Princess, for most applications I use your traffic lights are fine, so I keep using your with Allan's assets. Together with Colorful Sidebar the UI of my MacBook is much nicer. Thank you for all your work.
Love the scrollies!Allen, Princess. Thank you for all the work so far, i've been enjoying using a mixed version from both of your files. Modernized Retro Style.
I also tweak the files a little bit to fix a texture pattern issue at the scroll bar on non-retina display that I seen.
This is gonna get confusing if we all start uploading .car files >.> I think we should all know well enough to install ThemeEngine and just upload our assets for it and say where the file goes![]()
I'm not sure if I'm going to install 10.14 this or next year. As I understand it, in that macOS version Apple is going to ditch support for 32 bits programs. I have many programs that are still 32 bits. Some are not going to be updated and I don't want to buy new 64 bits versions of programs that run perfectly fine at the moment.Awww, thank you, Korn ^.^ we're all trying to work together to bring back what a GOOD UI looked like! Hopefully in the end we escape the flat hell completely... just in time for 10.14 to release and break everything again -_-
Thanks for the tip on the scrollbar @Kornelis
@Princess Cake doesn't seem to wan't to download from the link you sent? I can share the link with other people but not download?
Oops, stupid filedropper! >O<
About the scrollbar, I thought those "lines" were part of the scrollbarit was a reference to the old candystripe/barberpole design OS X used on its scrollbars and progress bars.
I think that despite you having a lower res monitor that you need to match the old sizes. For some odd reason
I tried making the scrollbars have that look of the old style - just couldn't execute it that well. What I see on Retina and what is seen on non-retina is hard for me to notice. That's probably why everything I make is in beta
I managed to somewhat fix the Apple button in the Menubar. I couldn't figure out how to get the shiny finish on the Apple because everything in FlatOS™ is either black or transparent.
So I took the erase brush in photoshop and started trying to replicate the effect by removing parts of the glyph.... my version is pretty suck but its a start. Know where we could possibly find an official version with transparency, Al?
First post here....
This is neat! I've resisted upgrading past Mavericks because of the terrible flatness that has infiltrated OS X (it's bad enough on iOS!). I found some apps to do things like replace icons, and cDock to get a nicer version of the dock, so now it's tolerable, but having a theme like the one here would be really nice to have, and would complete the look!
That being said, I know next to nothing about ThemeEngine (didn't even know such a thing existed), and would prefer to just have the finished .car files that I could simply drop into place. Does anybody have those, and would they work on El Capitan?
Looks nice and clean ^.^
This is what the thing looked like against a white Menubar in 10.6 You can see its not so much a straight line but rather a gradient fade inside the Apple.