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EDIT - PowerPC G5 DP 2.0 GHz - Leopard 10.5.1 - latest iTunes

I am an AT&T paid subscriber.
I started with 1.1.1 & updated to 1.1.3 for the latest baseband modem firmware.
I have followed every step through the process TWICE now.

I can get to a fully jailbroken 1.1.3 with & BSD & openSSH.
BUT, here is the problem;

When I download the lockdownd, do this;
chmod +x ~/Desktop/lockdownd
then scp it to my iPhone & reboot I get only the Apple Logo, that's it.

So I SSH'd into it, after having no choice but to do a Hard Reset.
I backed up the ORIGINAL lockdownd to lockdownd.bak before the 2nd attempt to scp the file over to the iPhone.
(In other words, I learned that the first time around, this is the step that screwed me over, so I prepared to have the lockdownd file that at least allowed my iPhone to boot & install App's onto it.)

Now I am having issues with syncing to iTunes, none of my data is being transferred.

Any ideas or questions you may have of me?



you have to use a intel mac with leapord
Before I go ahead with this guide can someone please confirm that it will work with an O2 Simplicity pay monthly tarrif (non-iPhone) if I upgrade my baseband to the latest version? I currently have an 1.1.2 OOTB with Jailbroken 1.1.2 installed and working.

Also it says the lockdownd windows method is unconfirmed - has anyone tried it?
Drumaboy - I appreciate your enthusiasm, but can you tell me what happens if I am an AT&T customer, but don't have an iPhone data package? So far, all the signs point to that particular combination NOT working with any method out there. Now, it's possible that since I upgraded to 1.1.3 using itunes BEFORE I tried any of the methods, that i was permanently hosed...but I don't believe that's the case since you can downgrade modem firmware.

I have yet to get a specific answer to this question of OTB 1.1.2, jailbroken, then upgrading to 1.1.3 with an AT&T account but no iphone data plan.


and if you have questions just ask
Drumaboy - I appreciate your enthusiasm, but can you tell me what happens if I am an AT&T customer, but don't have an iPhone data package? So far, all the signs point to that particular combination NOT working with any method out there. Now, it's possible that since I upgraded to 1.1.3 using itunes BEFORE I tried any of the methods, that i was permanently hosed...but I don't believe that's the case since you can downgrade modem firmware.

I have yet to get a specific answer to this question of OTB 1.1.2, jailbroken, then upgrading to 1.1.3 with an AT&T account but no iphone data plan.


In your particular case I don't think the data plan has anything to do with it as long as you are an at&t customer with and have a valid sim in your iphone (the one that came with the phone you will be fine) All the data plan does is give you unlimited internet usage, 200txt and visual voicemail. I stil believe you can do it and have a functtional phone at the end...hope that answers your question please let me know if it doesn't as i feel you're getting close to the solution by coming here.
ps. I also worked for Apple for a year even when the iphone came out and we had to study those plans from ATT ...Question: Can you make calls on your phone?
Help? I did this guide with success. Unfortunately, I accidentally updated Installer yesterday and now get the crash when I try to open it.

When I try the method here (via terminal on my Mac), I get "no such file or directory". When I try via Fugo, I cannot remove the old installer to add the new one. It won't let me remove the directory/folder despite deleting it's contents. Overwriting doesn't work.

I need to remove Installer completely and reinstall it cleanly. Can anyone advise? Thank you.
Hey friend you need to do the whole process over and like it says in the guide you need to update installer before you upgrade to 1.1.3JB. hope that helps
Can someone explain what the lockdown file is? After having my firmware updated to 1.1.3 everytime I start iPhone I am getting the "connect to iTunes" screen with the "slide to emergency" bar below. I am receiving text messages in this "strange" mode. Please read my previous posts in this thread...

ok you're the last one ill help today. simply put the phone in recovery mode by holding the home and power button, when its off, power it and as soon as you see the logo hold the home button till you see the connect to itunes logo. once there plug it into your computer itunes will start up quit it, launch independence if you have a mac, it will bring iphone home and it will launch itunes which will activate you phone and voila!
Got all the way to the end then the final re-activate sent my iPhone into recovery mode.
Problem of sorts with the FAQ..

Upgrading and jailbreaking your iPhone in 1.1.3 (under Windows)

(Anyone with a jailbroken 1.1.2 iPhone, start here.)

* "cd desktop"
* "pscp -r Jailbreak-1.1.3\* root@<IPADDRESS>:/" where <IPADDRESS> is the IP Address of your iPhone (minus the curved brackets) that you just wrote down. When it asks for a password, type in "alpine" and press Enter (nothing will appear as your type in the password - this is normal).
* "putty -ssh root@<IPADDRESS>" with same <IPADDRESS> replacement and password as above
* "cd /"
* "sh" <---- fails because of still being in root.

