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Overall I have no issues with El Capitan - but I have to use Clean My Mac - to free up the memory once in a while to get the system running smooth.

Clean My Mac.... Seriously, and you are trying to sound like you know things. Get rid of that bloatware. It's about as much use as a Chocolate Teapot...

If you really need to clear out memory or other bits and bobs of the system to make 'you' feel better. Because, OS X does not actually need it. Then try OnyX...
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Clean My Mac.... Seriously, and you are trying to sound like you know things. Get rid of that bloatware. It's about as much use as a Chocolate Teapot...

I’ve heard that the teapot currently orbiting between Earth and Mars might be made of chocolate, but as far as I know, no one is using it.
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Do not agree at all.
I certainly am a great fan of Apple. Never been any kind of "hater" and my bad experience with El Capitan has not changed my attitude at all.
Although (unfortunately) I own no Apple Shares :(, I still was very glad when I heard in the radio news today that the results of Apple had climbed again to never before reached values :)
(Unfortunately not thanks to computers but due to iPhones, but that doesn't change that their results are so good).

And I also do not agree at all that people issue posts ONLY when they have problems,and therefore most posts are supposed to be negative.
When I bought my MP 6.1 late 2013 many users in this forum feared something that (for lack of a better name) was then called "coil whine".
It was some kind of unpleasant sound issued under certain particular working conditions by some of those -then newly released- computers according to different posts.

As soon as I got my MP 6.1, I repeatedly posted in the MP section of this forum a year and a half ago how satisfied I was with my new computer. How silent it was with no "coil whine" or any other kind of bug. :D

If people take time and effort to post a complain it is NOT necessary just for any kind of sick "pleasure" they might get from complaining.
In almost all such posts true problems are described, serious enough to bother the user to post them.
That does not make them in no way "haters"!
They are just "users with problems" looking for some kind of hint or help and trying to find out if they are the only person with that problem or there are others as well. :oops:
This step is very important to detect individual hardware failures or specific software which might be behind any bug.
It is a necessary first step for any chance to find a cure to it!

I repeat it.
I am an Apple lover :apple:, not a hater.
And the problems with El Capitan I reported, which forced me for the first time in my life :eek: to make a downgrade of a OS (not only in OSX but including different Windows since 3.1 and several Linux) are entirely true, "all the truth and nothing but the truth", as they say in law courts.

Not only "beauty is in the eye of the beholder"...
Biased thinking and lack of respect to problems of others are as well! :mad:
And you know what? You are an exception. Most people aren't like that, and I am quite happy that positive and honest people are still around.

It doesn't matter however because 95% of humanity has no interest in sharing their opinions unless it's negative or frustrating. It's how psychology works.
Clean My Mac.... Seriously, and you are trying to sound like you know things. Get rid of that bloatware. It's about as much use as a Chocolate Teapot...

If you really need to clear out memory or other bits and bobs of the system to make 'you' feel better. Because, OS X does not actually need it. Then try OnyX...

I am not using clean my mac on a regular basis nor do I try to sound like I know things.

I was testing what happens to the memory on the iMac when it starts to respond sluggish. It was just - describing a phenomenon that happens on 3 machines - did not happen on Yosemite or previous versions.
OnyX - I use it on my mac mini - same things happen.

By the way - I was doing software development for 8 years - not Low Level programming - C++ and sometimes Java. During those times I had the occasions to go through bugs and bad written code that bloated up the RAM (Windows of course...)
I do not try to sound wise, I do not claim to know things - I encountered similar problems in the past and I looked for the leaks and where problems could be.

Yeah ... nice forum.... Jesus... My last post
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This thread is the 2015 version of "Yosemite looks terrible"


If one reads everything post in this thread from the beginning to the end one comes to the clear and unrefutable conclusion that

a1) Snow Leopard was the best and most stable OS X Apple ever made
a2) Snow Leopard was the worst and buggy OSX that I can remember
b1) Mavericks is still the most reliable OS X I keep for my Mac
b2) Thanks God that finally Apple replaced that Mavericks
c1) Yosemite was from the beginning to the end a true disaster for my Mac
c2) Pity that Apple replaced the reliable Yosemite by the terrible El Cap
d1) In MY COMPUTER El Capitan installed and worked perfectly
d2) In MY COMPUTER El Cap is a true piece of s***t. Shame on Apple!

My own conclusion:
I must urgently get an appointment as soon as possible to my psychiatrist!
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My own conclusion:
I must urgently get an appointment as soon as possible to my psychiatrist!


