Have a look at DataCase.
This does almost everything you're talking about......wirelessly.
Now that looks sweet.
Have a look at DataCase.
This does almost everything you're talking about......wirelessly.
A lot of these apps that people are asking for can be done via a webapp. Most would have a short lifspan as most people, after the initial excitement of having apps, won't use most of them a lot, and don't want them taking up space on the iPhone.
The app I want to see is a wi-fi finder app. I already have a web app from jiwire.com, but I want it to be able to find me and then show me the wi-fi hotspots around me.
I would give $50 to $100 for a graphing calculator app that does just as much as my TI-84 silver.
Anyone hear if anyone's in the works for this?
I'd like an app to schedule ring style
e.g. Silent during nights, vibrate during work/school, vibrate & ring for the rest
That's my artistic contribution for the day.
I would really like to see major supermarket chains, like Publix, release free or cheap iPhone/iPod Touch apps.
You could designate your home store, create shopping lists, browse current sales, promotions and coupons, look at the price of each item, generate a budget... so on and so forth.
Wi-Fi in stores could allow the devices to sync up to a server in store that could look at your shopping list, identify your needs, tell you which aisles you need to go down, make suggestions (i.e. upsell and cross sell) and help you pick out items you might need for a specific recipe.
Then, when you check out, the App generates a unique id and code that translates all the coupons and promotions to the POS.
I noticed not many of you are looking for business apps.
What type of business apps would everyone like to have?
Regards Robert
+1Adium for iPhone.
It can't happen on a stock OS iPhone -- the chroot jail makes it impossible. You have to jailbreak to get usable shell access.terminal.app
+1Delivery Status
I think you're looking for: www.Trackpedia.com or www.na-motorsports.comPossibly something that shows racetracks around the US. Detailed maps, wiki entry links, website links.
All of which is dependent upon weight balance, brake balance, tire compound, conditions, driver skill, etc. There's no such thing as the ideal line.What'd be nice too if each corner, people can post entries on what they suggest for the corner (like, how fast, when to turn in, what the ideal line is).
You're asking a cellphone to do the job of a $1,000 dedicated GPS/inertial datalogger. It's just not realistic. Besides, depending on session length and data fidelity (which is questionable with eGPS, as it is) the 8GB iPhone may not have enough capacity.An extra plus would be something that uses GPS to track how fast you're going around the track and start charting your times.