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This is so embarrassing. Sounds to me like acting like a prima donna. :D:D:D

If I were Apple I would give Sparkasse access to NFC but don’t allow their payment app in the App Store. :D Just to show who’s the boss.
Paid at the local Dehner several times the last months with AP.

Thanks for the info. Maybe my friend did something wrong. I’ll try in the weekend to see myself.
Guys, a bit OT but I need your help.

I need a good, new bank for my business (GmbH), since Commerzbank turns out to be a scheißbank after one year of use. What I need for the most:
- Apple Pay (lol)
- SEPA Lastschriften (very important since all of my customers pay via Sepa Lastschrift)
- modern/good usability in terms of online banking
- CC and girocard

The only alternative bank I found is DB. Does anyone have other ideas or experiences with own business?

You could use Stripe for the SEPA-Lastschrift ;)
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Just sae a ******** report on pro7. According to them Apple Pay can only be used to pay at the partners

Saw it too. But I think it was ok especially cause they mentioned that Apple Pay has serious data protection in place instead of how GP handles it.
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Can you copy us the text or post screenshots of the article?
Because I don't have an account. Thanks! ;)

But guess it´s not allowed isn't it?

Zum Start von Apple Pay in Deutschland ist die Amerikanerin nach München in die Allianz Arena gereist. Bailey ist bei dem Technologiekonzern weltweit für das Thema mobiles Bezahlen verantwortlich.
Die Allianz Arena ist eine große Bühne, gab es in anderen Ländern ähnliche Launch-Events?
In Deutschland haben wir zum ersten Mal einen Launch in Verbindung mit einer Stadionkulisse gemacht. Ich mag das, und der FC Bayern ist ja auch ein sehr bedeutender Fußballverein. Außerdem konnten wir hier gut zeigen, welche Vorteile Apple bringt: Die Fußballfans können mit Kontaktlos-Tickets das Stadion betreten und dann überall schnell und einfach mit Apple Pay bezahlen.

Was ist das Besondere an Deutschland?
Deutschland ist ein sehr wichtiger, weil großer Markt für Apple. Wir haben hier viele iPhone- und Mac-Kunden, deshalb müssen wir hier auch mit Apple Pay präsent sein. Deutschland gehört auf jeden Fall zu den Top-10-Ländern.

Warum mussten deutsche Kunden so lange auf Apple Pay warten?
Wir schauen uns verschiedene Dinge an, bevor wir in einem Land mit Apple Pay starten: Wie viele iPhones verkaufen wir? Wie viele Kunden haben Kreditkarten? Und sind die Banken bereit? Alles zusammen entscheidet darüber, wann wir loslegen. Deutschland ist ein sehr komplexer Zahlungsmarkt, hier gibt es zum Beispiel sehr viele Banken.

Mehr Banken bedeutet doch auch mehr potenzielle Partner?
Definitiv, aber jede Bank, mit der wir zusammenarbeiten, muss technologische Entwicklungen erledigen, um mit uns zusammenzuarbeiten. Je größer die Banken sind, desto komplexer sind meist ihre Systeme, und sie brauchen Zeit für die Integration. Außerdem arbeiten wir mit den Händlern zusammen, um sicherzustellen, dass wir beim Start in vielen Läden und auf vielen Websites verfügbar sind.

Viele Banken haben schon eigene Bezahl-Apps gestartet, aber Apple gibt die entscheidende Schnittstelle der iPhones nicht frei. Wann ändert sich das?
Da gibt es ein Missverständnis, tatsächlich können Banken auch iPhone-Nutzern das Bezahlen über ihre eigene App ermöglichen. Capital One zum Beispiel hat seine Kreditkarte so in Apple Pay integriert, dass Nutzer darauf aus der Banking-App heraus zugreifen können. Sie nutzen also Apple Pay, machen es aber über ihre App. Die Möglichkeit steht grundsätzlich allen Banken offen. Aber am Ende nutzen die meisten doch am liebsten direkt Apple Pay, weil die Kunden dabei keine App mehr öffnen müssen.

Wie sicher ist Apple Pay?
In den Geräten werden nicht die Kartendaten der Kunden gespeichert, sondern nur sogenannte Token. Zudem braucht es biometrische Daten – Fingerabdruck oder Gesichtserkennung – um diese Informationen beim Bezahlen freizugeben.

Welche Daten erhält Apple zum Einkaufsverhalten seiner Kunden?
Apple speichert oder analysiert keine Transaktionsdaten. Wenn die Kunden mit Apple zahlen, sehen wir weder, wo sie einkaufen, noch was, noch für welchen Betrag. Diese Informationen laufen nicht über Apple-Server.

