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macrumors G5
Aug 17, 2007
Seattle, WA
My hope would be since it is a 50% ownership stake it becomes Williams-Porsche.

Like Ferrari and McLaren, the name Williams is just too important to let it fade away as long as WGPE is still around as an operating entity, IMO.

Apple fanboy

macrumors Ivy Bridge
Original poster
Feb 21, 2012
Behind the Lens, UK
My hope would be since it is a 50% ownership stake it becomes Williams-Porsche.

Like Ferrari and McLaren, the name Williams is just too important to let it fade away as long as WGPE is still around as an operating entity, IMO.
I agree. But it’s not the Williams we all grew up with. But I think it would be too disrespectful to let the name go the way of so many other great names over the years.
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macrumors 68030
Jul 11, 2022
Audi are the guys who introduced hybrid engines to motor racing as they were the first to win races with it. Without Audi, F1 wouldn't have been using hybrid engines. So screw those guys for ruining the sound of F1 :p

Pilot Jones

macrumors 6502a
Oct 2, 2020
The FIA finally came to their senses and reversed that hilariously overblown penalty they slapped onto Alonso at COTA.

He drove like an absolute animal in that race, glad to see him get back a well-deserved P7.
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macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
The FIA finally came to their senses and reversed that hilariously overblown penalty they slapped onto Alonso at COTA.

He drove like an absolute animal in that race, glad to see him get back a well-deserved P7.

The FIA are a shambles. I often wonder if the teams had broken away when they’ve threatened to over the last 50 years, whether a proper set of rules and punishments could have been decided without political interference. We probably would have had corruption in a different sense, but the FIA are not doing themselves any favours and come across as indecisive and weak.
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macrumors 68040
May 1, 2021
In addition to Audi entering into a strategic partnership with Sauber, having been rebuffed by Red Bull, Porsche is now said to become a 50% owner in Williams.

Of course they were rebuffed by Red Bull, Audi wanted a 50% steak of the entire company. In what world would a company like Red Bull allow a German car manufacture take 50% of its company just to have a deal in F1?
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macrumors 68040
May 1, 2021
The FIA are a shambles. I often wonder if the teams had broken away when they’ve threatened to over the last 50 years, whether a proper set of rules and punishments could have been decided without political interference. We probably would have had corruption in a different sense, but the FIA are not doing themselves any favours and come across as indecisive and weak.

And this is under all new management too. Bit like British politics faces change, policies and mess remains the same, although at least in the FIA the faces stay for more then 6 weeks.
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macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
And this is under all new management too. Bit like British politics faces change, policies and mess remains the same, although at least in the FIA the faces stay for more then 6 weeks.

We wouldn’t have F1 if some of our politicians were tasked with governing it that’s for sure. I don’t think the FIA have the control they used to though. I think Liberty Media have a big sway in his rules are followed and the ‘show’ is considered with any big decision whether it is fair or not. The penalty on Alonso made little sense and it took a few days for it to be analysed properly and only once a damning appeal raised questions. Not good for the sport or those affected by inheriting positions only to have them again taken off them.
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macrumors 68040
May 1, 2021
A sensible punishment, but Red Bull will fight it I think. Pretty much will mean they lose next season I think? Then we may have a team who can’t strategise to save its life, Ferrari, battling one who can’t design totally a new car to save its life, Mercedes for the championship. Will be interesting anyway.
Still Red Bull shouldn’t have gone over the cap.

Its 6 million pound fine I think.


macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
Shame that fine wasn’t a reduction in spending for next season as that would have hurt them. A few million will be found and paid off. Look how paying a $100m didn’t affect McLaren when that outrageous amount was levelled at them. Sponsors and investors will just cover that and it’ll be back to business. At least the FIA did something though as it looked at one point like it wasn’t going to happen.


macrumors 68040
May 1, 2021
Shame that fine wasn’t a reduction in spending for next season as that would have hurt them. A few million will be found and paid off. Look how paying a $100m didn’t affect McLaren when that outrageous amount was levelled at them. Sponsors and investors will just cover that and it’ll be back to business. At least the FIA did something though as it looked at one point like it wasn’t going to happen.

I think wind testing time reduction will damage them more than money. Can’t buy time after all.


macrumors 68030
Jul 11, 2022
So the FIA allows winning championship despite cheating. Ross Brawn said back in 2019 that this would not be allowed.

Guess Ferrari and Mercedes should do the same then. These teams used to spend $450m per year, so what is $7m really.


macrumors 68040
May 1, 2021
I think you guys are totally underestimating the wind tunnel penalty. These cars win or lose in wind tunnel design.


macrumors 68030
Jul 11, 2022
Andrian Newey is big on CFD, he won't be hurt that much by 63% wind tunnel testing instead of 70%. Andrian Newey will do just fine with his computer models.
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macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
Andrian Newey is big on CFD, he won't be hurt that much by 63% wind tunnel testing instead of 70%. Andrian Newey will do just fine with his computer models.

Indeed. FEA and flow analysis in software these days has removed much of the physical testing needed in the automotive sector. The reduction may hurt them a bit but not considerably in my opinion.


macrumors 68040
May 1, 2021
Shame that fine wasn’t a reduction in spending for next season as that would have hurt them. A few million will be found and paid off. Look how paying a $100m didn’t affect McLaren when that outrageous amount was levelled at them. Sponsors and investors will just cover that and it’ll be back to business. At least the FIA did something though as it looked at one point like it wasn’t going to happen.

Should be grateful they used a punishment other then just a fine. I was only expecting a small fine, well low millions, Glad they went a bit further then that.
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macrumors 68040
Jun 22, 2014
So a £432,652 overspend due to not applying correct treatment to a notional tax credit, therefore becoming an adjusted overspend of £1,864,000 resulting in a £6M fine and 10% reduction in aerodynamic research. Blimey that seems a rather heavy fine for such a small overspend.

And naturally as they are the constructors champions they already got less aero time, so this is a double whammy...

Ah well, guess Max and Checo will have to race even harder next year. They can do it...
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macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
Should be grateful they used a punishment other then just a fine. I was only expecting a small fine, well low millions, Glad they went a bit further then that.

Yeah it’s more than I expected too. Other teams need to take note now, especially those who were most vocal. The FIA also need to apply the same punishment regardless of team too, not tailor it when it suits.
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macrumors G5
Aug 17, 2007
Seattle, WA
I would have preferred to see their 2023 budget cap reduced by GBP 6 million over a fine just to really hammer home such breaches are not acceptable, but on the other hand, 2021 was the first year of the cap and it appears that the overspend was areas outside of chassis and engine development so I don't expect RBR received any real advantage from it in terms of their 2nd place in the WCC.
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macrumors G5
Aug 17, 2007
Seattle, WA
LeClerc just seriously binned the Ferrari in P2. Looks like significant damage to the left rear area so I would not be surprised if a new gearbox will be required.
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macrumors G3
Dec 7, 2007
The Adirondacks.
I think you guys are totally underestimating the wind tunnel penalty. These cars win or lose in wind tunnel design.

I think you underestimate Adrain. 10% reduction simply means he works an extra 20min each day. 😏. RBR wont be effected by this and the FIA has opened the door for more teams to follow the same route next year.

The FIA is a joke. Liberty and the Sponsors call the shots.
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