It does weigh 7 pounds though and I usually carry a 50,000 mAh battery pack because I play Civ 5 on the plane.
I was perhaps exaggerating a little on the battery duration. But 50 Ah!? I hope you are exaggerating about the battery pack, because one that size is going to violate restrictions for airline travel by a huge margin!
As a public service: You are limited to up to 100 Wh (Watt-hours) of spare lithium-ion (rechargeable) batteries (one pack, up to 2 with prior airline approval), carry-on only. Multiply the Ah (1 Ah is 1,000 mAh) by the voltage to get Wh.
Even if the voltage is only 5V (unlikely), that would put you over the limit by a factor of 2.5. They will take it from you or bar you from travel. And they are getting VERY fussy about this after the Samsung debacle. Plus, you don't want to die along with 2-300 other people because of a battery fire. The reason it's carry-on only is so they can try to put out the fire. You are even required to take it out of your bag and keep it with you personally while flying.
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