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at the moment I am thinking bout getting an AMEX once Apple Pay has been launched. Or switch over to comdirect but I were thinking bout getting a comdirect account earlier to be able to deposit money from time to time... and if ing-diba is not going to support Apple Pay I will rethink the comdirect idea - or just get an AMEX for Apple Pay
at the moment I am thinking bout getting an AMEX once Apple Pay has been launched. Or switch over to comdirect but I were thinking bout getting a comdirect account earlier to be able to deposit money from time to time... and if ing-diba is not going to support Apple Pay I will rethink the comdirect idea - or just get an AMEX for Apple Pay

If I were in your position I'd just get a free N26. Play around with it and see where the market is moving and what the other banks are going to do. Or just go for boon.
I dont really see what I'm missing here that you dont you dont understand.
At any other bank, even "Direktbanken", I open a joint account and every owner is being verified. In case of doubt via PostIdent. But it is possible and without need of opening a second account without use.
And at any other bank, it is common that every account owner gets his/her own personal cards (credit and debit). No playing around with just three cards and "shorten your name and put your partners name in the discription"-witchcraft ;)

bunq just offer half baked workarounds for joint accounts, though it is a standard use case in the business.
Well, N26 does not offer a solution at all. they are just promising and not delivering.

So bunq has some nice concepts but is not suitable for our every day life use case. Just a playground.
If I were in your position I'd just get a free N26. Play around with it and see where the market is moving and what the other banks are going to do. Or just go for boon.
I would hope for Curve to get Apple Pay started. Would be the much better concept than boon.
@ docfred

Still bunq offers joint accounts and it is working as it does with any other bank. Just the process to get there might be different but in the end you get what you want. And I say it now again: The whole workaround with three cards and family name bla bla bla is a workaround for people that not want to pay 7,99 per person. Just pay it and you are good to go if you want. If not then not. If you decide so there is no need to shorten name and bla bla everyone is getting his own card with his own name. I dont know if you dont want to understand me or if you really dont. Im repeating myself over and over again.

Create a premium for yourself, verify yourself order your three cards. Do the same for your wife. Create a joint account and you are good to go. No workaround needed.
[doublepost=1533552430][/doublepost]@ jokant

I never ran into problems with my debit cards. Not when booking a flight or hotel nor when renting a car. Dont see why people keep ranting about this credit/debit... if you want a credit card you are clearly wrong at N26 or bunq so just go somewhere else where you can get one. They just have a different concept but people keep bringing it up. It has lots of advantages being debit card ... you just need to know what it is that you want.
@ docfred

Still bunq offers joint accounts and it is working as it does with any other bank. Just the process to get there might be different but in the end you get what you want. And I say it now again: The whole workaround with three cards and family name bla bla bla is a workaround for people that not want to pay 7,99 per person. Just pay it and you are good to go if you want. If not then not. If you decide so there is no need to shorten name and bla bla everyone is getting his own card with his own name. I dont know if you dont want to understand me or if you really dont. Im repeating myself over and over again.

Create a premium for yourself, verify yourself order your three cards. Do the same for your wife. Create a joint account and you are good to go. No workaround needed
You are repeating because you don’t get the point.

You already explained, that every version is just a work around. I have the choice between:
- One joint account with only three cards on my own name
- two premium accounts, with double costs and complete useless 50 IBANs.

Neither nor is what people are looking for if they want a „Gemeinschaftskonto“ with their partner. And the second option is very expensive too.

Both ways are work arounds for an every day use case. Complicated and/or expensive.

That makes bunq not a bad or uninteresting bank. Just the use case joint account for you and your partner is solved in a ridiculous and impractical way. Nothing more, nothing less.
In my opinion both N26 and bunq are missing a credit card rather than just a debit card. In some cases you need a credit card. So if you want to go all in with one of these two you still need to have a credit card from somewhere else.

and a really good article:
Really good article. Here another one by holimunk:
In some cases you need a credit card. So if you want to go all in with one of these two you still need to have a credit card from somewhere else.

Comdirect and DKB come to my mind. They both offer credit cards and free accounts. Ok, the apps are missing push notifications, at least the DKB app. Comdirect is working on that feature.
Why doesn't everyone just stay put and wait to see what happens. I'm sure the banks that have confirmed the launch aren't all of them. Also: Just get a Fidor / bunq account if you want to play around with Apple Pay on launch day. Both give you a regular current account, MasterCard/Maestro and are not entered into your Schufa.

That's the route I'm taking until I can make a decision based on the launch partners. Then switch my main German current accounts accordingly! :D
Comdirect and DKB come to my mind. They both offer credit cards and free accounts. Ok, the apps are missing push notifications, at least the DKB app. Comdirect is working on that feature.
If I’m forced to change accounts in a few months (I give them 6 to 12 months), these are my two favorite options. Going back to DKB or give comedirekt a try.

They offer everything needed for free.
Edith says:
Fidor is on the option list too. They look pretty interesting. But did not check for joint accounts.

Don’t know why fintechs don’t cover this classical use case. It should be easy to implement it.
Did you cancel your DKB once?
I think they don't easily give you an account again, I think i read that somewhere else. Reopening after Cancelation seems more difficult.
I do believe it is more a law issue that they have to fulfill.
could be. but what issue could this be, as bunq offers joint accounts with two or more legal owners with full rights ("Oder-Konto") but does not get the card "problem" solved beside one strange work around and one expensive version, that costs more than any premium account at any branch bank?

I think it is just not designed in their processes and IT systems.

