, I think, even if Max will end up driving away with it. Especially bodes well for next season, I think.
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macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
Raise your hand if you were hoping VER would have some sort of failure in those last 5 laps...

It’s got to the point for me where I’m more focused on enjoying the other racing rather than his performance. He’s clearly a highly talented driver, but a very entitled personality with an immaturity we don’t see from other drivers his age and certainly not from the older racers. I struggle to like him and maybe that will change when he moves away from Horner and Marko’s egos. It’s also interesting to see no mention from his fans that Max is in the clear best car this year, when it’s reliable of course. This was something we often heard to overrule any talent Lewis had when he was winning. Alonso did say though, there’s a new type of fan that know very little about the sport but are quite brutal with their analysis.

I wouldn’t have been bothered if Max had suffered a mechanical failure in those last laps to be fair. The race had plenty of epic performances apart from his anyway.


macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
Anybody else curious about Michael Masi’s revelation that he is under an NDA with the FIA over the events from last seasons finale? The governing body are very keen for something not to get out in the public domain which suggests their publicised report clearly doesn’t contain the entire truth. Did Liberty Media get involved with ‘The Show’ and this exposes how weak the FIA really are?

Apple fanboy

macrumors Ivy Bridge
Original poster
Feb 21, 2012
Behind the Lens, UK
Anybody else curious about Michael Masi’s revelation that he is under an NDA with the FIA over the events from last seasons finale? The governing body are very keen for something not to get out in the public domain which suggests their publicised report clearly doesn’t contain the entire truth. Did Liberty Media get involved with ‘The Show’ and this exposes how weak the FIA really are?
Doesn’t surprise me. That was probably the darkest moment in F1 management.
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macrumors 68040
May 1, 2021
I said it before and I'll say it again, Ferrari need to read the 'F1 racing strategy guide for dummies' handbook... RB and Max smashed that race, Sergio seemed a bit lost though. Russell is beginning to drive dangerously in his manoeuvres and he will be penalised or cause a big crash if he's not careful, Lewis is more subtle smooth and patient in comparison, he doesn't tend to suddenly sharply dart across the track to defend at 100 plus miles an hour... not impressed with George's driving this season I have to say, driving like a total rookie but at the front of the grid.
But Ferrari Ferrari Ferrari... they had the fastest car at the beginning, they could develop it so it remains so, they nail qualifying, but they seem to have no clue about strategy and are STILL messing up their pit stops. Max is running away it which I think is the time, more the fact the main competition are falling apart!

I also thought a fair few drivers didn't think it necessary to allow space for the car next to them, and that includes Russell, yet no penalties or warnings for it? The other weekend they hammered them for it?

Oh well summer break, maybe Ferrari will work out their issues and read that handbook, otherwise they be finishing behind McLaren at this rate.
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macrumors 68040
May 1, 2021
Curious, what's everyone's opinion on a drivers number, should the Champion be given a choice of number 1, or merely keep their main number?

They are given the choice. That's why Lewis never changes from his number 44. It's entirely up to the driver if they want number 1 or stick with the usual number. Lewis thinks it gives him luck.


macrumors 68040
May 1, 2021
Seriously, if Max/Redbull win back to back championships, we will never hear the end of it...

Probably not 🤣😂🤣 but it's not their fault Mercedes screwed up their design. I give RB 3 straight years before someone beats them.


macrumors 68040
May 1, 2021
Don't get me wrong I'm fine with whomever wins.

I would like to see HAM and RUS pick up a W this season.

I really want SAI and NOR to grab some(SAI more) wins too.

I'd like to see Ferrari learn about strategy... and pit stops.. I don't think much of George with the way he was driving IMO. Lewis could have won though.

I had high hopes for Lando, shame their car seems poor with the lifespan of those softs. He was doing well.

It was a good race though, lots of awesome racing. Shame about the VSC at the end though. It's a good track, I guess that means the FIA will drop it....
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macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
Probably not but it's not their fault Mercedes screwed up their design. I give RB 3 straight years before someone beats them.

I’d say considering Mercedes’ have been the best team this year in terms of developing their car back to podium finishing positions, we may see a more competitive package by the end of this year and into next. Lewis very nearly won the British GP which is a power track. The Red Bull is faster through the corners and that’s where Mercedes’ are lacking at the moment.

The likes of Max and Lewis are the key elements in their respective teams as a complete package includes a top tier driver and I do hope the Drive to Survive crowd are starting to learn that, although I won’t hold my breath.
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