Could simply be that you have the option to expand / stretch the video to full screen like on the S8/G6 however we could also get option for black bars on sides for 16:9 ...
Yeah a dev can choose to put the video under the notch, or black out the ears and notch completely. At least that's what I got from the video Apple put up on design suggestions for the X. But as I stated before they are strongly encouraging blacking out the ears ONLY for the most passive activities like video. Otherwise their stance is that blacking out the ears makes the app feel small and cramped and goes doesn't look consistent.
Honestly, while I find it fugly and a terrible Ive-like decision, I know I'll get used to it and in a few months won't even think twice about it. iOS is like that, it has so many ugly, disjointed, terrible design decisions all mish mashed into one horrifying UI, but your brain just kind of glosses over it and gets used to it.
Personally I think the best thing they could do is get rid of Ive, it seems his only job is to justify his own job by constantly making design changes that aren't needed, but are progressively worse as he runs out of ideas. I read an article that this is endemic to the design teams at these companies, and in order for someone to get a promotion or move ahead they have to play the game.
It's such a shame about the front design, because the Silver iPhone 8 with the white glass back is pretty stunning. I love white phones. And I love glass-back phones. It's a beautiful combination and a real step up from the Silver iPhone 7.
I wish Samsung would do a white version like this.
Yeah I like the white one too, finally a black front! I always get the black ones, but I think I may go white or silver this year to spice things up. I'm not 100% sold on the polished metal surround though, it's IRONIC that it gives it that Samsung fake chrome surround feel we all used to make fun of. Yeah I know it's polished stainless steel, but it still looks like fake plastic chrome. I would have preferred brushed, or just color matched. I haven't had a good look at the black X, is that a black steel surround?
I completely understand what you mean. I said very early on that I didn't like the way Apple was going about catching up: in a third, even higher, more expensive, and more exclusive tier. I also asked what kind of flagships does that make the 7S models, now known as the iPhone 8?
It is a little weird, but it doesn't matter. Today, Apple introduced the next generation of iconic smartphones.
Nothing to rejoice about per se. Apple fans will just come to realize what Android fans already knew: fragmentation isn't really a big deal.
They're going to come to appreciate a lot of what we've already been enjoying.
My question is what will the top of the line phone be going forward? If the X becomes the Xs next year, then what is the mid tier going to be? If the X becomes the mid tier then what will be the new top dog, and how will Apple make it worth 1k? This year it's excusable to see the 1k price because it's such an advancement for an iPhone, but I can't see them making those huge changes every year.