Wieso? Sie wären doch nützlich für den Konzern.
Wir glauben fest an die Privatsphäre unserer Kunden, und sie sollen selbst entscheiden, wem sie ihre Daten anvertrauen. Je mehr Parteien die Daten der Kunden haben, desto größer ist das Risiko für die Verbraucher. Apple will die Zahlungen so sicher wie möglich machen, auch die Händler erhalten nicht die vollständigen Kartendaten, so schützen wir die Kunden.



Fünf Tipps: So sichern Sie Ihre sozialen Identitäten

Der Mädchenname unserer Mutter, oder das Geburtsjahr unseres ersten Haustieres? Wir wissen, dass es schwierig ist, ein leicht zu merkendes Kennwort zu finden, das komplex genug ist, um Wörterbuchangriffen standzuhalten. Mehr...

Vor dem offiziellen Start gab es viele Gerüchte. Warum haben Sie aus dem Termin so ein Geheimnis gemacht?
Es hilft, die Spannung im Markt zu steigern. Die Leute wachen morgens auf und schauen, ob sie ihre Karten schon zur Apple Wallet hinzufügen können und freuen sich darauf. Es ist für uns ein sehr effizienter Weg, um Aufmerksamkeit zu bekommen.

Frau Bailey, danke für das Gespräch.
Okay, what was the person called on Twitter who said Apple Watch NFC would be slower than regular NFC cards?

Thats absolute ******** and I‘d love to tell him that. Payed on various POS today and it was so fast, the LED didn‘t even flash at REWE.

What a weenie. :rolleyes:
"Vor dem offiziellen Start gab es viele Gerüchte. Warum haben Sie aus dem Termin so ein Geheimnis gemacht?"
"Es hilft, die Spannung im Markt zu steigern. Die Leute wachen morgens auf und schauen, ob sie ihre Karten schon zur Apple Wallet hinzufügen können und freuen sich darauf. Es ist für uns ein sehr effizienter Weg, um Aufmerksamkeit zu bekommen. "

i would say it worked
Does anyone checked the sh*tstorm on Twitter at Big S and Volksbanken?

Makes my evening much more enjoyable. So many customers "10 bucks a month and no AP/GP. I'm switching to Comdirect and get 100€"

It will be a remarkable number in general that will switch. Its not only due to mobile Payment but I think this is the last detail why people decide to switch to a "Direktbank".
Next defensive attitude will be blocking the Visa/MCs for withdrawals. I know so many banks that did that in the last couple of month cause the customers are turning their backs from the "old ones"
I wasn’t asked to set a PIN. And there is no Place in the App to set or change it.

Not anymore it seems. In the last version there was still an option to change the PIN.

At first really thought it was a well done Joke from you guys with this last interview part!! :D

"Deutschland gehört auf jeden Fall zu den Top-10-Ländern."
So tbh then we should have been under the first 10 countries that launched if she said something like this! o_O

NFC Ticketing.png

This was already posted but not discussed in Detail.

If I understand this correct, this is a similar solution as Apple offered to some US-universities for door opening etc., right? And maybe with that useful NFC Express Mode where it also worked when the iPhone battery is totally empty (only available on iPhone XS, XR)

So technically this means that the FCB-Tickets have definitely (unusual) writing access because otherwise it wouldn´t work. Because with only NFC reading mode on iPhone and without needing an internet connection the iPhone can't confirm a valid ticket and so the stadium terminal of course also not.

Who else except ApplePay itself, US-universities and now FCB offers this writing NFC access?
At first really thought it was a well done Joke from you guys with this last interview part!! :D

"Deutschland gehört auf jeden Fall zu den Top-10-Ländern."
So tbh we should have been under the first 10 countries that launched if she said something like this! o_O

View attachment 810147

This was already posted but not discussed in Detail.

If I understand this correct, this is a similar solution as Apple offered to some US-universities for door opening etc., right?

So technically this means that the FCB-Tickets have definitely (unusual) writing access because otherwise it wouldn´t work. Because with only NFC reading mode on iPhone and without needing an internet connection the iPhone can't confirm a valid ticket and so the stadium terminal of course also not.

Who else except ApplePay itself, US-universities and now FCB offers this writing NFC access?
Seems like no one. But as it looks you just can contact Apple and try to find a solution instead of public shaming via press :D But who am I to judge that situation I don‘t know what Sparkasse communicated with Apple or didn‘t.
At first really thought it was a well done Joke from you guys with this last interview part!! :D

"Deutschland gehört auf jeden Fall zu den Top-10-Ländern."
So tbh then we should have been under the first 10 countries that launched if she said something like this! o_O

View attachment 810147

This was already posted but not discussed in Detail.

If I understand this correct, this is a similar solution as Apple offered to some US-universities for door opening etc., right?

