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The first post of this thread is a WikiPost and can be edited by anyone with the appropiate permissions. Your edits will be public.
Hi Martin. I'm doing well with 0.7.7 on Big Sur 11.6.3.

USB 2.0 devices, like printer and webcam, no longer work plugged into my Apple Cinema Display (so daisy-chained USB 2.0 ports). They only work directly into the Mac Pro now (which they seem to do fine).

Could this be an OpenCore issue or is it Big Sur?

Thanks for any guidance you can give me. :)
I can't seem to switch to OpenCore on my Windows 10 drive. Even if I use Clover Configurator to mount its EFI partition and then run the ”Bless” it keeps using the OpenCore install I have on another drive.

I suspect this is because I still have a ”NO NAME” partition that shows up in the OC boot picker. Where does this come from? I know I was supposed to rename the ”NO NAME” partition to ”EFI” when putting OC on the Windows drive (says so in the Readme.txt in the OC 0.7.7 package) but I don't know how to do that. I mean if I use Clover Configurator to mount the EFI om my Windows 10 drive it mounts as EFI.

If I do ”diskutil list” in the Terminal I see this for the Windows drive;

/dev/disk2 (internal, physical):
   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
   0:      GUID_partition_scheme                        *250.1 GB   disk2
   1:       Microsoft Basic Data ⁨Windows 10⁩              249.1 GB   disk2s1
   2:                        EFI ⁨EFI⁩                     104.9 MB   disk2s2
   3:           Windows Recovery ⁨⁩                        871.4 MB   disk2s3

Sorry, but I'm confused.
Someone understands why I can see that NO NAME partition in the OC boot picker?
And why can't I change so OC gets used from my Windows 10?
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I created a new "easy to install package" as per many requested (based on the official OpenCore). [The attached package updated to 0.7.7]

For those who only need HWAccel, post #594 has everything you need. This new package mainly offer HWAccel + boot screen. Also, this package should work in Catalina and newer macOS for dual processor cMP.

I don't mind you guys discuss anything about this package, but I have no plan to provide any explanation about OpenCore at here. If you want to know more, please join cdf's OpenCore thread. For new joiners, please make sure read through the FAQ in post #1 before you ask anything.

The attached packaged included Clover Configurator and a complete preconfigured OpenCore. All credits goes to the developer teams. If you want to show your support, please give them donation (declaration of interest: I am NOT in any of their developer teams)

For Clover Configurator and OpenCore developers teams, please let me know if you want me to remove the associated software inside my attachment in this post.

This is a "one package fit all" solution. So, it's designed to fit as much setup as possible, which may not be optimized for your setup (e.g. I haven't provide HiDPI boot screen, for those who are running 4K screen, the Apple logo may be quite small during boot). You have to do the optimization by yourself (details in the OpenCore manual, some info also available in cdf's OpenCore thread).

Anyway, for those who have RX 460 or newer AMD GPU, this package should gives you:
  1. Boot screen (via GOP for unflashed card, including some Nvidia card)
  2. Firmware protection (to run Windows in EFI mode without risking the cMP bootROM)
  3. HWAccel (H264 / HEVC hardware decode + encode in Mojave and newer macOS)
  4. ability to watch DRM streaming content (Mojave and newer macOS)
  5. Boot picker (only support EFI systems, tested with Apple wired keyboard, Magic Mouse, and Magic Keyboard, 10s timeout. If you can't see this. Just don't touch the keyboard, and your cMP should continue to boot to desktop)
  6. NVMe and SATA drives on PCIe card show up as internal
  7. Support for Apple USB SuperDrive
  8. TRIM (regardless trimforce status)
  9. Ability to run non-GUI 32bit software in Catalina
  10. Ability to reset NVRAM in boot picker (disabled at this moment to align with the native Apple boot manager)
  11. Ability to run any natively supported ancient OSX with modern graphic card e.g. Radeon VII in 10.6.8 (only can display, no acceleration) [Update 5th May 2020: Sierra and High Sierra may not fully supported yet. Thanks for pierrox's report]
  12. Ability to boot Catalina / Big Sur / Monterey and the associated Recovery Partition [SurPlus (credit to Syncretic) is included and enabled by default to fix the racing condition in macOS 11.3 or later][MonteRand is also included. another credit to Syncretic]
  13. Sleep should work (tested on my cMP, but I can't guarantee it also work with your hardware)
  14. Possible to run 8x32GB RAM in macOS (user need to mod the config.plist manually. Replace the false below CustomMemory to true)
  15. Enable HDMI Audio for some graphic cards
  16. Ability to monitor modern AMD GPU's temperature (by using the attached RadeonGadget. Credit to Aluveitie)
It's impossible for me (and other voluntary helpers) to test every single function in all situations. So, as usual, use at your own risk. But you are welcome to report back if there is any problem / error.

