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macrumors 68040
Jun 22, 2014
It was exciting with 15 to go. Max really wasn't gaining on Lewis. Then with 10 to go all of a sudden Max engaged Warp Drive.
It was fun seeing him and Charles both going for it. Together they gained so much, but then it did start to look a bit like Max was being held back. Max was lucky it was this circuit as it allowed to overtake and have this battle. Was fun definitely.
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macrumors 68040
Jun 22, 2014
Actually the rules are very clear, and the punishment is also clear. It's so clear that's defined in the FIA Sporting and Financial Regulations. Similarly the right to appeal is also clear - you do not have one.

Article 6.28 -
there shall be no right of appeal in respect of any decision by the Cost Cap Administration as to whether to enter into an ABA or not

Article 9.1(b) defines the penalties available for a minor breach of the cost cap (Red Bills is deemed minor, as it's under 5%)

(i) public reprimand;
(ii) deduction of Constructors' Championship points awarded for the Championship that took place within the Reporting Period of the breach;
(iii) deduction of Drivers' Championship points awarded for the Championship that took place within the Reporting Period of the breach;
(iv) suspension from one or more stages of a Competition or Competitions, excluding for the avoidance of doubt the race itself;
(v) limitations on ability to conduct aerodynamic or other Testing; and/or (vi)
reduction of the Cost Cap
LOL You clearly never been in a dispute situation if you think that is clear, and that no right of appeal is enforceable. Heck its likely even superseded by another clause (really can't be bothered to join the arm chair experts) but it doesn't even have to be as it is such a ridiculous clause in general. And includes so many technical subtleties; any situation where two parties don't agree is negotiable always. It is as simple as that.

FIA has made their position incredibly weak by leaking information, playing it out in public, causing stress on RBR staff and children. Supposedly banning RBR from having their say in public. And we aren't even fully aware of the actual grounds of the alleged breach. Oh dude, any lawyer will have a field day with this.

But...the FIA has got theirselves in a corner now as the toxic cult LH will never believe it if RBR doesn't get punished, even though nor they nor anyone else know the exact details. There is some very careful negotiation to be done such that neither the FIA nor RBR are seen as fault. A near impossible task, but that is why it is taking long and RBR doesn't seem to be in the mood to accept punishment to help out for what could be FIA mistakes.


macrumors 68040
Jun 22, 2014
I watch the highlights. It’s on at 12:30. I watch every race that way. I don’t pay SKY for their awful coverage.
Ok, so you present it like the race is on at that time, but it is actually your choice to watch it like that. You know this quote below is what you said. Nothing to do with the race, nor it being terrible for Europe. All to do with you not actually watching it when it is on. Same major reality distortion going on there.

Timings are terrible for Europe though. Highlights of qualifying are on Sunday morning. The race is on 12:30 Sunday night. Just as well I’m off Monday!

RBR negotiating their penalties is wrong. Punishment should just be handed out.
And why would that be? I mean this is not a parent/child educational situation where you should provide such a choice to teach about responsibility...It is likely more because not all is at it seems and the parties don't agree. I've said it many times before and keep saying it; you then compromise, negotiate and come to an agreement that suits all parties. And as my post just before this, it may even be less clearcut than the social media armchair warriors seem to think. A review of the facts could still reveal a rather different scenario.


macrumors 68040
May 1, 2021
Toto quoted this morning that there will be no points reduction for RBR and Wind Tunnel Reduction Times for 2023 will be the penalty.

Will be interesting to see how accurate this is given his close relationship with the FIA.

Interesting isn’t it how Toto is proclaiming to know what punishment will be issued, which is different to the one that’s officially said to be being discussed, before any official announcement from anyone else. I would rather wait to hear something official than his S stirring. It is being reported that they are still negotiating a price cap but those talks have been put on hold due to the death of the Red Bull founder, and no mention of wind tunnel time limitations officially.

On another note, yesterdays race was fantastic! Brilliant wheel to wheel action, a few idiotic moves and poor Alonso.
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macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
I think Toto is taking pleasure in winding Horner up and it’s working. Horner does exactly the same thing when the roles are reversed and has been critical throughout the years when Mercedes were dominant. It’s all part of the piranha club mentality and these hypocrites throw mud at each other every chance they get. You don’t become successful in a competitive sport with so much money at stake being nice to your competitors.

Apple fanboy

macrumors Ivy Bridge
Original poster
Feb 21, 2012
Behind the Lens, UK
Ok, so you present it like the race is on at that time, but it is actually your choice to watch it like that. You know this quote below is what you said. Nothing to do with the race, nor it being terrible for Europe. All to do with you not actually watching it when it is on. Same major reality distortion going on there.