...currently waiting for my 3.5" adapter from OWC to arrive, can't wait to put that SSD in place and let my surprisingly bug-free El Capitan fly on my old beast! :)
Such diversity as in "works perfectly vs totally bugged" means that El Capitan quality is bad. Bad software quality almost always results in inconsistent performance.

Funnily enough, if all users had the same issues that would mean that quality is better actually.

Not necessarily. Even though Apple controls the hardware, there are still millions of configurations software wise. What are people doing? What issues are they facing? I always start over because every upgrade (even on Windows) results in a mess. However, El Capitan's upgrade has been better than any other OS X. I do not run 5 year old software though.
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I'm restoring right now back to Yosemite. Safari, iTunes, App Store, Keychain don't work. My system is constantly hung up and won't respond (2015 MBP). Couldn't sign into iCloud either. Tried a bunch of fixes others proposed here and on the Apple forums, but finally decided it wasn't worth my time. I'll look again at it in a few months.
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I'm restoring right now back to Yosemite. Safari, iTunes, App Store, Keychain don't work. My system is constantly hung up and won't respond (2015 MBP). Couldn't sign into iCloud either. Tried a bunch of fixes others proposed here and on the Apple forums, but finally decided it wasn't worth my time. I'll look again at it in a few months.

There is something fundamentally wrong with 10.11 until Apple see fit to fix it, upgrading is pointless. I have tried upgrading from 10.10.5 and multiple "clean installs" irrespective of what I do 10.11 is a mess. Apple needs to revert to releasing software when it`s ready not for the sake of marketing. No one appreciates an OS with issue...

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If one reads everything post in this thread from the beginning to the end one comes to the clear and unrefutable conclusion that

a1) Snow Leopard was the best and most stable OS X Apple ever made
a2) Snow Leopard was the worst and buggy OSX that I can remember
b1) Mavericks is still the most reliable OS X I keep for my Mac
b2) Thanks God that finally Apple replaced that Mavericks
c1) Yosemite was from the beginning to the end a true disaster for my Mac
c2) Pity that Apple replaced the reliable Yosemite by the terrible El Cap
d1) In MY COMPUTER El Capitan installed and worked perfectly
d2) In MY COMPUTER El Cap is a true piece of s***t. Shame on Apple!

My own conclusion:
I must urgently get an appointment as soon as possible to my psychiatrist!

Clearly a sign of multiple operating system disorder!:eek:
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There is something fundamentally wrong with 10.11 until Apple see fit to fix it, upgrading is pointless. I have tried upgrading from 10.10.5 and multiple "clean installs" irrespective of what I do 10.11 is a mess. Apple needs to revert to releasing software when it`s ready not for the sake of marketing. No one appreciates an OS with issue...


I've seen just a few too many of the same things others are describing. My old rule of thumb used to be when a new OS X release comes out, wait until the first "dot" release, like 10.11.1 comes out. My new rule of thumb is wait a year. There's something seriously wrong with their QA.
Well, yes.
I kinda missed it.
At 310,894 views and 3,264 replies it was a pretty popular thread.

Yeah but 3,264 replies constantly rehashing the same complaints every 3 days, and from the same dozen of users is not very significative, nor very constructive. Like everything popular, that doesn't mean it's good. Anyway, it's not my intent to deviate the conversation so let's concentrate on El Capitan...
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I've seen just a few too many of the same things others are describing. My old rule of thumb used to be when a new OS X release comes out, wait until the first "dot" release, like 10.11.1 comes out. My new rule of thumb is wait a year. There's something seriously wrong with their QA.

Agreed, it`s absolutely obvious. As much as I prefer OS X, it`s highly likely that our 15" rMBP`s will be replaced by Windows systems; I don't care for these rapid OS updates that add little to nothing for productivity, and in some respects hinder. Apple seems to be settling on the mid ground, offering ever more mediocre hardware. I get it, more sales, less complex OS, fine for the Facebook crowd, equally it`s not for me, or our business model.

Of all the Mac`s we use, only the 12" Retina MacBook is likely to be updated, unless Apple seriously impress me in 2016. The rest will be replaced with Windows systems as OS X is degrading into a base for little more than an entertainment platform. The trend is rather downhill for serious work, albeit at a mild grade, equally steadily downhill nonetheless.

In many respects the Mac has lost it`s innovation for both hardware & software, "thiner and lighter" can only carry you so far utility & functionality are in many respects being disregarded.

