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Unbelievable how stores Push for ApplePay. Seen this at the entrance of Aldi Süd.
Seems Aldi wants to get rid of expensive cash and is even wiling to do ads for that
I paid with my watch at New Yorker, Düsseldorf. Cashier: “You are all modern.”
Q-Park, Düsseldorf an underground garage, I searched for the contactless symbol and I saw it. Paid! Needed some help to reach the reader with my watch though.
Nice! I’m loving it! It simplifies my life.
Nice! I’m loving it! It simplifies my life.
Great! I can really believe that this technology is great in your situation. PinPads are sometimes also in very weird angles. Right for standing which is bad for you or even sometimes so far away when you sit in a wheelchair. Beside the watch also paying with the phone must be more handy then cards.
A few times AP with touch ID was failing me. Was a bit embarrassing :S Generally it always feels a bit like showing off which is not my intention.
Now I rather use it with double touch in lockscreen before paying.
Today I paid at Starbucks. My watch/ card showed it worked. But I had to approach once again. The payment doesn’t show up within the boon. app but it’s displayed under the transactions within the watch app. Do you guys know the reason for this? Will it show up within the app sometime soon?
A few times AP with touch ID was failing me. Was a bit embarrassing :S Generally it always feels a bit like showing off which is not my intention.
Now I rather use it with double touch in lockscreen before paying.
I find in those situations that Face ID is much more reliable. Just when I was in a rush touch ID would fail and I'd need to frantically enter my 6-digit passcode... whilst all those cash payers behind me stared at me and my phone. :D
Fastest and most reliable for me was my watch.
Even inside a thick jacket I would just double tap inside the jacket with a finger and hold the arm to the reader. Once someone asked me if I have an implant with a card
Watch was not even visible.
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I find in those situations that Face ID is much more reliable. Just when I was in a rush touch ID would fail and I'd need to frantically enter my 6-digit passcode... whilst all those cash payers behind me stared at me and my phone. :D
Yeah first I actually thought Touch ID would be more convenient as you dont have to double click or touch something before paying. But practically it isnt..
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Yeah, with my iPhone 6s, TouchID sometimes failed/needed several tries because my finger was slightly wet after I put my groceries (vegetables, frozen items) in my bags.
FaceID works more reliably now with the newer iPhones.
Neanderthal Museum, POS is attached to a cord. I can’t reach it.

Maybe one additional way for you when this happens is to double tap power (with FaceID) so Payment is active and reach it to the employee?
But I am with you that sometimes they have put these terminals so far away, that sometimes it is even hard for non-handicap people to type in the Pin. Don’t know why they do it.
Yeah, with my iPhone 6s, TouchID sometimes failed/needed several tries because my finger was slightly wet after I put my groceries (vegetables, frozen items) in my bags.
FaceID works more reliably now with the newer iPhones.

I can tell you a thing or two about it ... :D Those countless times I tried to unlock my phone using touch id but it wouldnt work because my hands were sweaty ... I tend to have cold sweaty hands so touch id failed me over and over again. Two weeks ago switched to a XR and well I'm just loving the face id. Its not slower than touch id first gen by any means and it is way way more reliable. I was in Moscow last week and I didnt have to take out my card a single time. Apple Pay just works there everywhere and with face id its just as good as it can get. Even if its only like 6 cents you can pay with card/apple pay in Russia. :D


I actually prefer paying with my phone instead of the watch because the terminals tend to be in a weird angle. Aldi for example really hating those terminals.

BTW I recently wrote to all those shops that I visit on a regular basis and dont accept credit cards an eMail asking them kindly to rethink about accepting said cards. Since regulations and fees for credit cards changed and are more or less as expensive as girocard payments it would make sense offering it. I also said that there are a ton of direct banks out there that only give mastercards out and that those people are cut off from those shops. Every single shop answered me to rethink the situation since they were not even aware that there are new regulations in place that limit those fees for credit cards. Its been about four weeks now that I wrote those emails and last week my local bakery wrote me an email that they accept now credit cards. Same goes for my local furniture shop they accept now credit cards and got new pos terminals and even thanked me in the email because they didnt know about those regulations as well.

What I want to say is just go for it and ask the manager or sent them an email and explain the situation why they should accept credit/debit cards. 9 out of 10 shops dont even know that there are new regulations in place and that its not the 3 to 4 % fee anymore. The more people stand up and talk to them the more likely it is that they will listen.
Maybe one additional way for you when this happens is to double tap power (with FaceID) so Payment is active and reach it to the employee?
But I am with you that sometimes they have put these terminals so far away, that sometimes it is even hard for non-handicap people to type in the Pin. Don’t know why they do it.

