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macrumors G4
Jun 21, 2013
Went to report a hazard this morning and its no longer on the CarPlay Maps screen as an icon. Had to go to the menu to make the report.

They are way overdue in adding a construction reporting button, too.
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macrumors G4
Jun 21, 2013
Yes! I don’t need 10 categories but that and a longer option to report on incidents until you pass by it would be top of my list.

+1000 on the time. They should adjust that from a time interval to when, you know, you actually arrive at the alleged incident? Pretty pointless if the timer runs out before you can see if it’s there or not.


macrumors demi-god
Original poster
Jun 29, 2010
South Cackalacky
I noticed incidents on my ride to LaGuardia last night stayed on well after I passed them.


iOS Geek

macrumors 68000
Nov 7, 2017
I know when Craig said Vegas was getting the new city experience, he didn't say when...but a part of me thought it would be coming soon after he mentioned it. I sort of imagined it being released by now. Of course I'm waiting for them to get Vegas out of the way so it puts us that much closer to Chicago being released 😂

That aside, I'm looking forward to the cooler(ish) weather we have coming our way next week so I can give the cycling directions a try!
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macrumors demi-god
Original poster
Jun 29, 2010
South Cackalacky
Went to report a hazard this morning and its no longer on the CarPlay Maps screen as an icon. Had to go to the menu to make the report.

They are way overdue in adding a construction reporting button, too.

It was only on the screen when NOT routing and that has never changed from the beginning.

Not routing - button on screen (after you tap it)

While routing - tap on menu and then report.

Just took these this morning…has always been like this since it was released widely a year ago….This is what you are referring to, correct?

Button on screen when not routing

While routing, open menu to report



macrumors G4
Jun 21, 2013
It was only on the screen when NOT routing and that has never changed from the beginning.

Not routing - button on screen (after you tap it)

While routing - tap on menu and then report.

Just took these this morning…has always been like this since it was released widely a year ago….This is what you are referring to, correct?

Button on screen when not routing

While routing, open menu to report


Disagree. It was there while routing at some point. May have been removed but it was definitely there (and for awhile only there)


macrumors demi-god
Original poster
Jun 29, 2010
South Cackalacky
Disagree. It was there while routing at some point. May have been removed but it was definitely there (and for awhile only there)
I think I noted it during the iOS15 betas last year...I'll see if I can find the post when it moved...but it was a LONG time ago.

EDIT: Actually, it was in the iOS14 betas shortly after it was introduced that they changed it. If I remember correctly, it became available in early February 2021, and then it was changed once that beta went public in late April.

I reference it here in this thread and show pics from later that year...still looking for the original post and pics.


POST WHERE I MENTION IT CHANGING IN SPRING 2021 (and then I mention the two separate locations a couple of posts later HERE)

Looks like I added it as a note to the main iOS 15 Maps page on June 13, 2021...but I'm pretty sure I only wrote it then as I was adding notable features, but I guess it could have happened then.
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iOS Geek

macrumors 68000
Nov 7, 2017
Hmm, there’s one spot showing elevation in Chicago... 🤔 Can’t say I recall seeing this before. Started looking around the city and Soldier Field stuck out like a sore thumb!

So far, this is the only place I’m seeing any sort of elevation. Maybe Chicago’s release is coming sooner than I thought it would 🤔 **Geek excitement builds!**


macrumors 6502
Jul 21, 2013
Wow I was randomly looking at some POIs in the UK in and near London, and there are places that have over 100 ratings on Maps using the native rating system. I guess people there are actually using the feature more regularly? In the US I have seen a couple places with like 5-10 ratings, but it’s rare.


macrumors demi-god
Original poster
Jun 29, 2010
South Cackalacky
I was just reading this article and it got me thinking about a wide release of Look Around in the USA happening soon (yeah...I'm still on that... 🤣 )

I heard it when they said it, but it only clicked just now...probably because I just sold my house and am on Zillow like 5 times a day. If Zillow has said they are going to use Look Around instead of StreetView as they do currently, I imagine they would only make that change if Look Around was actually AVAILABLE!

