Intent to use the machine, or as many here said: clean it, or before travelling I like to check whether it's on. That's impossible now since Apple, in its infinite wisdom, also removed the on/sleep/off indicator light.I understand that you want things your way and can state reasons, but I think the refrigerator is a perfect analogy. The computer should automatically boot because otherwise you won’t be able to use the computer and since you opened the lid you’ve clearly demonstrated intent to use the machine—just like the refrigerator.
This subject is being discussed because it feels like change for changes sake, and it is yet another example of an automatisation that is more annoying than helpful because it always does its thing, ignoring context.
At least you can turn off auto correct. The fridge is not a good analogy. A better one would be a car that starts the engine when you fasten the seatbelt. Or a TV that switches on the moment you take the remote.