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Step 17

Help Please! I got to step 17 but i believe something interrupted the 1.1.2 update...when i try to run the jailbreaker app it says that I must install OKtoPrep (which i already did) but the worst part is now Itunes asks me to activate my phone therefore i don’t have access to the 'Update' function in iTunes...can anyone give me any suggestions please?
My Iphone keeps on stating that I do not have a valid SIM?& I cant get past step 23.

i cant seem to get pass step 23 for windows. I typed in "cmd" in Run, typed "cd desktop", and after I typed in the next thing it said that there is no such file. Did anyone else get this problem and how did u fix this?
Another problem I had was that the PHONE on the iphone did not work, it said that the SIM is invalid or whatever. Is the phone even supposed to work after being jailbroken? Did anyone fix this? Please help.
i cant seem to get pass step 23 for windows. I typed in "cmd" in Run, typed "cd desktop", and after I typed in the next thing it said that there is no such file. Did anyone else get this problem and how did u fix this?
Another problem I had was that the PHONE on the iphone did not work, it said that the SIM is invalid or whatever. Is the phone even supposed to work after being jailbroken? Did anyone fix this? Please help.

My phone worked fine as a 1.1.2 Jailbroken phone. When I tried doing the 1.1.3 upgrade, I ran into the same problem as you. The file could not be found. I'm running Vista.

I also tried running the Official 1.1.3 Upgrader which didn't work either. After the download, the file kept freezing up during extracting. I'd press the home button, go back to it and it would resume. But after it reached 110%, I decided not to pursue it any further. After a few hours of wasting my time trying several methods, I'm back to a regular 1.1.3 and will just patiently wait for the SDK.
You need to remember to include the slashes


CORRECT /users/rob/desktop
INCORRECT users/rob/desktop

For some reason, its the difference between a hit and a miss...
My phone worked fine as a 1.1.2 Jailbroken phone. When I tried doing the 1.1.3 upgrade, I ran into the same problem as you. The file could not be found. I'm running Vista.

I also tried running the Official 1.1.3 Upgrader which didn't work either. After the download, the file kept freezing up during extracting. I'd press the home button, go back to it and it would resume. But after it reached 110%, I decided not to pursue it any further. After a few hours of wasting my time trying several methods, I'm back to a regular 1.1.3 and will just patiently wait for the SDK.

so yours worked up to 1.1.2? I think mines stopped right at 1.1.1.
I have an iPhone which has been unlocked in order for me to use it with a carrier in Canada (ROGERS)

Im currently using v1.0.2, i remember hearing that with unlocked iphones you could not upgrade the firmware or the phone would re-lock and be permanently inoperable.

Im wondering, is there a way i can upgrade from v1.0.2 to v1.1.3 (or even v1.1.1/v1.1.2) and still have full use of my iPhone?!? if so, How?!
It does work.


Thankfully I know this does work as a guy in the same office as me has done the same thing before me (jailbroke the phone, bought a simplicity contract and bypassed the 02 activation, but he's away at the moment and I can't contact him until he returns.

You know how it is patience....who has that!

Will let you know if I can't work it out before he returns.


Take out an iPhone contract. This is jailbreak only, no unlock, not even to a non-iPhone O2 SIM.
Installer Crashing

After a suscessful 1.1.3 jailbreak Installer crashes after download before install of the app. I tried the section on this fix:
Whenever I try to install something in, it gets to "Installing package" and then crashes back to the Home screen! What am I doing wrong?
After completeing this section the phone crashes completely. When I reboot I can not see any of the apps, even "Phone", "Mail", "Safari" and "iPod" are missing.

Here is what i get when I follow the instructions:
Using username "root".
root@'s password:
Last login: Fri Feb 8 11:46:27 2008 from
# cd /
#cp -rf Applications /private/var/root/
#mv Applications Applications.old
#ln -s /private/var/root/Applications /Applications
ln: /Applications: No space left on device
#ls -la / | grep Applications
drwxrwxr-x 25 root admin 850 Feb 8 13:30 Applications.old

I have nothing on the phone after the jailbreak.

Any help?

i cant seem to get pass step 23 for windows. I typed in "cmd" in Run, typed "cd desktop", and after I typed in the next thing it said that there is no such file. Did anyone else get this problem and how did u fix this?
Another problem I had was that the PHONE on the iphone did not work, it said that the SIM is invalid or whatever. Is the phone even supposed to work after being jailbroken? Did anyone fix this? Please help.

I got past this part finally. Make sure you don't put < > around your ip address and make sure you are on the desktop. For windows, you can type cd /user/your name here/desktop.