Before committing to the above I note that when "pscp -r Jailbreak-1.1.3\* root@<IP>:/" has done it's thing it has actually copied the entire folder of Jailbreak over.. ; but when issuing "cd /" and then "sh" this fails, because you are in the root.. and not actually within the Jailbreak directory. I am unsure of the safety of going into the folder and issuing the command (incase the files are needed to be in the root.. outside of a folder.. etc) ..

So, can anyone confirm if "cd /" and then "cd Jailbreak-1.1.3" is actually the way to go .. in order for the "sh" command to actually work.. and that it is right to have the folder and be inside it when the command is issued.? Better to be safe than sorry.

This works great, i tried it on my Windows Vista and it worked the very first time! AmaZing JoB Guyz!
Same here!

I did everything in the guide properly. When it finished doing what it needed to do for the 1.1.3 upgrade and closed the ssh connection and rebooted my phone. It never gets passed the loading apple. After a while it will just reboot and try again. Anybody know what i can do to fix this?

Here is a log of the 1.1.3 upgrade:
root@'s password:
README 100% 1947 1.9KB/s 00:00
Services.plist 100% 4591 4.5KB/s 00:00
chown 100% 14KB 14.0KB/s 00:00
com.devteam.rm.plist 100% 623 0.6KB/s 00:00
cp 100% 95KB 95.1KB/s 00:00
ditto 100% 23KB 22.8KB/s 00:00
dmg2img 100% 18KB 18.4KB/s 00:00 100% 3405 3.3KB/s 00:00
ipatcher 100% 15KB 15.1KB/s 00:00
base64.c 100% 2281 2.2KB/s 00:00
base64.h 100% 1011 1.0KB/s 00:00
COPYING 100% 18KB 17.6KB/s 00:00
dmg2img.c 100% 9517 9.3KB/s 00:00
dmg2img.h 100% 1424 1.4KB/s 00:00
Makefile 100% 364 0.4KB/s 00:00
README 100% 682 0.7KB/s 00:00
Makefile 100% 160 0.2KB/s 00:00
README 100% 120 0.1KB/s 00:00
util.c 100% 3680 3.6KB/s 00:00
util.h 100% 397 0.4KB/s 00:00
vfdecrypt.1 100% 796 0.8KB/s 00:00
vfdecrypt.c 100% 11KB 11.1KB/s 00:00
vfdecrypt.h 100% 4248 4.2KB/s 00:00 100% 1010 1.0KB/s 00:00
umount 100% 15KB 14.6KB/s 00:00
update-prebinding-paths.txt 100% 5995 5.9KB/s 00:00
vfdecrypt 100% 19KB 19.0KB/s 00:00
vncontrol 100% 9260 9.0KB/s 00:00
vsu 100% 8988 8.8KB/s 00:00
wget 100% 602KB 602.3KB/s 00:00
Ghosts-Computer:~ ghost$ ssh root@
root@'s password:
Permission denied, please try again.
root@'s password:
# cd /
# sh
=> `/private/var/'
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 169,950,551 (162M) [application/octet-stream]

100%[====================================>] 169,950,551 1.03M/s ETA 00:00

07:45:46 (960.48 KB/s) - `/private/var/' saved [169950551/169950551]

keyDerivationAlgorithm 0
keyDerivationPRNGAlgorithm 0
keyDerivationIterationCount 0
keyDerivationSaltSize 0

blobEncryptionIVSize 0

blobEncryptionKeySizeInBits 0
blobEncryptionAlgorithm 0
blobEncryptionPadding 0
blobEncryptionMode 0
encryptedBlobSize 0

dmg2img v0.3a is derived from dmg2iso by vu1tur (

/private/var/decrypted.dmg --> /private/var/disk0s1.dd

reading property list, 67461 bytes from address 128314665 ...
partition 0: begin=336, size=430, decoded=284
partition 1: begin=994, size=430, decoded=284
partition 2: begin=1651, size=430, decoded=284
partition 3: begin=2311, size=58695, decoded=39524
partition 4: begin=61227, size=430, decoded=284
partition 5: begin=61909, size=26, decoded=10
partition 6: begin=62131, size=26, decoded=10
partition 7: begin=62353, size=26, decoded=10
partition 8: begin=62614, size=516, decoded=342
partition 9: begin=63326, size=851, decoded=565
partition 10: begin=64373, size=504, decoded=333
partition 11: begin=65112, size=1541, decoded=1032
partition 12: begin=66888, size=434, decoded=286