  • Recommend to backup your BootROM between step 1 and 2 (e.g. by using ROMTool, credit to Dosdude, password "rom")
  • If you want to test OpenCore, you can install this package onto a bootable USB thumb drive.
  • Quite a few users reported that can't boot OpenCore from NVMe, analysis shows that depends on hard drives config. It's hard to explain which exact scenario may hit this bug. So, please avoid to install this package on NVMe. You can install this package on ANY SATA drive with virtually no performance lost, not necessary your boot drive.
  • If you want to remove OpenCore, please mount the EFI partition by using Clover Configurator, then remove BOOT and OC folders inside the EFI folder on EFI partition.
  • If your cMP stuck at boot. After shutdown, please pull out the hard drive that contain OpenCore, then perform NVRAM reset. If still doesn't work, then please install your emergency graphic card that has boot screen. Hold Option to boot, then select your backup boot drive. This should disable OpenCore.
  • For those who want to report issue / error. Please provide details (e.g. which graphic card, OpenCore installed on NVMe / SATA drive, the issue's details, etc) otherwise it will be extremely hard (or even impossible) for me to work out what's wrong.
  • If you installed Lilu for whatever reason (e.g. because of innie), or applied my previous non-OpenCore HWAccel mod, please remove them or revert them. For Lilu + WEG, that means delete Lilu.kext in /Library/Extensions/ and reboot (caution: these kexts may be installed in System/Library/Extensions/ as well). For hex edit method, that means delete AppleGVA.framework in /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ and rename AppleGVA.framework.bak to AppleGVA.framework. Warning: My packages already have Lilu and WEG included, "double installation" of these kexts will cause macOS boot failure.
  • For PULSE RX580, users reported that only can see boot screen when boot from gaming mode. There may be no UEFI GOP in the compute mode's ROM.
I tried to make the installation as simple as possible. However, I still demand you to learn some very basic skills. Those skills are very useful in the recovery process if something goes wrong. Anyway, here is what you need to do
  1. [Optional] 3x NVRAM reset to avoid some unknown issues.
  2. Disable SIP (must do, especially if you performed step 1)
  3. Download the attachment in this post (Some users reported 0.6.1 package has compatibility issue. You may download the 0.5.9 package if you prefer that, same installation procedures.)
  4. Follow the steps in this video (please turn on and read the subtitle)
  5. For Big Sur and Monterey, if some ports on your graphic card are disabled, please follow the steps in this video to re-enable them.
  6. Reboot

For existing OpenCore users, you may follow the step in this video to update OpenCore [For those who installed OC onto the Windows drive, please make sure you only replace the OC files, but not the whole EFI folder]

Additional option 1: If you have 4K screen, and you want to have "Retina" boot screen. You may do this. [Depreciated in 0.7.6, which Retina should be enabled automatically on 4K monitor]

Additional option 2: If you have a flashed Thunderbolt 3 card, you can install that in slot 4, then enable Thunderbolt 3 support by doing this.

Additional option 3: If you want to enable the ability to install / update Catalina, Big Sur and Monterey, please follow the steps in this video. [N.B. you should revert the changes after macOS installation completed. This special setting is not designed for daily use]

Additional option 4: If you have legacy wifi card, you may try the follow steps to re-activate the old wifi card in Big Sur (only avail in my 0.6.4 package or above)

Additional option 5: Since 0.6.3, I allow OC to take over SIP control. There are various reasons, but anyway, that's defaulted to be disabled. If you want to re-enable SIP, please follow the steps in this video. (please turn on the English subtitle when you watch this video, some useful info at there)

For FCP(X) users, if you want to export HEVC video by using HWAccel, you will need Compressor.
[N.B. The setting MUST identical to the one that I show in the video. Otherwise, HEVC hardware encoding may not work]

If you want to completely uninstall my OpenCore package, please follow the steps in this video.

