Don´t know really what to do. Use boon or get maybe a Card from Hanseatic? But if something is for free you get it for free for a reason.
I like boon., I think it's a great little service. But for me, I want to have a cohesive banking experience and boon. - as good as it is - doesn't satisfy all my needs. Also: If you start using in-app purchases, booking your hotels and flights etc. via boon., then things like chargeback start becoming a problem. Also I don't want to stockpile a lot of money on their service, so my limit is always fairly low. If all you want to do is extend your bank account to do some small payments via Apple Pay, then boon. is the way to go. If I were you I would take the plunge and definitely open an N26 account. It's easy, has a free MC Debit card and you'll be able to use Apple Pay from day one. I explained a few pages back why having different accounts is actually a very good way on controlling your money flow.
If you want to go "all in" on Apple Pay and are willing to switch banks, then I would take that route. I've switched away from Sparkasse as my main account and used this chance to add some other cards and accounts that can benefit me.
An Amex card (the Payback one is completely free), a decent Visa/MC credit card and a well thought out current account should help. With the wide variety of launch banks, I'm sure everyone will find something that will suit their needs.
Finally: Can everyone stop worrying about Schufa? As long as you don't go overboard and order loads of credit cards, open current accounts and apply for loans all on one day, you can train Schufa to like the direction you're taking. Remember: If all you have is one account, possibly not even a registered credit card (ie. with ING DiBa or Sparkasse), no mobile phone contract and pay things off in full (or in cash) straight away, then Schufa doesn't have much to go on. If you use financial services wisely and you don't show up as a troublemaker, then your score will usually be higher and much more stable in the future. That can lead to you getting a great deal on a loan when you need it, while your neighbour who has spent his life banking with his local VoBa/SPK and has stayed clear from overdrafts and things - he will fall through with automated decisions as there is no data set to rely on. Think about it
I have 5 accounts and four credit cards registered. No, I don't spend all my money and consume stuff all day long, but I've got a good track record and my Schufa score is very good. That's why switching my accounts up hasn't caused any problems for me.