opening partition 0 ... 0.00 % ok
opening partition 1 ... 0.00 % ok
opening partition 2 ... 0.00 % ok
opening partition 3 ... 100.00 % ok
Archive successfully decompressed as /private/var/disk0s1.dd
mount_hfs: Resource busy
Performing the lockdownd patch
found unpatched 1.1.2 lockdownd-hack0, patching
patch succeeded
Lockdownd patch succeeded
** /dev/rvn0
** Checking HFS Plus volume.
** Detected a case-sensitive catalog.
** Checking Extents Overflow file.
** Checking Catalog file.
** Checking Catalog hierarchy.
** Checking Extended Attributes file.
** Checking volume bitmap.
** Checking volume information.
** The volume LittleBear4A93.UserBundle appears to be OK.
** /dev/rvn0
** Checking HFS Plus volume.
** Detected a case-sensitive catalog.
** Checking Extents Overflow file.
** Checking Catalog file.
** Checking Catalog hierarchy.
** Checking Extended Attributes file.
** Checking volume bitmap.
** Checking volume information.
** The volume LittleBear4A93.UserBundle appears to be OK.
mkdir: /private/var/root/Library/Lockdown: File exists
chown: cannot access `/private/tmp/MediaCache': No such file or directory
mkdir: /private/var/logs/Baseband: File exists
Connection to closed by remote host.
Connection to closed.
Ghosts-Computer:~ ghost$ ssh root@
ssh: connect to host port 22: Operation timed out
Ghosts-Computer:~ ghost$

Same thing here. I tried to 'recover' back to 1.1.1, but now, I can't even get into recovery mode!!! Yikes. Thanks for all the help everyone! :)

Had to reboot the macbook. then, phone was recognized in recovery mode. recovered to 1.1.1, jailbroke it... then thought, "F it". I updated to 1.1.3, but it took 3 tries for some reason!! I have a working iPhone now, and will try this all again tonight after work. :D
Before I go ahead with this guide can someone please confirm that it will work with an O2 Simplicity pay monthly tarrif (non-iPhone) if I upgrade my baseband to the latest version? I currently have an 1.1.2 OOTB with Jailbroken 1.1.2 installed and working.

+1 :p
Before I go ahead with this guide can someone please confirm that it will work with an O2 Simplicity pay monthly tarrif (non-iPhone) if I upgrade my baseband to the latest version? I currently have an 1.1.2 OOTB with Jailbroken 1.1.2 installed and working.

Also it says the lockdownd windows method is unconfirmed - has anyone tried it?

I upgraded the baseband on my UK OOB 1.1.2, and now I can't use my O2 PAYG SIM, so I'd say that no, you wouldn't be able to use any non-iPhone SIM.
ok you're the last one ill help today. simply put the phone in recovery mode by holding the home and power button, when its off, power it and as soon as you see the logo hold the home button till you see the connect to itunes logo. once there plug it into your computer itunes will start up quit it, launch independence if you have a mac, it will bring iphone home and it will launch itunes which will activate you phone and voila!

I tried it before. When I put the iPhone to recovery mode, quit iTunes, launch iNdependence the phone is getting back to the screen with "slide to emergency" bar instead of the home screen with all the icons... Then I'm getting unsupported version of firmware (1.1.3) message (iNdependence)...

Should I restore it with iTunes?
I tried it before. When I put the iPhone to recovery mode, quit iTunes, launch iNdependence the phone is getting back to the screen with "slide to emergency" bar instead of the home screen with all the icons... Then I'm getting unsupported version of firmware (1.1.3) message (iNdependence)...

Should I restore it with iTunes?

NO under no circumstance should you let iTunes restore your phone it will simply put you back to square one by updating it to Apple standard 1.1.3 and you have to do it all over again. Make sure you have a Internet connection. When you do it other wise iTunes can't activate your ATT service which breaks recover mode be brings you to your normal home screen.
Step1: put phone into recover mode
step2: plug phone to computer make sure iTunes is quit, force quite if you have to
step3: launch the latest independence the one that works with iTunes 7.6
Note: its normal for ndependence to give you that support message as its designed to work only with 1.1.1-2
step4: wait till it brings your phone out of recovery it will then launch iTunes you can then quit ndependence wait while itunes finds your phone.wait a minute and the phone should reboot and voilà....I hope this time:) let me know?
NO under no circumstance should you let iTunes restore your phone it will simply put you back to square one by updating it to Apple standard 1.1.3 and you have to do it all over again. Make sure you have a Internet connection. When you do it other wise iTunes can't activate your ATT service which breaks recover mode be brings you to your normal home screen.
Step1: put phone into recover mode
step2: plug phone to computer make sure iTunes is quit, force quite if you have to
step3: launch the latest independence the one that works with iTunes 7.6
Note: its normal for ndependence to give you that support message as its designed to work only with 1.1.1-2
step4: wait till it brings your phone out of recovery it will then launch iTunes you can then quit ndependence wait while itunes finds your phone.wait a minute and the phone should reboot and voilà....I hope this time:) let me know?