N.B. Unflashed graphic card means "the ROM is never modified". For those who bought used card, and can't see the boot screen, most likely the last user flashed the card with modified ROM (e.g. downvolt for mining). In this case, you can go to TechPowerUp to find a ROM that fit your own card, and flash it.

P.S. If you want to support my work, please donate via the following link. Million thanks in advance!

[Last update: 24 Jan 2022, OpenCore 0.7.7, Lilu 1.5.9, WhateverGreen 1.5.6, RadeonSensor 0.3.1, AppleALC 1.6.3, FeatureUnlock 1.0.5, SurPlus, MonteRand]
Finally got a new keyboard to access the recovey to disable SIP. Everything worked out great. Thanks.

However, my geekbench CL and metal score went down for the Radeon vii. Is there anymore tweaking need to be done specifically in the config? Maybe I should replace it with this one?
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Hello martin,

last week i updated your OC from 0.7.6 to 0.7.7 (also BigSur from 11.6.2 to 11.6.3, ota) on single core MP 5,1 (32 GB RAM, sata 2 SSD in standard drive bay with system + sata 3 SSD as scratch disk in PCI, also have HDD with clean Mojave, RX 470 4GB, two displays over HDMI and DP).

Problems started with Photoshop - i could work for about hour or so, next it was no longer possible to save work. Save/export dialogs did not appear and cmd-s also did not work. Next, all running apps (Mail, Chrome, InDesign, Photoshop) terminated and i get clean desktop - with no top menu bar nor any items on desktop, just Dock on bottom. I could use power button to invoke dialog with Shut off/restart buttons, and i can successfully restart (with no warning screens), and work for another hour or so.

I tested over the weekend using just chrome and mail, and there were no problems.

I was not sure it was caused by macOS or OC update, so downgraded back to 0.7.6 (simply by overwriting folders in EFI partition as when upgrading, just now with older version 0.7.6). Now, today, i several hours use Photoshop without any issue again. Finally stability.

I'm attaching a few error messages from ethrecheck: looks like some problems with open/save panel service and many Photoshop and InDesign crashes over QuickLook?? (i did not notice any problem with InDesign, just Photoshop, both current and legal versions).

BigSur (11.6.1, next 11.6.2 and 11.6.3, ota) i installed over dosdude’s Catalina (Catalina over existing Mojave), using your OC 0.7.5, next 0.7.6 - both fine. Just now version 0.7.7 is kind of problematic. OK, my path to BigSur is not ideal, but i am lazy to do clean install (if not necessary). And now back with 0.7.6 have fine working system again.

Probably my wild system upgrades caused it, but if anyone else has similar problems with Adobe apps and OC 0.7.7, try downgrade to 0.7.6. (srry used google translate for this EN text).

Update: it happened again, problably for just not so intensive work today (and frequently saving), it last stable longer, look like i can not avoid clean reinstall... so ignore this.
For anyone with Finder crashes... I had a similar experience with 7.7 om BIG SUR. My finder kept crashing every hour or so while I was using Adobe Creative Cloud. After Effects and Premiere. I was using Adobe the entire time - so I don't know if it would be fine if I wasn't using adobe. All the disks would disappear along with the icons on the desktop, followed by apps crashing one by one. Finder wouldn't re-open wasn't available to force quit, but the dock was visible.
Switching back to 7.5 fixed it. What a relief!

Dont know if it matters but this happened whether I used my NVME drive as my OS, or my SATA SSD. The Opencore drive was SATA.
Hi Martin. I'm doing well with 0.7.7 on Big Sur 11.6.3.

USB 2.0 devices, like printer and webcam, no longer work plugged into my Apple Cinema Display (so daisy-chained USB 2.0 ports). They only work directly into the Mac Pro now (which they seem to do fine).

Could this be an OpenCore issue or is it Big Sur?

Thanks for any guidance you can give me. :)
This sounds like Big Sur issue more than OpenCore. If OpenCore causing the issue, most likely the ports on the cMP won't work, but not the ports on the Cinema Display.

