I'm one of the biggest iPhones 'proponents'

that regularly lives in this sub-forum but even I can admit that the new Galaxies are offering pretty amazing first impressions. I'm still not a fan of the pronounced curved sides of the Edge model but if I had to choose one, it would be my choice as I can't go back to a display smaller than 5.5"
To those posing the question how anyone could consider an iPhone after seeing these designs--it's quite simple when the design of the physical hardware isn't the sole reason for choosing a phone. I still hate the Samsung logo on the top and fine black slab from of the iPhone nicer aesthetically. I won't go into software preference beyond the fact that it plays a pretty significant role in most of our smartphone choices, regardless of your preferred platform.
I also don't understand the industry's move away from the app drawer, one of the standout features that Android has over iOS.

If you took away the ability to add home screen widgets and it IS iOS.
Also, both LG and Samsung have chosen to not allow use of 'adoptable storage' with the SD card. Any thoughts why they went this route and for those who have a better understanding, what's the benefit of using adoptable storage in the first place vs. its cons?
And as much as I may considering giving one a serious test drive, Samsung's refusal to sell me an unlocked one directly without any carrier branding/bloat means I'll be enjoy all of your perceptives.