If you connect a R9A18 board via a single USB-C>DisplayPort 1.4 8K cable you will get 5K/60fps (like the Luke M video)
Whether it's 8bit or 10 bit isn't clear.
Earlier in this thread people have used
Sonnet, Starlink and OWC TB (USB-C)>Dual DP adapters to get 10 bits.
These are all quite expensive, and whether cheaper versions work isn't clear. People have gone with a proven solution...
The later revisions of the R9A18 board supposedly have DP 1.4 so should be capable of single cable 10 bits.
The fact that Luke can't tell the difference is maybe in indicator that for ordinary computing the difference between 8 and 8+FRC bits (the iMac's panel mode) isn't easily noticeable.
I can see it with my R1811/LM270QQ1 SD(D1) setup, but it takes a really detailed and close scrutiny of the screen with a magnifying glass to be able to see the difference.
The vendors of Hajing products haven't had their 10 bit claim verified by any buyers yet AFAIK.
If that's what you end up getting you could put that to the test...