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Well from the three cards you tested that showed a different behavior, only one is from a confirmed launch partner.

Just tested my ING Visa and comdirect VISA again and both do the same - showing the “Adding card” for 3 seconds and then getting the message “your card is not supported”
Exact same behavior on iOS12.1 trying N26 Mastercard, Amex and ING DiBa Visa

just something small. when adding the amex, which uses a 4 digit ccv, apple wallet knows about that... but I am sure this is exact behavior for all amex cards. so nothing region specific
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Well from the three cards you tested that showed a different behavior, only one is from a confirmed launch partner.

Just tested my ING Visa and comdirect VISA again and both do the same - showing the “Adding card” for 3 seconds and then getting the message “your card is not supported”

So it does show "adding card to Apple Pay" then? That was unclear from your post before. That behaviour is most certainly different to previously. Official launch partner or not: Why would it show that if other cards immediately show "issuer not supported" which seems to happen right after the BIN check. Ie. Revolut or Commerzbank don't get this far.

Also: Comdirect/CoBa are said to also be a launch partner but it is yet unclear why they haven't publicly announced that. DKB is also giving mixed signals and haven't denied wanting to launch Apple Pay. ING DiBa is the surprise here.

Either way: Good bet to keep our eyes on this in the next days/weeks. Keep trying to add your cards, everyone! :D
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Just tried it with my Sparkasse and N26 MC card. Both just said "Kartenabieter nicht unterstützt"
Would be happy to hear what you are all seeing.
[Region Setting GER, French boon card added] I go to settings, Wallet & Apple Pay, tap on "Add Card" and a pop-up shows up saying "Could Not Set Up Apple Pay - An error occurred while setting up Apple Pay".
Is that the normal behavior for my case?
Adding a card with your region set to Germany shouldn’t be possible until the official launch and rollout.
Back when Apple Pay launched in the U.K. some users were able to add their cards a few days before the launch (but with the region set to the US).
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Interesting... The large polish bank PKO shared that they expect to have Apple Pay available in September (here: Put that together with rumours of Bank of Ireland launching "soon" and the VIMpay tweet: Possibly a late September, very early October launch?

My personal opinion is still that the launch will be towards the middle/end of October. That's what I've heard. But there is some noise out there...

Only thing is we haven't had any significant updates to the participating banks apps (ie. Wallet support), no leaks, no T&Cs appearing... Nothing. That's very un-like previous Apple Pay launches (unless Apple and the banks are able to surprise us all from one day to the next!).
Maybe September is some kind of deadline to get Apple Pay running. apple is then going to hit the button whenever they think its the right moment...
iPhone Xr preorders start on 19th October and ship on the 26th. The next earnings call is on 31.10. or 01.11. when probably further countries would get announced. So there is too much going on in that week running up to the 19/26th.

For Apple it would make sense to get Apple Pay up and running by then, as all those millions setting up their new iPhone would be able to enter their payment details on set-up (which is probably the most frictionless time for users to do so).

EDIT: Let's not forget that the first and last week of October has public holidays as well. So the way I see it the only credible options are either next week or the week between the 8-12th October.
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Since my Series 4 is now setup I‘m just waiting for Apple Pay! Hope it‘s next week!
Has anybody here moved his boon. card to a new iPhone?
I get "Card not added. Contact your card issuer for more information."
I have the exact same thing on my new Apple Watch. bunq works fine, boon doesn't.
Even tried changing my locale to France (I have a french boon account) but that didn't help either.
Lol. Getting the same issue in the watch with os5. Don’t know, but I suspect it’s a boon. problem though
"Wallet & Apple Pay" has appeared on my MBP! Can't set up any German cards though. I've put in my UK ones and they all activated nicely (never bothered with the Region workaround). Region on MBP has been set to Germany since purchase in August.

Nothing on AW or iOS. Anyone else?
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"Wallet & Apple Pay" has appeared on my MBP! Can't set up and German cards though. I've put in my UK ones and they all activated nicely (never bothered with the Region workaround). Region on MBP has been set to Germany since purchase in August.

Nothing on AW or iOS. Anyone else?


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