Do you have any USB 3.0 card installed? If yes, may be you can plug in the USB cable (from the ACD) to the USB 3.0 card, and see if that make any difference.

Also, you can try something like 0.7.5. And see if older OC version works better.
I can't seem to switch to OpenCore on my Windows 10 drive. Even if I use Clover Configurator to mount its EFI partition and then run the ”Bless” it keeps using the OpenCore install I have on another drive.

I suspect this is because I still have a ”NO NAME” partition that shows up in the OC boot picker. Where does this come from? I know I was supposed to rename the ”NO NAME” partition to ”EFI” when putting OC on the Windows drive (says so in the Readme.txt in the OC 0.7.7 package) but I don't know how to do that. I mean if I use Clover Configurator to mount the EFI om my Windows 10 drive it mounts as EFI.

If I do ”diskutil list” in the Terminal I see this for the Windows drive;

/dev/disk2 (internal, physical):
   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
   0:      GUID_partition_scheme                        *250.1 GB   disk2
   1:       Microsoft Basic Data ⁨Windows 10⁩              249.1 GB   disk2s1
   2:                        EFI ⁨EFI⁩                     104.9 MB   disk2s2
   3:           Windows Recovery ⁨⁩                        871.4 MB   disk2s3

Sorry, but I'm confused.
Someone understands why I can see that NO NAME partition in the OC boot picker?
And why can't I change so OC gets used from my Windows 10?
That NO NAME drive seems renamed to EFI correctly.

So, if you remove other drives, your cMP won't boot to OpenCore (which installed onto this Windows drive already)?
Finally got a new keyboard to access the recovey to disable SIP. Everything worked out great. Thanks.

However, my geekbench CL and metal score went down for the Radeon vii. Is there anymore tweaking need to be done specifically in the config? Maybe I should replace it with this one?
RadeonBoost won't work in Big Sur or Monterey. And please don't worry about it. What we found out is that the VRAM memory bandwidth is bottlenecked by macOS artificially. However, that usually has little to no effect under most normal usages. GB is extremely sensitive to VRAM memory bandwidth, that's why you see a huge difference in GB score. For something like Luxmark (to measure GPU compute performance) or Unigine Heaven (to measure GPU 3D performance), there is no observable difference. In real world, the process usually GPU limiting, but not VRAM bandwidth limiting.
For anyone with Finder crashes... I had a similar experience with 7.7 om BIG SUR. My finder kept crashing every hour or so while I was using Adobe Creative Cloud. After Effects and Premiere. I was using Adobe the entire time - so I don't know if it would be fine if I wasn't using adobe. All the disks would disappear along with the icons on the desktop, followed by apps crashing one by one. Finder wouldn't re-open wasn't available to force quit, but the dock was visible.
Switching back to 7.5 fixed it. What a relief!

Dont know if it matters but this happened whether I used my NVME drive as my OS, or my SATA SSD. The Opencore drive was SATA.
Thanks for the report and the suggested work around.
That NO NAME drive seems renamed to EFI correctly.

So, if you remove other drives, your cMP won't boot to OpenCore (which installed onto this Windows drive already)?
Good idea to try! :D

I removed my old OpenCore drive and kept just the Windows 10 drive (with OC on the EFI partition) and now it booted fine! No "NO NAME" partition could be seen. Will see what haoppens if I shut down and put the drive back in an boot up again...

Okay – putting my drive with my old OC install seem to have made my computer boot into that instead. "NO NAME" partition is present again and set at the default one too boot into while Windows 10 was the default too boot when I didn't have the old drive with OC in the computer. So it seems as soon as I have that "old" drive in it takes precedence and maybe it's therefore I can't simply remove OC from that drive to stop the computer from trying to boot from it – I have to actually remove the drive.

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Hi, This is a great package. I've used it to seamlessly install Big Sur on my Mac Pro 5,1 and it's lovely. Ironically, given that I'm using OpenCore, I like the way that Big Sur has cleaned out some of my redundant kexts from old installations. My only niggle, is that SIP isn't standard and my preference is that it is. Running csrutil status gives me the following.

System Integrity Protection status: unknown (Custom Configuration).


Apple Internal: disabled

Kext Signing: enabled

Filesystem Protections: enabled

Debugging Restrictions: enabled

DTrace Restrictions: enabled

NVRAM Protections: disabled

BaseSystem Verification: enabled

This is an unsupported configuration, likely to break in the future and leave your machine in an unknown state.

