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Seems to be an offline terminal then
Watch/ card showed:✅
POS Wartet auf Eingabe or something like that. I had to approach again.
She handed the POS over to me, if I don’t mix up different payments here. In the beginning the payment was only in the transaction history on the watch. At night I called boon, just to be sure. They saw the payment, so everything was fine.
I tried today paying with Payback Amex via AP at IKEA in Hamburg-Altona, payment was declined although they have an American Express sticker in front of the payment terminal.
I tried yesterday at IKEA Köln Butzweilerhof - same result. Two transactions greater than 250€. AmEx is accepted there and I verified the limit of the card which is „unlimited“ as of AmEx Payback website. That was really frustrating.
^Exactly, no matter the EU regulations, these expensive contracts are stopping the expansion of card payments in DE. Packages with credit card (ergo AP) included, it is even nearly 4% after passing the included volumes.
In other countries the costs are strictly regulated.
^Exactly, no matter the EU regulations, these expensive contracts are stopping the expansion of card payments in DE. Packages with credit card (ergo AP) included, it is even nearly 4% after passing the included volumes.
In other countries the costs are strictly regulated.
Sure? In the US there are afaik no fee caps but in Europe there are (for the issuing banks, not the CC company or the processing provider).
Haha. When trying to add my MC Debit of norisbank, I get the T&C of Deutsche Bank.

(I know norisbank is a "daughter" of Deutsche Bank. But that there is no clear cut is a little bit funny).


But I can't add the card in the end.

The contract of VR „looks“ quite nice but with this pitfall.
So Shops have to closely look how much they accept.
I have also never seen great contracts so far so sometimes I cannot blame them.
On the other side a lot of shops let their employees do the risky job, traveling with a couple of thousand euros to the bank or getting change for some amount.
Our bakery takes the risk and let’s the bakery driver take the money.
Dont want to see them when they get robbed.
Does NL have other caps than Germany? Is this not a question of European Regulation?

Netherland has a cap of I think 0,02€ per transactions. Probably the Main reason why Card payments are that widespread there. This cap is only for Maestro/V Pay payments though.
Hmmm. 0,02€ or 0,02%? Hmm. Who's the acceptance of MC/Visa/Amex in NL?

While Maestro acceptance is really good, other payment networks are harder to come by than in DE, relatively speaking, in my experience. Even large food retail chains (e.g. Albert Heijn) don‘t even accept MC/Visa :rolleyes:. Contrary to DE many restaurants and bars accept MC/Visa though.
There‘s something weird going on with Amex Apple Pay. Multiple times now I haven‘t been able to pay but paying contactless with the card itself works at the same terminal. So it‘s not that Amex isn‘t accepted, or that Amex contactless doesn‘t work but specifically Amex via Apple Pay doesn‘t work. At the same terminal however Maestro or Mastercard via Apple Pay do work.

If someone is able to make any sense out of that, please explain.
There‘s something weird going on with Amex Apple Pay. Multiple times now I haven‘t been able to pay but paying contactless with the card itself works at the same terminal. So it‘s not that Amex isn‘t accepted, or that Amex contactless doesn‘t work but specifically Amex via Apple Pay doesn‘t work. At the same terminal however Maestro or Mastercard via Apple Pay do work.

If someone is able to make any sense out of that, please explain.

The deadline for contactless acceptance set by Amex for Europe was originally October 2018, but I have come across many terminals that just haven't been updated in years (yet still support MC/Visa contactless - as their standards were implemented years ago). I have no idea what the procedures are behind the scenes to force POS to update.

It seems like it'll have to be the waiting game I'm afraid...
Tuesday was a bit strange experience with AP. With boon Mastercard at Ikea Restaurant I had to sign afterwards, although boon officially says it would only work with CDCVM. Downstairs in the "normal" Ikea it then worked perfectly fine.
At HEM petrol station, an official AP Partner and who were releasing a proud press statement for supporting AP, the terminal crashed :D This could have actually been a serious problem if I had counted solely on AP. I mean how you get the petrol out of the car again and they cant just let me drive away for getting money. So much for the reliability of AP :-/
Does anyone know whether Apple Pay continues to work with your iPhones region changed? I‘m tired of my current News app and would like to try out the Apple one again (how they don‘t allow me to grab that in germany goes beyond me, all my devices are set to english and I don‘t really care about local news outlets anyways).
I mailed to the museum I talked about here recently:

Sehr geehrter Herr xxx,

das ist ein außergewöhnlich wichtiger Hinweis !

Ich bedanke mich ausdrücklich dafür.

Wir werden Ihren Hinweis in unsere technischen Gespräche mit unserer Hausbank einbringen und auch ich hoffe auf eine zeitnahe Lösung.

Mit besten Grüßen aus dem Museum

xxx xxx


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Leiter des Betrieblichen Managements

Finanzen, Marketing, Personal

xxx xxx

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Gesendet: Dienstag, 8. Januar 2019 18:44


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Name: xxx xxx

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Nachricht: Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

ich habe vor ein paar Tagen Ihr Museum besucht und wollte unsere Tickets kontaktlos bezahlen, mit meiner Apple Watch. Ich bin Spastiker und sitze im Rollstuhl. Die Dame an der Kasse hätte mir das Gerät hingehalten, wenn es nicht an einer Kordel befestigt gewesen wäre. Können Sie am aktuellen Zustand etwas ändern? Am Ende hat meine Begleitung für mich in bar bezahlt. Eigentlich wollte ich diesen Besuch ausgeben. Auf Grund meiner Behinderung kann ich nicht gut mit Bargeld hantieren und bin daher stets auf Hilfe angewiesen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


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Was speichert Apple?
Apple wickelt alle Zahlungsvorgänge mit Apple Pay über eigene Server ab. Dabei werden die Informationen verschlüsselt übertragen. Apple gibt an, dass diese Daten in einer Form gespeichert werden, die keine Rückschlüsse auf Einzelpersonen zulassen.

Sind die Ortungsdienste des Smartphones aktiviert, speichert Apple außerdem anonymisiert Ort und Zeitpunkt jeder Transaktion. Diese Daten können von Apple zum Beispiel dafür genutzt werden, Datenbanken etwa mit den Standorten von Geschäften für Karten aktuell zu halten. " Source:
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