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What? Clear message. And not less plausible than a start in Germany. Perhaps more plausible, because there is no reason why Apple does not start Apple Pay if they want to. There are enough banks that would support it. More than they had in Switzerland or other countries.

I don’t care anymore. I can pay contactless with any of my cards. If Apple does not want... the market don’t need them.
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  1. social media teams will never ever know something about something like that. nothing pro and nothing against something like that
  2. if there is something that has to do with apple pay there is an NDA, so even if my 1st statement would be wrong, no-one would be able to say something like that
  3. my 1st statement is correct ;-)
  4. and because the easiest way to keep something like that a secret, or follow the rules of the NDA, you try to tell no-one about that. and you will definitely not tell social media teams
so, they do know nothing. they know the same we do.
At our Lild the contactless function is now better advertised.


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I thin that means a lot. It is a very clear statement, that Apple Pay won't come to Germany. Sorry mein Englisch ist zu schlecht: So klar hat sich bisher noch keine einzige Bank geäußert, weil er damit dem Start auf absehbare Zeit eine klare Absage erteilt hat. Das steht im Kontrast zu den sehr wagen und unpräzisen Antworten, die die Banken sonst immer geben Insofern hat das sehr viel zu bedeuten.

Yes docfred, I know.

No it doesn’t. Rest assured that a simple (no offense here) social media accountant doesn’t know such things. The risk to say something that goes again a NDA is just to high.

Das bedeutet tatsächlich gar nichts. So ein einfacher Social Media Fuzzi weiß über soetwas nicht Bescheid. Da gibt es NDA, die weit über deren Gehaltsgruppe sind. Und das ist auch der Grund, warum es immer so viel Drumherumgerede gibt, die wollen einfach nichts Falsches sagen.
Because of that, I think, that they have prepared answers, and this seems not to be on of it.

Maybe that guy was just to pissed to use one of the prepared answers. the social media team will never ever know something about such a topic. they will read about something like that after some kind of press release...
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... because there is no reason why Apple does not start Apple Pay if they want to. There are enough banks that would support it. ... If Apple does not want... the market don’t need them.

There was a quite detailed discussion on Twitter yesterday about that (again).

There are/seem to be some agreements in place that stops single banks to start with Apple on their own as of yet. They thought they could get an advantage if they negotiate together (courtesy of DK).
No such luck so far as was to be expected.
Apple wants its share of the interchange.
The german banks don’t want the pay the share Apple wants.
And they want access to the NFC and they want to charge their customers for ApplePay.
Two things banks in other countries tried before but failed miserably.

I think we just have to wait until the first bank goes again the self-imposed embargo.
Did happen in Australia and Swizerland for instance. Will happen in Germany eventually.
when apple opens the nfc they will Release an App - so probably Never - same strategy as Sparkasse and Volksbanken - they didnt even Talk on DK about iOS - android only. As i Said I dont expect Apple Pay in Germany for this year....
I do expect AP for this year. At least I do hope for a release in this year.

But we have learned that social media accounts just talk ******** all the Time. At least when talking about something like this
Are you serious, you can not?
No, really. Now I read something about them. Seems to be just one of the many "fintech"-Startups that pop up like mushrooms but without any USP. Where's the interesting feature set?

these crypto currencies options for example is really just a small niche and you even can not transer the coins to another wallet...

funny what companies are playing around on the market. all these small fintech startups with their "me too"-portfolios without any USP remind me of the gold digger vibes in the IT/Internet business around the 2000s just before all collapsed.
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