I thought I had gone through everything correctly. Unfortunately, I didn't. My iPhone kept on restarting after doing post jailbreaking. It turns out I skipped this part:

Open up your ssh connection to the iPhone again (using either "ssh root@<IPADDRESS>" (Mac) or "putty -ssh root@<IPADDRESS>" (Windows)), and issue the following commands:

* "cd /Applications"
* "chmod +s"
* "chown -R root:wheel"

I need to find some alone time to do this without having to get up and carry or feed the baby.

I'm sure most people aren't successful because of skipping a detail or two. The original author should repost the instructions in 2 different posts. One SPECIFICALLY for Windows and Mac instead of having them grouped together in one post. It adds a bit more to the confusion.

I'm going to try this one more time tonight. I'm determined to get it done. My cousin did it to his iPod Touch so I know these 1.1.3 Jailbreaking tutorials work.
Help Please! I got to step 17 but i believe something interrupted the 1.1.2 update...when i try to run the jailbreaker app it says that I must install OKtoPrep (which i already did) but the worst part is now Itunes asks me to activate my phone therefore i don’t have access to the 'Update' function in iTunes...can anyone give me any suggestions please?

that happened to me a lot and i think you have to just keep trying until you do everything perfectly. this is what worked for me: restore your iphone back to 1.1.1, jailbreak, etc. check your baseband, it will probably be 04.02.13, i dont know if thats a problem or not, but just in case i always downgraded it. so, after once youve restored and jailbroken into 1.1.1, download Baseband Downgrader. once you download this it tells you to restore your phone once again. now you restore your phone to 1.1.1 again, jailbreak, etc. download bsd subsystem, community sources, and then openssh. then follow the tutorial instructions (oktoprep, update to 1.1.2, jailbreak). also try not to fiddle with any other applications while itunes is updating. getting through this tutorial can take a looong time if you mess one thing up, so make sure you follow everything exactly, step by step. i've spent an entire day restoring and starting over from missing or forgetting something.
i cant seem to get pass step 23 for windows. I typed in "cmd" in Run, typed "cd desktop", and after I typed in the next thing it said that there is no such file. Did anyone else get this problem and how did u fix this?
Another problem I had was that the PHONE on the iphone did not work, it said that the SIM is invalid or whatever. Is the phone even supposed to work after being jailbroken? Did anyone fix this? Please help.

If the file lockdownd is not on your desktop you will get this error. You will have the sim error until you complete the lockdownd step.
Take out an iPhone contract. This is jailbreak only, no unlock, not even to a non-iPhone O2 SIM.

To use an O2, AT&T, Orange or T-mobile sim (in the correct countries) you do not need to unlock your iphone only jailbreak it!!

Please try to be a little more supportive to those who seek help in future!
Well I tried the jailbreak one more time. I did EVERYTHING perfectly as it was shown (except I used AppTapp to take the phone out of recovery mode). I got through all the steps. When I performed step 31, the phone restarted, the sim wasn't working and the only thing I got when I slid the slider over was the keypad to make emergency calls. :(

I tried it on a OTB 1.1.2 on a PC with Vista. I've wasted too many hours on this. I'll just wait for the SDK. I say this now but knowing me, I'll probably want to try this again next weekend.
Still stuck in attemtpting SSH

the connection closes every time i type in cd/ sh

suso-computer:~ shaneel$ ssh root@
root@'s password:
Last login: Sun Feb 10 16:41:48 2008 from
-sh-3.2# cd
Connection to closed

Can anyone help?
I'm really hoping someone can help me. I had a jailbroken 1.1.2 iPhone which I updated to 1.1.3 using the "Official 1.1.3 Upgrader" from Conceited Software. I should probably mention that I am a real AT&T customer with an iPhone SIM.

Now I have what seems to be a fully functioning 1.1.3 iPhone... I can:

  • Make and receive calls
  • Access all installed applications
  • Use just fine (doesn't crash)
  • Full SSH access via Wifi

According to the About screen I have the following firmwares installed...
  • Firmware 1.1.3 (4A93)
  • Modem Firmware 04.02.13_G is stuck on the "Slide for emergency" screen. I am only able to access installed apps because I have "Dock" installed which puts the little sunburst in the corner that fans out installed apps when you drag out from it. The sunburst appears on the dial screen but not on the locked home screen. Also, even though it says "Emergency call" I can dial any number and it will work. Edge and Wifi are working as well.

When I connect to iTunes I get the following screen:


I'm not sure what I should do to get the iPhone to go to the home screen and not be stuck in this "connect to iTunes" mode. Any help would be appreciated.