Step1. Easy... ;)
Step2. When I put iPhone to recover mode, iTunes starts, I quit iTunes then. Is it okay like this?
Step3. I launch iNdependence 1.3.2 beta (iTunes 7.6 support), iPhone goes back to "slide to emergency" screen after a while, iNdependence's status shows "Connecting to iPhone"...
Step4. iPhone is still in "slide to emergency" mode. iTunes does not start. When I start iTunes manually, it connects with the internet and shows "There's a problem with your iPhone" message...
Help Phone won't reboot

I was upgrading from a jailbroken 1.1.2 phone and followed the guide but at step 24 my phone goes to reboot and I just get the apple logo on the black screen. It has been like this for about an hour and every little bit the screen flashes off and then goes back to the apple logo. The last thing I got from the terminal was :
** Checking volume bitmap.
** Checking volume information.
** The volume LittleBear4A93.UserBundle appears to be OK.
mkdir: /private/var/root/Library/Lockdown: File exists
chown: cannot access `/private/tmp/MediaCache': No such file or directory
mkdir: /private/var/logs/Baseband: File exists
Connection to closed by remote host.
Connection to closed.

Any help would be great.
server unexpectedly closed network connection on STEP 24

GOT UP TO STEP 24 THROUGH WINDOWS XP... got a message on putty that read "server unexpectedly closed network connection"

i went through the process twice and still same error :( HELLLLPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ps i am a complete noob to putty, ssh etc. other than your directions, i have no idea how to troubleshoot

now phone boots only into apple logo unless i restore it... again :( to step 1
Can't you just downgrade to 1.1.1 -> Jailbreak/Oktoprep -> Upgrade to 1.1.2 -> use the jailbreak/update from Installer?

This assuming you've got a valid SIM and have already updated to 1.1.3.
Can't you just downgrade to 1.1.1 -> Jailbreak/Oktoprep -> Upgrade to 1.1.2 -> use the jailbreak/update from Installer?

This assuming you've got a valid SIM and have already updated to 1.1.3.

Downgrading from 1.1.3 to 1.1.1 actually loses your phone capabilities, so you will need to fix the lockdownd file...

Wow, it worked 10000000%
I can make/receive calls, text, restore to my backup, anything!
And I have installer.

You all have been such an immense help to me. Keep up the ****ing amazing work. MUCH LOVE TO ALL

And to all those that haven't got it to work yet, hang in there!!! I tried countless times, but it payed off! A couple of common problems I noticed :

1. Frequently check to make sure BSD subsystem is installed (open ssh aswell)
2. Make sure you are using the same ip address for your phone and computer
3. ***WAIT FOR THE UPGRADE TO 1.1.3********* Honestly, be patient. You will know when it is done when your phone restarts. DO NOT break the SSH connection manually. This is a problem that i have seen a bunch of times.
Waiting in line to be helped:
I followed all steps and everything turned out great. When I got to:

"Post-jailbreaking - Restoring your phone service in 1.1.3"
Once I followed these steps from #26 to #31 things started to get bad. First off, the home button died out and I couldn't get back to the home menu after accessing an app. Turns out the home button was working but responded to a command after about 15 seconds from pressing it. Everything started running slow and than the phone restarted itself and fell into recovery mode. Independence took it out once, but everything still remained slow. After doing a hard-restarted, the phone falls into recovery mode and now is stuck in this mode. Any ideas what I should do to fix this? Do I need to redo one of the steps again? Everything was working fine until step #31. Bummer. Thanks in advance.

The iphone does show up in itunes and I get prompt to restore/upgrade.
Quiting itunes and opening up Independence no longer takes the iphone out of recover mode and onto the homepage. Yuck!
my error
bought an ipod in hong kong, jailbroken already 1.1.2
updated to firmware 1.1.3 stupidly,been trying to downgrade back to 1.1.2 or even 1.1.1 with no luck.
i've followed instructions and using iPhone1,1_1.1.2_3B48b_Restore i get error #1 over and over using iPhone1,1_1.1.1_3A109a_Restore i got error 1 then error 2003

ok so i started in restore mode, attempted to install with no luck, quickly switched to with no luck, used ibreak0.91 to boot(got the red screen)

i got a little further now and got to the point where you dial *#306# then 0, answer, hold, decline. but the menu returns to the emergency call screen(where u slide to unlock) with no contacts etc or anything. i also tried doing it the *#307#, 1, answer, hold, decline with the same output.
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