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I just did a quick CL search for the Chicago market;

- Nexus 6P = Selling from $460 to $600
- Note 5 = Selling from $550 to $650
- iPhone 6S Plus = Selling from $550 to $775

Google is famous for price reductions on the Nexus phone six plus months later. I would see the 6P dropping to $399 officially, pretty soon here, and for sure come September will have a massive price drop down to $299 or $249 to clear inventory.
I'm an iPhone fan who has used used every galaxy going back to SII. I never quite understood all of the angst that TW seems to cause people. I know using a Nexus 5X and miss TW. Stock Android is way to plain and boring for me. I actually think Touchwiz is 10x better than it used to be.
LOL, this isn't near as true as it used to be. iPhones are a dime a dozen these days.

I've also never gotten all the hate towards TW. I actually preferred it before. I know I'm in the minority here but I loved it when Samsung used to add 101 crazy features to software/devices. They seem to be watering it down bit by but. oh well I'm glad to see that they brought back some of the edge features for the S7 edge. I'm still contemplating getting the S7 edge. I happen to be off on the 8th of March which is the expected delivery date in the UK.
I just did a quick CL search for the Chicago market;

- Nexus 6P = Selling from $460 to $600
- Note 5 = Selling from $550 to $650
- iPhone 6S Plus = Selling from $550 to $775

Google is famous for price reductions on the Nexus phone six plus months later. I would see the 6P dropping to $399 officially, pretty soon here, and for sure come September will have a massive price drop down to $299 or $249 to clear inventory.

I checked on CEX in the UK earlier. The Samsung galaxy S6 edge plus is not doing too badly at holding it's price. For an unlocked 32GB version the cash value is about £340. The iPhone 6S plus (Unlocked) 16 GB has a cash value of £349.
Jump is an outdated plan that was designed to upgrade once or twice a year at most. It is an insurance plan and Lookout premium plan bundled too. You pay $10 a month in addition to an EIP. So once you're eligible you trade the device in and start from scratch. The Jump on Demand is more in tune for upgrades since you may a nominal charge per month and then trade it in and then just pay more nominal fees from scratch whenever you want to upgrade to a new phone.
I'll never understand people who throw money away.
Anyone dealt with wireless fast charging? How fast is it, and do you need a Samsung wireless charger?
It's great in theory but in not in reality. Its great as a bedtime charger on a night stand but you really cant use the device on a wireless charger as you still are able to do when plugged in.
Anyone dealt with wireless fast charging? How fast is it, and do you need a Samsung wireless charger?
Wireless charging is great.

Just buy the official samsung fast charging pad. Why skimp when you have already paid lots for the phone. You will need to use the official mains lead or buy a decent high voltage lead if getting a second lead. You may experience problems with the pad not charging the phone if you use a cheap standard plug. My official pad kept on pausing the charge 10 seconds in for no reason. Upon replacing the third party plug with a 2A plug charging was fine.
I'll never understand people who throw money away.

It's great in theory but in not in reality. Its great as a bedtime charger on a night stand but you really cant use the device on a wireless charger as you still are able to do when plugged in.

Not really throwing money away in the traditional sense. Say if you are asked to pay $20 a month? $120 after 6 months with zero down and zero interest, turnover the phone ($600 phone) and start over. Vs buying it outright $600, then reselling for $420-$450 then using that to pay $150 towards another $600 phone. It works for T-Mobile too since they get "certified pre-owned" or refurbished devices to use for warranty exchanges. It's a cost alternative to folks that upgrade as often as you change oil in your car.
Not really throwing money away in the traditional sense. Say if you are asked to pay $20 a month? $120 after 6 months with zero down and zero interest, turnover the phone ($600 phone) and start over. Vs buying it outright $600, then reselling for $420-$450 then using that to pay $150 towards another $600 phone. It works for T-Mobile too since they get "certified pre-owned" or refurbished devices to use for warranty exchanges. It's a cost alternative to folks that upgrade as often as you change oil in your car.

Spot on :) I'm paying $24 a month for my Note 5, and it was $0 money down when it came out. I will most likely get the S7 Edge next month, with $0 money down, and just turn in my old Note 5, and again pay $24/Month for the new S7 Edge, and then six months later get the Note 6 the same way.

In 18 months time, I will have had the Note 5, S7 Edge, and Note 6, and just spent $432
So .... what colour ??? I'm thinking gold, but black looks ultra nice, and the white will show less fingerprints, but not sure i like the white back ? Oh god why am I reading this thread, it's like Mrs. Doyle poking me with a stick going 'go on, go on, go on' .... arghhh ....

