Yes Apple had some rough launches and products in the past but they were just much farther and few between. iOS 8 has been one blunder after another. But they want to sell more hardware so software is gonna be secondary as long as it kind of works most of the time.Remember Mobile Me? That was a huge mess too ...
Artwork on my 5s for local files is also messed up; it shows album art from the same artist, but from different albums.
My new pet hate is Music thinks it's been clever by hiding the remixers name in a song title, so now I get 4 different versions of a track with the song title the same on everyone and no way to tell them apart. No idea why it does it, i've watched it hide them even, and yet leave them on other tracks, if you try to share the track the remixer name appears in the share sheet! If you go back to the release page on New there are the remix names again, what on earth Apple?!
Seriously so true. The iPad app is a joke. The touch targets on the mini player buttons are so large is ridiculously easy to hit them when trying to tap "for you" or "my music". .
Well, at least my Evernote piece didn't go totally to waste - they've read it. Fingers crossed some of the concerns in this thread and my suggestions are implemented in time. It could only improve the service for everyone. (Incidentally the only person I emailed was Tim Cook...)
What address did you email? And do you have a link your Evernote piece...
More a weird thing than a real bug: If you search for a song title and play one result straight from the search result page, it will continue playing the other results. If you search for "We Are Young" and you play the song by Fun., then right afterwards, you get the song "We Are Young" by "Le Kid".
Not sure how that would be in any way meaningful, as I think that you quite rarely want to listen to 10 songs of the same name in a row.