Did you cancel your DKB once?
I think they don't easily give you an account again, I think i read that somewhere else. Reopening after Cancelation seems more difficult.
Yeah I canceled it after my wedding, we merged our accounts at the old bank of my wife, as she argued, if she changes her name everywhere it would be fair that I have to change my bank account everywhere. And she had a point at this one.

And soon after I really started to HATE a bank for the first time in my life. N-e-v-e-r e-v-e-r again Postbank. Even it would be the last bank on earth... pure, everlasting, deep hate of everything about this "bank". Complete ridiculous stories to be told ...

Well don't know why DKB should reject a new account as the old one was closed regularly and clean. But if so, the market is big and wide and even bunq or fidor will develop ;)

besides, a lot can happen in the next 6 to 12 months. So no hurry, I'm relaxed.
So, Fidor also does not offer joint accounts or partner cards. Seems like the "innovative, modern" banks are just for singles or as a playground, but minimum not for couples or families who want at least one joint account for family spendings.

I'm wondering why such basics, really basic banking stuff, is not implemented. Or not in a working way.
That's what I do with DKB without any problem.
One account for myself (had this since before the wedding)
One joint account (for cost of living like groceries)
Stocks account
For me everything is in one online access
My wife has her own online access.
And a lot of cards included. For me it's 3 Visa and 1 giro
For the joint account it is a giro and visa for each of us.
So I am really satisfied.
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Yeah. I am with ing diba. One joint account. Which includes stocks, Tagesgeld and giro Konto. And everyone got a visa and a giro card.

And everyone got own details for weblogin. Got told that this is why it’s a legal thing that doing brokerage needs to be done by one single person and not a group of.
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brokerage is one thing of its own. as you have to select what experience you have and what kind of trades you want to do, I think it could be really difficult or no possible to have "Gemeinschaftsdepot".

My bank offers joint accounts, private accounts, credit card accounts, custody accounts and so on under one single login. Each user (your partner for example) gets his own login and his own views, just how you like it. You can also have different logins that view different accounts, if you want a differentiation between brokerage related accounts and family related. very flexible.

So and there are the new fintechs that already fail at providing usable joint accounts. I will follow them the next months and years, but at this point, they are no alternative for us because of our use case.

If you don’t mind my asking what makes your „use case“ so special that „none of those finetechs are an alternative“ for you.

Since you already have a working solution why switch banks anyway? If it is just about Apple Pay get yourself Boon or N26 and play around with one of those and watch how Apple Pay is developing ...

Or go to DKB they seem to offer pretty much what you want don’t they? Or give bunq a try not like you have something to lose.

BTW can someone explain to me why not just go for two separated accounts? Not like it offers any advantages does it?
If you don’t mind my asking what makes your „use case“ so special that „none of those finetechs are an alternative“ for you.
I don't have any "special" use case at all. Exactly this is the point. It's a every day life use case. Daily business for any other normal bank. But no one of the three hype fintechs bunq, n26 or fidor can handle it. bunq somehow via work around but not in a proper way.

Since you already have a working solution why switch banks anyway? If it is just about Apple Pay get yourself Boon or N26 and play around with one of those and watch how Apple Pay is developing ...
Just exploring the market and looking up what I did miss about the three banks, everybody is hyping. Banks are no religion, every now and then you should research if there is something new that suits your use cases in a better way.

Or give bunq a try not like you have something to lose.
why give bunq a try if it does not, what I want and need or costs a lot of money (16€/month) for simple accounts at a direct bank without even a real credit card?

it's a nice playground, has some nice ideas but it does not cover every function, I would expect from a bank. This would have been different a few years back.
Well if you just need a bank that does the job I guess you really are wrong at either of those banks. Just stay wherever you are and watch what’s happening ...

I am speaking for bunq now because neither N26 nor Fidor are comparable to bunq. I guess it’s like with Apple. Either you love Apple or you hate them. You are being totally overcharged for outdated hardware which is not really offering you any advantages over the android players on the market. Apple is nothing you can explain to someone with words you need to feel it... same goes for bunq. That’s why I say try it. One month is free and they do exactly what you are asking for if you can forget about the „credit“ card which once again is nowadays is not as necessary anymore as it was in the past and don’t think about the fee you have to pay. When checking your signature man... do you really need all that Apple stuff? Is it worth its money? Wouldn’t other hardware for half the price do the exact same job? Yes they would and still you own all those fancies Apple products.
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As I said, interesting ideas and a nice App. Nothing to complain about that. And as you noticed, I'm willing to pay a good price. But not for work arounds or products that are not the way I want them ;)

And that is no problem at all. Not every product has to suit every customer. There are different products for different people. Perhaps they go further in development and deliver what we need or want at this moment :)

Funny side note... all the fintech popes don't seem to use the new "banks" on a daily basis on their own :)
Very interesting to read :)

And today:
I have read on the bunq website and I don't see the benefit in having 25 accounts with 25 ibans or 3 cards per user-account... I am using just one card and I am just having 3 accounts (giro, Tagesgeld and stocks). and I have a real joint account with my wife (and she got a giro card and a visa for herself as well)... and we dont pay a cent for...

maybe I dont see the real use case for that. maybe you can give me a use case for 25 accounts... and why thats worth 8€ yeah month...

i am using ING-DiBa at the moment and everything is fine for me - just the lack of Apple Pay will make me search for another alternative. Either switching to comdirect (so I also can deposit cash into that account, but really need that very rarely) or getting a credit card in some way. using N26 - but dont really need another account or getting an AMEX, which probably would do exactly what I want to have. a way to pay using Apple Pay and nothing more...
[doublepost=1533620589][/doublepost]Really interesting article...
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