I'll stick to a safe bet as available "by the end of the year" but I'd honestly be surprised if it wasn't released when iOS16 comes out this Fall.


macrumors demi-god
Original poster
Jun 29, 2010
South Cackalacky
Another article HERE that talks about the other changes to the interface...I've been too busy to share, but it actually is MUCH smother and more informative when creating routes.

iOS Geek

macrumors 68000
Nov 7, 2017
I was just reading this article and it got me thinking about a wide release of Look Around in the USA happening soon (yeah...I'm still on that... 🤣 )

I heard it when they said it, but it only clicked just now...probably because I just sold my house and am on Zillow like 5 times a day. If Zillow has said they are going to use Look Around instead of StreetView as they do currently, I imagine they would only make that change if Look Around was actually AVAILABLE!

I'll stick to a safe bet as available "by the end of the year" but I'd honestly be surprised if it wasn't released when iOS16 comes out this Fall.
Ooh good point. I didn’t put that together either when they mentioned that about Zillow 🤦‍♂️

And I know I’ve said multiple times that I’m sort of iffy on whether or not my town will be included in the detailed city experience comes out. (Unless it covers an area larger than Chicago’s current Look Around…and then Look Around is expanded to match, like they did in other cities for example. That’s a possibility but I think I might still be juuuuuuuust a little too far).

However, I was looking around yesterday and in addition to that elevation around Soldier Field that I posted above…I did a closer look around my little town. Apple seems to have done some clean up around here. More 3D models added to the Standard Map View. More bike paths added. They even fixed our highway interchange (previously, looking at the map, it made it look the interstate highway passed over our state highway (making the interstate the “overpass”). The state highway is actually the overpass and the map now correctly shows this. That change actually makes me a little more confident that we might get included in the elevation data, because if we weren’t…the way it was previously displayed, while shown incorrectly, wasn’t really consequential in any way. I’d only consider it consequential if we were going to be getting a 3D view. Heck, the only reason even I noticed that it showed it that way was only because I really zoomed in on it and saw that it looked “layered” wrong. If I didn’t zoom in that far, I wouldn’t have noticed that. It has never messed with routing, either. I first noticed it a few days ago and noticed yesterday that it was fixed.
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iOS Geek

macrumors 68000
Nov 7, 2017
Full Look Around coverage in France (it appears).

Alright Apple…full coverage in the US please 🙏 I’m getting surprised to see how many places are getting full coverage before us. Wouldn’t have guessed it panning out like that when the feature was first announced!


macrumors G4
Jun 21, 2013
Full Look Around coverage in France (it appears).

Alright Apple…full coverage in the US please I’m getting surprised to see how many places are getting full coverage before us. Wouldn’t have guessed it panning out like that when the feature was first announced!

Still fits with my theory that they are saving it for the Apple A/R headset reveal.

iOS Geek

macrumors 68000
Nov 7, 2017
Alright, now that we have France, Monaco, and New Zealand released…how do we think the rest of this year is going to play out? We already have a list of 11 upcoming countries/regions from Apple, so that makes this a little easier.

We can already shorten that list to 8 after yesterday’s release. So based on average testing time, I wouldn’t be surprised if Apple groups those remaining 8 and release them by region, giving us 5 in one release and 3 in the other. This would give us Belgium, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, and Switzerland all at once. And then give us Israel, Palestinian Territories, and Saudi Arabia all at once. Given how long each release is in testing, I don’t think they’d be able to break up those 8 into groups any smaller than that and still get it done by the end of the year at this point. I think it would make sense to do it grouped like this because these are all pretty small countries. Of the remaining 8 on the list, Saudi Arabia is larger than a lot of these other countries combined, if I’m not mistaken.
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