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As I said, the linked article does not make clear, that the 1000€ are only at POS relevant. But if it is so... as mentioned, you could not even buy an iPhone XS with this card.

Well no. I am quite certain that the daily limit of 1000 € applies to all usage of the card. Using the card with Apple Pay in a web browser or in an app will still count against the limit.

Unless we're completely getting our wires crossed here and we're talking about two different things. It's possible, it's Tuesday. :confused:
Well no. I am quite certain that the daily limit of 1000 € applies to all usage of the card. Using the card with Apple Pay in a web browser or in an app will still count against the limit.
That’s what I thought too.

Very strange and restrictive limit. Perhaps they want to hold it down to the ground, to sell more CreditCards.
The config.json changed again but is (as expected at this time) still without Germany
Last-Modified: Tue, 04 Dec 2018 10:39:37 GMT
That’s what I thought too.

Very strange and restrictive limit. Perhaps they want to hold it down to the ground, to sell more CreditCards.

I also have a 1000€ limit for the deutsche bank card plus (mastercard debit). Really don't see any value in the MC debit then anymore, also because it's not for free (ok you can pay online etc, but these kind of purchases I do with a CC anyways). I wonder what the fee for paying outside Euro countries is with the virtual card, probably same as with girocard?!

Anyone got the full conditions?
I'll just get one of those card cases for my iphone and put my nfc credit card in there. This **** is starting to get really annoying
Well but the same goes for any card that allows offline payments. Depending on your bank and internal credit score you can have a high or low offline limit.

bunq only offers 250€ per day as an offline limit. Online (when the terminal through the card connects to the banks servers) it is - as with any card - unlimited.

People shouldn't get so worked up about these limits! How often will you be spending 1000€ or more at offline terminals?
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Why do you think, it is an offline limit? Daily limit of 1000€ does not sound like a offline only limit but a general spending limit of 1000€ to prevent bigger fraud.

Do you have the T&C for the DB cards? I don’t find them.
Well but the same goes for any card that allows offline payments. Depending on your bank and internal credit score you can have a high or low offline limit.

bunq only offers 250€ per day as an offline limit. Online (when the terminal through the card connects to the banks servers) it is - as with any card - unlimited.

People shouldn't get so worked up about these limits! How often will you be spending 1000€ or more at offline terminals?
I wasnt talking about this limit thingy.
Apple Pay is annoying me
I wasnt talking about this limit thingy.
Apple Pay is annoying me
Not you, the guys above... Only recently bunq enabled cards to work offline (if the terminal you payed at wasn't connected to the net). Up until then places like onboard service on planes / trains and self-service petrol stations (esp. in France!) would not have worked. Banks need to actively enable an offline-limit for the card. How else would the terminal know if you have the spare cash or not?

It will theoretically be the same case for this card. As a further example: boon. only works if the terminal is connected to the internet, other cards (ie. my UK Visa Debits in Apple Pay) even work if the terminal isn't and thus I can use them onboard an ICE enjoying my coffee :cool:
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Here are the terms and conditions of the Deutsche Bank virtual card for Apple Pay in detail:
Thank you!


6 Finanzielle Nutzungsgrenze

(1) Der Debitkarteninhaber darf Verfügungen mit seiner Debitkarte nur im Rahmen des Kontoguthabens oder eines vorher für das Konto eingeräumten Kredites vornehmen. Auch wenn der Debitkarteninhaber diese Nutzungsgrenze bei seinen Verfügungen nicht einhält, ist die Bank berechtigt, den Einsatz der Aufwendungen zu verlangen, die aus der Nutzung der Debitkarte entstehen. Die Buchung solcher Verfügungen auf dem Konto führt zu einer geduldeten Kontoüberziehung.

(2) Sofern die Nutzungsgrenze nicht vorher erreicht wird, ist mit der Debitkarte ein tägliches Verfügungslimit von 1.000, – Euro möglich.

Does not look as the 1000€ limit is an "offline" limit. The terms say, as I read it, that you can spend 1000€ a day max. whatever your balance says. Either your account is "empty" or the 1000€ limit kicks in.

Or am I reading it wrong? If not, you can not go on holiday shopping with your DB virtual card in Apple Pay.
But 1000€ is a huge amount of money. Besides really big things its far to high - I have my N26 set to 200€ per day...
The standard limit for ING cards is 4.000€ a week (which equals less per day, admittedly more in a day). For purchases that large a virtual MC Debit certainly isn't your main card then. A dedicated credit card (Amex, points card etc.) will be much more fitting for most out there ;)
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The standard limit for ING cards is 4.000€ a week (which equals less per day, admittedly more in a day). For purchases that large a virtual MC Debit certainly isn't your main card then. A dedicated credit card (Amex, points card etc.) will be much more fitting for most out there ;)
Buying a standard TV set or an iPhone requires a dedicated credit card in your world?

We are not talking about buying a Mac Pro or a car.
Comdirect T&C are online once again
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