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macrumors 68040
Jun 22, 2014


macrumors 68040
Apr 26, 2013
It's a substantiated rumour, I'd rather wait until confirmed officially by Red Bull and Daniel. šŸ‘ We've had a few examples where it isn't quite confirmed yet.
Well two things are going to happen. It's either true or Marko is getting sacked for speaking out of turn and for not going through offical channels. I'm going for it's true :)


macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
Hamilton organised and picked up the tab for Sebā€™s leaving party, nice gesture



macrumors 68030
Jul 11, 2022
Seb + Red Bull used to be super dominant. Most people thought he was the one that would break Schumacher his records. But he had screw things up by leaving Red Bull for Ferrari.

But I think Ferrari did him good as he became a nice guy in the end.

Time surely flies. Now it is only Alonso and Lewis left.
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macrumors 68040
Apr 26, 2013
Haters gonna hate.
You've got a lot to learn if you think calling someone a dork equates to hate. Look at the man, everyone else is reasonably dressed for a group photo and you've got someone that is dressed up like the penguin from Batman. If the man wants to dress like that for a group photo then fine but it gives me the right to call him out on it.


macrumors 68000
Jun 6, 2017
You've got a lot to learn if you think calling someone a dork equates to hate. Look at the man, everyone else is reasonably dressed for a group photo and you've got someone that is dressed up like the penguin from Batman. If the man wants to dress like that for a group photo then fine but it gives me the right to call him out on it.

Haters gonna hate


macrumors 68020
Aug 12, 2008
There was a lot of other abuse happening before that, also a lot of uncertainty about the authenticity of Sophie's response. But it has its own life online now and the truth doesn't matter to those who keep on reposting that kind of vile says a lot about people who just keep on reposting fake news and their agenda...
Iā€™m not sure what you're suggesting here, but I hope youā€™re not calling me out when I posting from a reputable sports news site. But some people certainly do have an agenda, be it from an Anti Max standpoint or as a Pro Max standpoint. All I have done is provide a link from a Foxsports News.

With regard to Max's Mums post being potentially fake, I havenā€™t seen a single news report say it is so.

Truth is truth, so people should provide links that support it, like I did. Feel free to share one that supports her post being fake.


macrumors 68020
Aug 12, 2008
Haters gonna hate
Itā€™s not my style either but Lewis can wear what ever he wants. He does more good in this world than people who criticise him for what he wears.

Lot of rumours flying around that Daniel Riccardo joined Red Bull. Not sure in what capacity, but in principle I love it if its true...
Marko apparently misspoke, but it appears he will be be the Red Bull driver developer.
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macrumors G4
Jan 12, 2008
Smyrna, TN
You've got a lot to learn if you think calling someone a dork equates to hate. Look at the man, everyone else is reasonably dressed for a group photo and you've got someone that is dressed up like the penguin from Batman. If the man wants to dress like that for a group photo then fine but it gives me the right to call him out on it.
Honestly, I'm more tempted to make fun of Bottas and the mustache...

Also... why won't this season ever end...?
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macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
I mean the moustache is for charity isnā€™t it?

Itā€™s ā€˜Movemberā€™ I believe.

A lot of my friends and colleagues do it each year. I have a full beard so I have one all year round lol. Valteri giving out Mansell vibes .
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macrumors 68040
Jun 22, 2014
Nice front role for Red Bull after qualifying. Ferrari second row and Mercedes trailing in 5/6.

Red bull did very well yet again.


macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
He pays someone to make him look that daft?

Deos he? He tweets a lot of stuff, and donates a chunk of his earnings to charity (thus avoiding paying so much tax (lots of ordinary people donate a greater proportion of their earnings to charitable causes)) but beyond that, what does he actually do? As in, donating his own time for free for good causes? Like, actually getting his hands dirty? Doing a bunch of carefully stage-managed publicity events doesn't equate to actually doing very much at all. The sport he earns his money from is awash with corruption, and the most environmentally unfriendly sport there is, probably. He waffles on about human rights, but is happy to take coin from racing in countries with highly dubious regimes, and appalling human rights records. All a bit hypocritical if you ask me.

He doesnā€™t have to do anything at all if he doesnā€™t want to. Yawn.