I've tried to enable standard SIP by setting the value of csr-active-config to AAAAAA as per the instructions / video at the start of the thread, but that hasn't changed anything. I've attached my current config. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks. Jamie


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RadeonBoost won't work in Big Sur or Monterey. And please don't worry about it. What we found out is that the VRAM memory bandwidth is bottlenecked by macOS artificially. However, that usually has little to no effect under most normal usages. GB is extremely sensitive to VRAM memory bandwidth, that's why you see a huge difference in GB score. For something like Luxmark (to measure GPU compute performance) or Unigine Heaven (to measure GPU 3D performance), there is no observable difference. In real world, the process usually GPU limiting, but not VRAM bandwidth limiting.
Think I’m going to leave it at Mojave, I had my scare trying to install Monterey using Martin’s vid. Left it to install fell asleep 6 hours later it was stuck at the halfway mark and I pulled the plug. Thankfully it didn’t overwrite Mojave. It doesn’t mention installing to another disk if that’s the issue?

As for boost, I got deficit if it’s still activated in Mojave. Before open core I was getting a metal score ~65k after this latest all-in-one one pkgI was getting ~52k. And you’re right no difference in heaven. Just odd
Managed to update from Big Sur to Monterey now using OC 0.7.7 for both – everything fine except that my USB Bluetooth module isn't recognized like it was in Big Sur. Damn it, always something. :mad::D
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USB Bluetooth module isn't recognized like it was in Big Sur
Which model is it? The one in my sig (BCM943602CDP) still works fine, despite it connecting as a USB 1 device.

Which model is it? The one in my sig (BCM943602CDP) still works fine, despite it connecting as a USB 1 device.

View attachment 1954942
Now I can't see it anymore, but I think it's this chipset: CSR 8510A10

I do have another problem that's even bigger – since I updated to Monterey I no longer see the OC boot picker. :(
If I restart it takes quite some time and I eventually get into MacOS, but not boot picker to be seen.


Now when I put back my drive which also has OC 0.7.7 and stared up the computer I can see the boot picker. ?‍♂️
But I want to have OC on my Window 10 partition. Not sure why it only works why I don't have the drive with mu other OC installation in the computer. Also not sure why the OC boot picker doesn't show up if I use OC on my Windows 10 drive – this worked fine before I upgraded to Monterey.

Confusing all this… :D

Edit 2:

Decided to copy the OC folder from my working drive to the Windows 10 drive and now when I boot with that (by removing the old drive where I also have OC) it seems to work fine. Still no go for Bluetooth. :(
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Just installed OC and all seems okay... UEFI Windows 10 on NVME works as it should. Installed Big Sur and a couple of things don't work - sleep and WIFI - even after the plist changes (changed to true) as stated in video. BT works as it found the magic mouse right away. Any suggestions? 2010 5,1 with original airport card.
Just installed OC and all seems okay... UEFI Windows 10 on NVME works as it should. Installed Big Sur and a couple of things don't work - sleep and WIFI - even after the plist changes (changed to true) as stated in video. BT works as it found the magic mouse right away. Any suggestions? 2010 5,1 with original airport card.
Used dortania opencore-patcher to build "new" OC folder. Then replaced the OC folder and WIFI works after reboot. Sleep still non-functional. Ideas on what the issue might be with wifi working on dortania's?
My boot screen under Mac OS 12.1 Monterey running Martin's package 0.7.7 looks funny, and then takes a few minutes to boot up.

Running Mac Pro 5,1 with a Radeon Veg 56 and a Samsung display 3840 × 2160.

Any ideas?