They do it because they dont know any better. Just talk to them and explain the situation. You wont believe how positive those people react when giving them constructive feedback. :cool:
can you provide us the emails text as template? i am curious, great success rate btw.

wie ich leider feststellen musste, ist es bei Euch in der FILIALE NAME ORT nicht möglich, mit Kredit-/Debitkarten von Mastercard oder Visa zu bezahlen. Ebenso wenig wird das kontaktlose oder mobile Bezahlen unterstützt, was ich als Kunde sehr bedaure.
Wie Sie vielleicht schon selbst erfahren haben, steigt die Anzahl der im Umlauf befindlichen Kredit-/Debitkarten stetig an. Dies liegt nicht zuletzt daran, dass es immer mehr Direktbanken und Start-Ups wie die Commdirekt, N26, Revolut oder bunq gibt, die ausschließlich Debit Mastercards ausgeben. Leider verfügen diese Direktbanken über keine girocards und keine eigene Bankautomaten, so dass Kunden in der Regel nur gegen teures Aufgeld über Bargeld verfügen können. Sogar die Deutsche Bank gibt mittlerweile Debit Mastercards an Ihre Kunden aus.
Vielleicht ist es Ihnen nicht bekannt, aber die Europäische Union hat 2015 eine neue Richtlinie verabschiedet, welche die Gebühren für Kredit-/Debitkartenzahlungen auf max 0,3 % (Kreditkarten) bzw. 0,2 % (Debitkarten) limitiert. Damit ist die Girocard mit 0,2 % die in der Regel pro Transaktion fällig werden nur unwesentlich billiger als die Kreditkarte. Debitkartenzahlungen sind sogar genauso preiswert wie Transaktionen mit der Girocard. Die Zeiten bei denen Händler bis zu 5 % für Kreditkartenzahlungen an das Kreditinsitut bezahlen mussten, sind also längst vorbei und sollten nicht als Ausrede dienen.
Da Ihre Filiale die oben genannten Bezahlvarianten nicht akzeptiert, heißt das für mich als Kunde, dass ich mich immer wieder gezwungen sehe, bei der Konkurenz einzukaufen, da die eben jene Zahlungsmittel akzeptiert. HIER EVENTUELL PERSÖNLICHE ANMERKUNGEN ZUM BEISPIEL DER BÄCKER MÜLLER AKZEPTIERT MASTERCARDS DAHER KAUF ICH MEINE BRÖTCHEN DA. Da ich sehr gerne bei Euch Kunde bin würde ich mich freuen, wenn Sie zeitnah das kontaktlose und mobile Bezahlen mit Kredit-/Debitkarten einführen würden.
Über eine positive Rückmeldung würde ich mich sehr freuen!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,


Ich schreib das hier jetzt auf deutsch, weil sich das eben auf deutsche Händler bezieht. So in der Art hab ich die eMails geschrieben. Natürlich muss man ein paar Formatierungen vornehmen, Namen, Straße und Ort des Geschäfts etc. hinzufügen und was auch nicht schaden kann persönliche Erfahrungen dazuzuschreiben. Zum Beispiel in meinem Fall war es so das der "Basic Bio Bäcker" bei mir ums Eck fünf Meter neben einem "Hackner Bäcker" liegt. "Basic" akzaptiert alle Karten bei jedem Betrag, der "Hackner" nur Bargeld. Dann hab ich halt gesagt dass ich gerne beim Hackner meine Brötchen kaufe, aber ich nur mit Karte zahl und der "Basic" nimmt die Karte eben. Also klar wohin ich geh um meine Brötchen zukaufen, auch wenns beim "Basic" teurer ist als beim "Hackner". So in der Art kann man das ja auf viele Geschäfte anwenden. Eine persönliche Note eben der Mail anfügen dann kommt eigentlich immer was Gutes zurück, so meine Erfahrungen.
I wonder how long we will need to wait for the next wave of banks to go online. DKB is coming along in April, I read somewhere that ING are aiming for the second half of 2019. Does anyone know about Consorsbank?

Revolut should - after announcing "coming soon" in France in April 2018 - really launch within the next few weeks. It's been long enough...
I tried today paying with Payback Amex via AP at IKEA in Hamburg-Altona, payment was declined although they have an American Express sticker in front of the payment terminal.
I tried today paying with Payback Amex via AP at IKEA in Hamburg-Altona, payment was declined although they have an American Express sticker in front of the payment terminal.

Did it work with the physical card?
Could be multiple reasons, Amex problem, Apple Problem, Card Terminal Problem, amount too high for your CC etc.
boon can work with offline terminals?

I thougth this feature is limited to credit cards in difference to debit cards.

Most debit cards by MC and Visa support offline transactions to a certain amount. Eg. bunq Mastercard Debit cards support offline transactions to an accumulated amount of 250€. Limit gets reset once you do an online transaction again.
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