So technically this means that the FCB-Tickets have definitely (unusual) writing access because otherwise it wouldn´t work. Because with only NFC reading mode on iPhone and without needing an internet connection the iPhone can't confirm a valid ticket and so the stadium terminal of course also not.

Who else except ApplePay itself, US-universities and now FCB offers this writing NFC access?

The reason for that ability is because the tickets are used through the Wallet app, which is currently the only app that has full NFC capabilities.
Just sae a ******** report on pro7. According to them Apple Pay can only be used to pay at the partners

That's ********.....Kamps is not listed as partner but works in 2 Rail Stations perfect....

But another Question, if i use SBB (Schweizer Bundesbahn) App then AP will immediately launch after "Billet kaufen" but i can't see any website on my iMac where i can buy anything without making a "Kundenkonto" neither
The reason for that ability is because the tickets are used through the Wallet app, which is currently the only app that has full NFC capabilities.

Okay, hmmm.. are you sure about that.

Because than for example Payback could build a wallet pass that has writing access directly in the wallet app and could use PaybackPay with that trick over NFC on iPhone while using the wallet app to sende for example your customer ID and in the background the "good old Lastschrift" will happen.

There was this misleading news report where several news sites said that Lufthansa Miles and More got NFC writing access in their app. But in reality it was only reading access.

So related to your statement, why didn't use Lufthansa Miles and More the Wallet with writing access for their solution if it´s really possible.

I´m confused now if it´s really possible for all the wallet passes to have writing access? :D

Okay seems like a new function. At least last weeks Apple Watch update says:
„Ermöglicht den direkten Zugriff auf unterstützte Filmtickets, Coupons und Kundenkarten in Wallet, wenn die Apple Watch an ein kontaktloses Lesegerät gehalten wird“
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Okay, hmmm.. are you sure about that.

Because than for example Payback could build a wallet pass that has writing access directly in the wallet app and could use PaybackPay with that trick over NFC on iPhone while using the wallet app to sende for example your customer ID and in the background the "good old Lastschrift" will happen.

There was this misleading news report where several news sites said that Lufthansa Miles and More got NFC writing access in their app. But in reality it was only reading access.

So related to your statement, why didn't use Lufthansa Miles and More the Wallet with writing access for their solution if it´s really possible.

I´m confused now if it´s really possible for all the wallet passes to have writing access? :D

Okay seems like a new function. At least last weeks Apple Watch update says:
„Ermöglicht den direkten Zugriff auf unterstützte Filmtickets, Coupons und Kundenkarten in Wallet, wenn die Apple Watch an ein kontaktloses Lesegerät gehalten wird“

This is not really a new feature, it’s been there since Apple Pay got launched.

They are called NFC passes and store cards. The first to implement was Walgreens in the US when Apple Pay launched in 2014.

It’s basically a Wallet Pass with NFC capabilities.
And it works like this:
- you have to develop the app and the idea
- request approval from Apple which is a bit rigorous actually since they’re really strict
- you need to prove what the added value of your NFC pass is

So the apps that support these kinds of NFC passes actually just tell Apple “okay here’s the data you need and make it available to our customers” so the NFC pass is created and stored in a more or less sandboxes environment (Wallet App) and through that it communicates with the NFC reader. There are static NFC passes (such as simple tickets) and interactive NFC passes (such as store cards, which show you how many points you have etc.)

So, in reality, no, Apple has not opened NFC for everyone just like that since all the NFC traffic still goes through the Wallet app and all he data is stored there, plus, they get to decide if your use-case is worth the NFC pass or not. Pretty harsh actually, but most of potential use-cases (Payback, Transit monthly cards etc.) could be added to Wallet without an issue.

Furthermore, it wouldn’t actually be that impossible for payback to support payback pay through an NFC pass. There’s already something similar happening in Japan with the “Watson’s” loyalty card, which basically gets you points and you can also pay with it.
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At first really thought it was a well done Joke from you guys with this last interview part!! :D

"Deutschland gehört auf jeden Fall zu den Top-10-Ländern."
So tbh then we should have been under the first 10 countries that launched if she said something like this! o_O

View attachment 810147

This was already posted but not discussed in Detail.

If I understand this correct, this is a similar solution as Apple offered to some US-universities for door opening etc., right? And maybe with that useful NFC Express Mode where it also worked when the iPhone battery is totally empty (only available on iPhone XS, XR)

So technically this means that the FCB-Tickets have definitely (unusual) writing access because otherwise it wouldn´t work. Because with only NFC reading mode on iPhone and without needing an internet connection the iPhone can't confirm a valid ticket and so the stadium terminal of course also not.

Who else except ApplePay itself, US-universities and now FCB offers this writing NFC access?
Thats correct, i wonder when the first car company has a deal with Apple to get that access. (I hope its Audi :p)
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