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So i mentioned these issues in the OpenCore thread but did't get any responses. After i read about others having similar issues here in this thread i'm just gonna join in with what i'm experiencing:

cMP 5.1 (2012) with OC 0.7.7 (Martins latest package, only slightly modded for OpenLinux & Thunderbolt support), Radeon VII, flashed Titan Ridge in Slot4, upgraded Wifi&Bluetooth (BCM94360CD)
macOS Monterey, macOS Mojave, Win11, Ubuntu LTS 20.04. OC EFI is only on the Monterey drive.

main issues:

1. Wifi doesn't work for either OS. In macOS Mojave & Monterey its just crossed out in the menubar and doesn't show up in system profiler. when i try to open Wifi in networksetting it'll display an error loading.​
2. Sleep never worked. Once the computer goes into standby it will never wake up again. will need to force reboot by holding power button. Happens with any OS.​
3. in monterey the whole system will freeze ~10min after boot. after maybe 10sec whole computer will auto reboot. not sure if this is the same as what other people here mentioned as finder freezing... this happens only in monterey (12.1) other OS work fine.​
any thoughts? tips what i could try to fix any of these issues?

i tried many things already like e.g. using martins stock package but problems stayed.
can't really say since when wifi doesn't work anymore i'm pretty sure it worked before even on Monterey.

thanks in advance for any tips
My boot screen under Mac OS 12.1 Monterey running Martin's package 0.7.7 looks funny, and then takes a few minutes to boot up.

Running Mac Pro 5,1 with a Radeon Veg 56 and a Samsung display 3840 × 2160.

Any ideas?
That looks weird. Not sure what it's about, sorry.
Takes a couple of minutes to boot Monterey with the 0.7.7 OC package for me too. That is also the case on a freshly installed copy of Monterey 12.2. The progress bar gets stuck for over a minute there near 50% under the Apple logo. Not sure why (can of course enable verbose mode), but it didn't take that long with Big Sur.

So i mentioned these issues in the OpenCore thread but did't get any responses. After i read about others having similar issues here in this thread i'm just gonna join in with what i'm experiencing:

cMP 5.1 (2012) with OC 0.7.7 (Martins latest package, only slightly modded for OpenLinux & Thunderbolt support), Radeon VII, flashed Titan Ridge in Slot4, upgraded Wifi&Bluetooth (BCM94360CD)
macOS Monterey, macOS Mojave, Win11, Ubuntu LTS 20.04. OC EFI is only on the Monterey drive.

main issues:

1. Wifi doesn't work for either OS. In macOS Mojave & Monterey its just crossed out in the menubar and doesn't show up in system profiler. when i try to open Wifi in networksetting it'll display an error loading.​
2. Sleep never worked. Once the computer goes into standby it will never wake up again. will need to force reboot by holding power button. Happens with any OS.​
3. in monterey the whole system will freeze ~10min after boot. after maybe 10sec whole computer will auto reboot. not sure if this is the same as what other people here mentioned as finder freezing... this happens only in monterey (12.1) other OS work fine.​
any thoughts? tips what i could try to fix any of these issues?

i tried many things already like e.g. using martins stock package but problems stayed.
can't really say since when wifi doesn't work anymore i'm pretty sure it worked before even on Monterey.

thanks in advance for any tips
Wifi I don't know – don't use it, sorry.
Sleep should work. It is reliable on my 2010 Mac Pro at least.
Also strange that Monterey will freeze – I haven't seen that at all on my computer.

Maybe this is a case for @tsialex to look at the BootROM of your machine?
Perhaps after trying SMC reset and/or NVRAM reset.

Onto my own Bluetooth dongle problem not being recognized I tried to install a fresh copy of Monterey 12.2. Same problem there. Also tried to copy the original OC folder from the 0.7.7 packages just in case I managed to alter something, but that didn't help either. :(

Not sure what to do – Bluetooth functionality is pretty important for me (works fine when booted into Windows 10 by the way). Maybe go back to Big Sur, but since I know there are people who got it to work I don't feel like giving up. :)


Legacy Bluetooth Support dropped in macOS Monterey


Oh, my – finally solved my Bluetooth trouble in Monterey by enabling BlueToolFixup.kext in the config.plist using OpenCore Configurator. Not sure why I didn't see that kext in the list before, but now i did. :D
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For anyone with Finder crashes... I had a similar experience with 7.7 om BIG SUR. My finder kept crashing every hour or so while I was using Adobe Creative Cloud. After Effects and Premiere. I was using Adobe the entire time - so I don't know if it would be fine if I wasn't using adobe. All the disks would disappear along with the icons on the desktop, followed by apps crashing one by one. Finder wouldn't re-open wasn't available to force quit, but the dock was visible.
Switching back to 7.5 fixed it. What a relief!