Nov 16, 2022
He doesnā€™t have to do anything at all if he doesnā€™t want to
But what does he actually do? I mean, actual stuff that doesn't involve promoting his 'brand'? As for charitable donations; were he to be resident in the UK and pay full tax, then he'd pay in considerably more into society than he does in (tax deductible) donations. Tbh I'm not really singling Hamilton out here, just responding to claims he 'does more good in this world than people who criticise him for what he wears', cos that's a bit of a bold and questionable statement. There's a lot of 'charity washing' going on, with those giving' generously' often not actually paying much back in the same way the rest of us have to. Still, as long as they look good to their adoring fans, that's all that matters, eh?


macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
But what does he actually do? I mean, actual stuff that doesn't involve promoting his 'brand'? As for charitable donations; were he to be resident in the UK and pay full tax, then he'd pay in considerably more into society than he does in (tax deductible) donations. Tbh I'm not really singling Hamilton out here, just responding to claims he 'does more good in this world than people who criticise him for what he wears', cos that's a bit of a bold and questionable statement. There's a lot of 'charity washing' going on, with those giving' generously' often not actually paying much back in the same way the rest of us have to. Still, as long as they look good to their adoring fans, that's all that matters, eh?

If he just uses his name and brand to promote charities that then receive money because of that, thatā€™s enough Iā€™d say. He may give his own money too but I suppose thatā€™s his business.


Nov 16, 2022
So, not much then, after all? Ok.

Anyway; Max looking imperious as usual. Perez will have to use all his skills to beat LeClerc for that 2nd place in the DWC. He may of course be aided by Ferrari's woeful decision making, although they look pretty good here. Sainz has somehow slipped below both Mercedes drivers in the DWC standings, and they've had a dreadful year. Russell looks set to outpoint Hamilton in his first season with Merc, which would be an amazing achievement, particularly with the race win last weekend. Is Hamilton's star waning? Will Russell better him next season too?

Any predictions for the race, besides a Verstappen win? I reckon Russell might sneak a podium...

Apple fanboy

macrumors Ivy Bridge
Original poster
Feb 21, 2012
Behind the Lens, UK
Shame the RB looked so good. Max will drive off and Perez will be the wingman. Still makes me a little bit sick being here again after last yearā€™s debacle.

As for what different superstars do with their money, we have no idea who is donating more. Many years ago my wife worked in a childrenā€™s ward in London. Sometimes there would be a celebrity turn up (pre arranged) with a camera man etc.
Other times they would turn up unannounced on their own with a bunch of toys and merchandise. Made the day of some of those kids.
I know which I have the most respect for. You canā€™t always judge by what you see.
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macrumors G3
Dec 7, 2007
The Adirondacks.
Shame the RB looked so good. Max will drive off and Perez will be the wingman. Still makes me a little bit sick being here again after last yearā€™s debacle.

As for what different superstars do with their money, we have no idea who is donating more. Many years ago my wife worked in a childrenā€™s ward in London. Sometimes there would be a celebrity turn up (pre arranged) with a camera man etc.
Other times they would turn up unannounced on their own with a bunch of toys and merchandise. Made the day of some of those kids.
I know which I have the most respect for. You canā€™t always judge by what you see.

We will be here again in 2023. High probability things will be worse. F1ā€™s Social Media Presence has gone Nuclear. As planned by Liberty. The FIA will be scared of its own shadow in 2023 and Stewards will be required to evaluate every call based on the after effect of the decision.

The Fan base will continue to polarize, threaten, and degrade into Tribal Warfare.

Wont be long until its like r/f1 in here.

Never thought Iā€™d miss Bernie.


macrumors 68000
Jun 6, 2017
My mistake about China. With regard to Russia, Iā€™d say starting a war and killing innocent victims in their homes constitutes human rights.

I agree Iā€™m just donā€™t think F1 cancelled it because of human rights. I mean the war started in 2014 and they added Saudi Arabia and Qatar last year with another 2 USA GPs as well.
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macrumors 68040
Jun 22, 2014
Well a few more hours until the end of the current season commences. Go on Red Bull :)

Looking forward to next years season already; new changes, new places, new chances. Looks like I'll be at 3 races in person, and as I'm remigrating I'll have to find a different provider than Sky to watch the rest live. Hopefully no more Ted but I'm not holding my breath...
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