EDIT: I have iNdependence 1.3.2 beta installed and I've tried to see if that will do anything. When I start it up it warns me that 1.1.3 firmware is not supported and it then hangs on "Connecting to iPhone...". Not sure how long that is supposed to take but it doesn't seem to be doing anything.

Ran into the exact same issue like you when I tried this procedure today. Instead of using the lockdownd file from the link in step 26, I found this version that got me out. Just download this to your desktop and repeat the rest of steps. I also tried rebooting a couple times and ensured it still works. Hope this helps.
Help me PLEASE

PLEASE Help !!!

I got my iPhone the day after it came out, and I finally decided to unlock it today. I followed all of the instructions, but when I went to option-click "update" in iTunes (I have a Mac), I couldn't because it's on the "Set Up Your iPhone" screen and wants me to press continue to restore my iPhone. It says that it can't restore because my firmware now is 1.1.1 and my phone was running 1.1.3 when I started this. Will someone please tell me what I need to do to get back on track and finish this process of upgrading to and jailbreaking my iPhone on 1.1.3 ???
Jailbroken 1.1.3

Is there anyone here w/ the jailbroken 1.1.3 iphone that has the phone actually working. (the screen not saying "not activated" or " SIM invalid"?
Is the phone even supposed to work after being jailbroken?
Help!!! STEP 21 & 22

PLEASE Help !!!

I got my iPhone the day after it came out, and I finally decided to unlock it today. I followed all of the instructions, but when I went to option-click "update" in iTunes (I have a Mac), I couldn't because it's on the "Set Up Your iPhone" screen and wants me to press continue to restore my iPhone. It says that it can't restore because my firmware now is 1.1.1 and my phone was running 1.1.3 when I started this. Will someone please tell me what I need to do to get back on track and finish this process of upgrading to and jailbreaking my iPhone on 1.1.3 ???

I solved my last problem by signing out of iTunes, but now I really need help!!! I have no idea what to do. I can't find out how to download the BSD Subsystem and Open SSh. I can't even find out if I've already downloaded them. Also, I think it's keeping me from completing the next step, because "Terminal" isn't working. It says "Connection refused lost connection" Will someone PLEASE Help me??? I'm on steps 21 and 22. Please help me soon. I have to go to school tomorrow.
I Still need help...

As soon as I finished typing my last cry for help, I tried again and I was able to install the update for Installer and install the BSD Subsystem, but I still can't find OpenSSH. Also should I install OktoPrep again???
the connection closes every time i type in cd/ sh

suso-computer:~ shaneel$ ssh root@
root@'s password:
Last login: Sun Feb 10 16:41:48 2008 from
-sh-3.2# cd
Connection to closed

Can anyone help?

it looks like you just typed in "cd" or maybe even "cd/". its supposed to be "cd /" with a space between cd and the /. see if that works.
As soon as I finished typing my last cry for help, I tried again and I was able to install the update for Installer and install the BSD Subsystem, but I still can't find OpenSSH. Also should I install OktoPrep again???

you have to install Community Sources in order for OpenSSH to show up. and yeah, you do have to install OktoPrep again. also, check your modem firmware. if its 04.02.13 i would download The Virginizer and restore your phone again, then install all the apps you need again before upgrading. if its 04.01.13 you should be fine to upgrade as soon as you install OktoPrep.

Thanks. I have one last question. I turned off my iPhone just like the last step says to, but then I restartd it. Now it's in iTunes and wants me to restore. So, do I restore, or will it relock my phone after all that work?
Thanks. I have one last question. I turned off my iPhone just like the last step says to, but then I restartd it. Now it's in iTunes and wants me to restore. So, do I restore, or will it relock my phone after all that work?

which step are you talking about that says to turn the phone off? is your phone jailbroken in 1.1.1 right now or is it in recovery mode? if its jailbroken, check your modem firmware. if its 04.01.13 go ahead and update if youve installed OktoPrep already. if its 04.02.13 i would restore again and redo everything :/
I was on the very last step, which said to restart the iPhone by turning it off. So I turned it off, but just to make sure, I restarted it by holding the home button and sleep/wake button until it restarted. Now my iPhone's screen has the "Connect to iTunes" picture and in iTunes, it wants me to restore.
I was on the very last step, which said to restart the iPhone by turning it off. So I turned it off, but just to make sure, I restarted it by holding the home button and sleep/wake button until it restarted. Now my iPhone's screen has the "Connect to iTunes" picture and in iTunes, it wants me to restore.

the last step I'm talking about was in the "Post Jailbreaking 1.1.3 guide"

it got my iPhone back on the AT&T connection.
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