And why would that be? I mean this is not a parent/child educational situation where you should provide such a choice to teach about responsibility...It is likely more because not all is at it seems and the parties don't agree. I've said it many times before and keep saying it; you then compromise, negotiate and come to an agreement that suits all parties. And as my post just before this, it may even be less clearcut than the social media armchair warriors seem to think. A review of the facts could still reveal a rather different scenario.
What I choose to spend money on is my choice no? But as parts of Europe are an hour or two ahead of the UK my point stands even if watching it live. But obviously I was talking about my personal situation.

As for your points about the penalty it’s pointless arguing with you about it. You clearly have a different view as to how things should be. That’s fine. Your entitled to your opinion. Personally I think rules in sport should be followed and the punishment for not following the rules agreed beforehand. That’s how most sports work.

Apple fanboy

macrumors Ivy Bridge
Original poster
Feb 21, 2012
Behind the Lens, UK
I think Toto is taking pleasure in winding Horner up and it’s working. Horner does exactly the same thing when the roles are reversed and has been critical throughout the years when Mercedes were dominant. It’s all part of the piranha club mentality and these hypocrites throw mud at each other every chance they get. You don’t become successful in a competitive sport with so much money at stake being nice to your competitors.
Indeed. But Christian doesn’t help himself much does he?
We did not exceed the cap. Oh wait we did? Well it was just a small overspend!
Lol. It’s funny to watch. But agree these things go both ways over the years.


macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
What I choose to spend money on is my choice no? But as parts of Europe are an hour or two ahead of the UK my point stands even if watching it live. But obviously I was talking about my personal situation.

As for your points about the penalty it’s pointless arguing with you about it. You clearly have a different view as to how things should be. That’s fine. Your entitled to your opinion. Personally I think rules in sport should be followed and the punishment for not following the rules agreed beforehand. That’s how most sports work.

I’m with you on the fact I watch the terrestrial coverage only. I dropped Sky years ago and won’t pay an extortionate amount every month for one program that I rarely get to watch live anyway. I think it’s pretty obvious when people say ‘it’s not on tv’ they do mean on normal television and not on a pay subscription service that only a fifth of the UK have access to. I may in future go back to a IPTV style service as I know a lot of people who pay £45 for a full year of Sky content. It’s not strictly above board but I have zero guilt over that lol. At least I’d be able to record the race and watch at my leisure once the kids are in bed like I used to…
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macrumors 68040
May 1, 2021
Back to the racing. For me driver of the race was LeClerc, came back from way down to third. And battled Max, for a bit.
I can't afford the honour to Max really as his car is just so quick.
I hope Stroll gets a punishment for his driving and points on his licence.
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macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
Back to the racing. For me driver of the race was LeClerc, came back from way down to third. And battled Max, for a bit.
I can't afford the honour to Max really as his car is just so quick.
I hope Stroll gets a punishment for his driving and points on his licence.

From what I have seen there was a few drivers who had really strong drives, Alonso, Vettel, LeClerc, Hamilton etc. Its pleasant to see even though both championships are sewn up.
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macrumors G3
Dec 7, 2007
The Adirondacks.
What I choose to spend money on is my choice no? But as parts of Europe are an hour or two ahead of the UK my point stands even if watching it live. But obviously I was talking about my personal situation.

As for your points about the penalty it’s pointless arguing with you about it. You clearly have a different view as to how things should be. That’s fine. Your entitled to your opinion. Personally I think rules in sport should be followed and the punishment for not following the rules agreed beforehand. That’s how most sports work.

I would simply change that last sentence to “That’s how most sports used to work.” The subjective interpretation of rules and regulations be it a sanctioning body or a referee on a football field have now become far to interpretive.

All influenced by the ever increasing influence of monetary revenue. I’m not taking sides, but IMO the FIA has dug themselves into a hole on this one by allowing outside influences to become too involved. This applies to many parties.

Guaranteed this won’t be that last fiasco.


macrumors G5
Aug 17, 2007
Seattle, WA


macrumors G5
Aug 17, 2007
Seattle, WA
Actually the rules are very clear, and the punishment is also clear. It's so clear that's defined in the FIA Sporting and Financial Regulations. Similarly the right to appeal is also clear - you do not have one.

The type of punishment is listed, but the specific amount of said punishment to be applied is not, so I presume that is what this Amended Breach Agreement the FIA has presented to Red Bull specifically spells out. As the rumor says the punishment chosen is a reduction in wind tunnel testing time, I presume that the specific number of hours are outlined.