The trend is rather downhill for serious work, albeit at a mild grade, equally steadily downhill nonetheless.

I mean no disrespect, but what kind of "serious work" are you referring to? As an example I'm doing film music and graphic design - the last OS X iterations, including El Capitan, haven't diminished my productivity one bit. I couldn't care less about the social media stuff and the fact that I can "share" and "collaborate" in "the cloud" - man do I hate this stuff!!! Aside from that (sign of our time I presume), OS X is solid, fast, and "reliable", in short it helps me get my work done effectively. Would I be able to do this with Windows? Most likely - but I'm a Mac user and nothing is gonna change that. ;)
Clearly a sign of multiple operating system disorder!:eek:
Oh my! :oops:
Is there a way to treat it?
Are there any medicaments to help me...or is death inevitably coming to me?
I knew that Apple could not be wrong and something deeply bad was inside me killing me, when I did not manage to have my Mac operate with El Capitan.
However I did not realize how seriously sick I am...:oops:
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If one reads everything post in this thread from the beginning to the end one comes to the clear and unrefutable conclusion that

a1) Snow Leopard was the best and most stable OS X Apple ever made
a2) Snow Leopard was the worst and buggy OSX that I can remember
b1) Mavericks is still the most reliable OS X I keep for my Mac
b2) Thanks God that finally Apple replaced that Mavericks
c1) Yosemite was from the beginning to the end a true disaster for my Mac
c2) Pity that Apple replaced the reliable Yosemite by the terrible El Cap
d1) In MY COMPUTER El Capitan installed and worked perfectly
d2) In MY COMPUTER El Cap is a true piece of s***t. Shame on Apple!

My own conclusion:
I must urgently get an appointment as soon as possible to my psychiatrist!

Yeah, and the moans when Panther and Tiger first came out really made it seem like Apple was going down the tubes. Years later, everyone heralded Tiger as the best OS ever.

The only OS that I haven't really seen anyone praise, even after its successor came out, was Lion. I think it was quite unanimous that almost everyone hated Lion. Hence, the rapid release of Mountain Lion.

I wouldn't be surprised if, by 10.24, everyone will be crying for the "good old days" of 10.10.
Not necessarily. Even though Apple controls the hardware, there are still millions of configurations software wise. What are people doing? What issues are they facing? I always start over because every upgrade (even on Windows) results in a mess. However, El Capitan's upgrade has been better than any other OS X. I do not run 5 year old software though.
The problems people report are of very different kind.
Many of them refer to main functions of the new OSX itself, like installation, Time Machine, Mail, connectivity etc., and not to any third part software!

Besides...who said that with every new OS people must necessarily buy equally new software? :rolleyes:

Im some applications an update might be useful, but as a rule of thumb I would say that those applications which worked OK with the OS X released just a year ago, should still work fine with the new OS released only one year later. :mad:
Isn't that the reasonable and economic way of thinking... and basic common sense?

OS developers should keep in mind that in many cases application updates are not free of charge.
Software companies find a good pretext to make money and often disguise their updates under a different version number or give them a new name callig them "new release"...which (of course) must be paid!
For instance the makers of the scan software "Silverfast" are true champions how to squeeze money again and again from any user...if simply a scanner no longer works and the user must buy a new scanner (even if it is made by the same manufacturer!).
And of course "Silverfast 8" is a new application one must buy, the previous version 6 does not get support any longer (even if you will hardly see any true difference).
Money, money and more money :eek:

Another way to make money on behalf of users is to convert applications from buying products belonging to the owner in yearly rental ones. :mad:
Adobe and Microsoft are two good champions of that dirty trick...

(Besides almost always every change in any application demands to invest considerable time and effort until the user manages to employ it in a productive environment as with the previous ones.
How many persons keep truly old hardware and truly old OS whose support has been discontinued many years ago, only because they want to keep using the applications they know and like! ;) )

Newer is not necessarily equal to better!

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I wouldn't be surprised if, by 10.24, everyone will be crying for the "good old days" of 10.10.
Let's hope that we survive the bugs of the present 10.11.
We we will have more than enough time to think about all the following 10.xx
Let's be modest in our wishes and hopes...:)
Oh my! :oops:
Is there a way to treat it?
Are there any medicaments to help me...or is death inevitably coming to me?
I knew that Apple could not be wrong and something deeply bad was inside me killing me, when I did not manage to have my Mac operate with El Capitan.
However I did not realize how seriously sick I am...:oops:

I don't think the other poster was being serious.

My advice would be to rest easy.
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