Dont know if it matters but this happened whether I used my NVME drive as my OS, or my SATA SSD. The Opencore drive was SATA.
i am back at 0.7.6, also reinstalled Adobe CC and Big Sur too (starting from recovery partition and just reinstall fresh Big Sur over existing installation, instruction here on forum). Now everythig seems to be OK.
Takes a couple of minutes to boot Monterey with the 0.7.7 OC package for me too. That is also the case on a freshly installed copy of Monterey 12.2. The progress bar gets stuck for over a minute there near 50% under the Apple logo. Not sure why (can of course enable verbose mode), but it didn't take that long with Big Sur.
You may be affected by this. I was and changing SSD to one on the "working fine" list on the SSD hall of fame solved the problem of long boot times for Monterey.
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Hi, I have Problems with FireWire using Martins 0.7.6 EFI... I would like to Capture MiniDV-Tapes with a Sony HDR-FX7. Therefore using a 9Pin to 4PIN FireWire Cable. The Mac can see the Device (some times... ). The Speed is the Problem in Systeminformation its displaying 100mb/s ?? It will capture some Frames... and cut the Capturing into lots of pieces with just a few frames anybody any idea? I also tried Premiere and Quicktime with similar results, after searching I came to a tool in homebrew - which unfortunately doesn't work ether...


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This sounds like Big Sur issue more than OpenCore. If OpenCore causing the issue, most likely the ports on the cMP won't work, but not the ports on the Cinema Display.

Do you have any USB 3.0 card installed? If yes, may be you can plug in the USB cable (from the ACD) to the USB 3.0 card, and see if that make any difference.

Also, you can try something like 0.7.5. And see if older OC version works better.
Thanks Martin! I don't have any USB 3.0 card installed and was considering Allegro Type-A USB 3.2 PCIe 4-Port card.

But for future proofing, I was thinking of getting an Allegro USB-C 4-Port PCIe Card. That way I could get a USB-C webcam and still have 3 more USB-C ports for other things.

What do you think? Thanks so much for your help. :)
I have on mojave. I want to upgrade big sur 11.6 using open core martin's 0.7.6
I read trouble with PCI cards, read a lot of but I'm not sure still.

Can this upgrade be successful despite PCI cards? Any suggest?

I will use logic pro.
I dont need wireless and bluetooth.
My current system
Mojave 10.14.6
cMP 5.1 (flashed 4.1 to 5.1) boot rom
Graphics card: Saphire Pulse rx-580 8gb (11265-05-20G)
Boot Hdd (pcie card): Card in the PCIE slot4, PCI Card model: Apricorn Velocity Duo x2, SSD Samsung 860evo 2tb (not nvme, only ssd)
Pcie sound card: CArd in the PCIe slot3, PCI Card model: Motu Pcie-424
USB 3 PCI card: Card in the PCIE slot2, PCI Card model: Sonnet USB3-4PM-E Allegro 4-Port USB 3.2 Gen 1
I have on mojave. I want to upgrade big sur 11.6 using open core martin's 0.7.6
I read trouble with PCI cards, read a lot of but I'm not sure still.

Can this upgrade be successful despite PCI cards? Any suggest?

I will use logic pro.
I dont need wireless and bluetooth.
My current system
Mojave 10.14.6
cMP 5.1 (flashed 4.1 to 5.1) boot rom
Graphics card: Saphire Pulse rx-580 8gb (11265-05-20G)
Boot Hdd (pcie card): Card in the PCIE slot4, PCI Card model: Apricorn Velocity Duo x2, SSD Samsung 860evo 2tb (not nvme, only ssd)
Pcie sound card: CArd in the PCIe slot3, PCI Card model: Motu Pcie-424
USB 3 PCI card: Card in the PCIE slot2, PCI Card model: Sonnet USB3-4PM-E Allegro 4-Port USB 3.2 Gen 1
I am no expert but your config is quite close to mine (except mine is 2010) but as long as Mojave available to get you out of trouble if you need to kill or fix OC configs 0.77 worked fine more me (Martin's version) to Moneterey 12.2.1 as long as the VMM is made on, and updateSMBIOS made false during the install (and changed back after) - same as for his Catalina instructions. Wireless and Bluetooth for me are off (factory airport card). See my config below
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