Jun 6, 2022
I won’t ever understand the hate Lewis gets in f1 forums and Reddit Guy handled himself very well last year after losing what was his championship. Seriously though are RB even going to get punished for this cost cap breach ? If not then Merc just needs to do the same if it’s a little slap on the wrist.


macrumors 68040
Jun 22, 2014
What I choose to spend money on is my choice no? But as parts of Europe are an hour or two ahead of the UK my point stands even if watching it live. But obviously I was talking about my personal situation.
??? I also covered that one, would love to know how come to that conclusion. There are three timezones covering the European continent and none come to that time. Heck none of them even come a thirty minute difference.
As for your points about the penalty it’s pointless arguing with you about it. You clearly have a different view as to how things should be. That’s fine. Your entitled to your opinion. Personally I think rules in sport should be followed and the punishment for not following the rules agreed beforehand. That’s how most sports work.
I hear you and I agree, we are never going to see eye to eye. Just like with the above, I provided the facts, I've demonstrated the calculations, you still choose to ignore it and make up something that isn't so. I mean if that is the case for the simple stuff, then we'll never agree.

Besides you are yet again misunderstanding the point, I've never said that rules shouldn't be followed. Never ever. They should be followed. However things are also never that black and white as what happens when they are deemed to be broken. At it most simple situation, which is the case right now, you have two parties who disagree. When there is disagreement there is a need for dispute resolution, and with dispute resolution comes compromises. This is serious and complicated stuff, not something whether someone crossed the white line in corner 19 or not.


macrumors 68040
Jun 22, 2014
I’m with you on the fact I watch the terrestrial coverage only. I dropped Sky years ago and won’t pay an extortionate amount every month for one program that I rarely get to watch live anyway. I think it’s pretty obvious when people say ‘it’s not on tv’ they do mean on normal television and not on a pay subscription service that only a fifth of the UK have access to. I may in future go back to a IPTV style service as I know a lot of people who pay £45 for a full year of Sky content. It’s not strictly above board but I have zero guilt over that lol. At least I’d be able to record the race and watch at my leisure once the kids are in bed like I used to.
TV is watched in many different ways for a long time now which is absolutely fair. But to complain that it isn't on until 12:30 is just inaccurate. It is a result of a choice. Heck it made me look it up like did I get the timezones wrong. There really is no it to package it up any other way, it was inaccurate.

But we can go to arbitrage over it if you like, or do you think it is just black and white and the rule should apply? Did you see how I brought this back to topic? Even such a small insignificant thing can get out of hand and cause disagreement. Now try the (changing!?) rules of a budget, insider information sharing, external auditing companies, FIA, and a bunch of teams yapping in the ears and on the media. And then the cancel culture on display on various social media platforms. This is not a simple decision.

The FIA has messed this up big time; leaking the information, indecisive, bad communications, then applying secrecy and banning the affected team from speaking up. It is hard to see how there can be winners coming out of this, nor how they could back down.
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macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
As predicted:

A facility that suits Audi geographically too.
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Apple fanboy

macrumors Ivy Bridge
Original poster
Feb 21, 2012
Behind the Lens, UK
??? I also covered that one, would love to know how come to that conclusion. There are three timezones covering the European continent and none come to that time. Heck none of them even come a thirty minute difference.

I hear you and I agree, we are never going to see eye to eye. Just like with the above, I provided the facts, I've demonstrated the calculations, you still choose to ignore it and make up something that isn't so. I mean if that is the case for the simple stuff, then we'll never agree.

Besides you are yet again misunderstanding the point, I've never said that rules shouldn't be followed. Never ever. They should be followed. However things are also never that black and white as what happens when they are deemed to be broken. At it most simple situation, which is the case right now, you have two parties who disagree. When there is disagreement there is a need for dispute resolution, and with dispute resolution comes compromises. This is serious and complicated stuff, not something whether someone crossed the white line in corner 19 or not.
I wasn’t being literal. But 12:30 was the time it was on in my house. But I stayed up to watch it as it was a good race.
Were there other options available? Of course. I could pay SKY. I could fly to a different time zone. I choose not to.
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macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
In addition to Audi entering into a strategic partnership with Sauber, having been rebuffed by Red Bull, Porsche is now said to become a 50% owner in Williams.

I wonder if the Williams name will remain as part of that? It does seem pointless mind you seeing as the Williams family are no longer involved and it does pain me to see new owners living off the heritage of a name that is now unlinked.
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