Spot on :) I'm paying $24 a month for my Note 5, and it was $0 money down when it came out. I will most likely get the S7 Edge next month, with $0 money down, and just turn in my old Note 5, and again pay $24/Month for the new S7 Edge, and then six months later get the Note 6 the same way.

Well, the old Jump is outdated because it limits how many upgrades you have per year. But JOD is much better. My dad might do that for the iPhone 7. He got the Note 5 as a gift after some guy broke his Nexus 6 lol.
So .... what colour ??? I'm thinking gold, but black looks ultra nice, and the white will show less fingerprints, but not sure i like the white back ? Oh god why am I reading this thread, it's like Mts. Doyle poking me with a stick going 'go on, go on, go on' .... arghhh ....


I suggest White or Silver. Gold doesn't look appealing to many folks I discussed it with. Gold kinda has a reputation of over saturation or being too cheap looking. The Silver keeps it classy as some may say. Black looks decent too, but I like my phones lighter colored.
I suggest White or Silver. Gold doesn't look appealing to many folks I discussed it with. Gold kinda has a reputation of over saturation or being too cheap looking. The Silver keeps it classy as some may say. Black looks decent too, but I like my phones lighter colored.

If silver was an option I would go for it, sadly not an option for Europe.

I liked my Gold Edge previous more so than the sapphire black Edge + I had, so I know I would be ok with that, but thinking I want to try something different and haven't had a white phone in a while .... choices ....
In 18 months time, I will have had the Note 5, S7 Edge, and Note 6, and just spent $432

yeah but in the end you own nothing, correct? And you can only lease phones provided by your carrier. I am sure it works out for some, especially if you have massive device turnover. In the end I guess it is just basically the lease vs buy argument (homes, cars, etc). Both have advantages and disadvantages. I personally like to own stuff.
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yeah but in the end you own nothing, correct? And you can only lease phones provided by your carrier. I am sure it works out for some, especially if you have massive device turnover. In the end I guess it is just basically the lease vs buy argument (homes, cars, etc). Both have advantages and disadvantages. I personally like to own stuff.

Yes, it's basically a lease, with the option to buy at normal price, no inflated overcharged pricing. But I have zero use or want for a two year old phone. I like the option to change and upgrade to a new phone every six months or so. Sure I have to give up my current Note 5 for the S7 Edge, but so what, what would I do with that old Note 5 anyways, besides sell it if I actually bought it, and lose money doing so. And if I wasn't going to sell it, that old Note 5 would just sit around collecting dust, maybe gets used every once in a while, but not likely.

Only phone I will buy outright and keep would be like the Nexus 6P or upcoming OnePlus Three. I still have my OnePlus One, and swap to it every month for a couple of days to test the latest ROM's.
Ok looks like Ram performance hasn't improved over the current Note 5 / Edge + and certainly quite far behind like G4/Z5/6P/X Force which can routinely hold 12-14 apps in memory (with less ram) etc ... So essentially it looks like Touchwiz hasn't been changed at all, which leaves me very very conflicted :(

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Ok looks like Ram performance hasn't improved over the current Note 5 / Edge + and certainly quite far behind like G4/Z5/6P/X Force which can routinely hold 12-14 apps in memory (with less ram) etc ... So essentially it looks like Touchwiz hasn't been changed at all, which leaves me very very conflicted :(

I can't watch the video yet. How many apps does it hold?

If it's 8 as the other poster said, that's more than fine for me.

I don't think that means tw hasn't changed at all. Just that they're keeping their ram management design. Which sounds intentional. Don't know why. But if it can hold 8 that's pretty good. When do you need 8+ apps all fresh and ready?

And even so, isn't the refresh like a split second? That temporary moment as the app refreshes. Isn't that under a second?

Is that a deal breaker?
I can't watch the video yet. How many apps does it hold?

If it's 8 as the other poster said, that's more than fine for me.

I don't think that means tw hasn't changed at all. Just that they're keeping their ram management design. Which sounds intentional. Don't know why. But if it can hold 8 that's pretty good. When do you need 8+ apps all fresh and ready?

And even so, isn't the refresh like a split second? That temporary moment as the app refreshes. Isn't that under a second?

Is that a deal breaker?

Yes about 8 and then refreshing...

Sadly it likely is a deal breaker for me. I do actually have more than that open at most times (generally 10-12) and whilst it may refresh quickly it doesn't solve the problem as I have often left an app such as tapatalk or similar with partially written post or and then go to check out a YouTube or answer email and then go back and it has chosen to refresh tapatalk then my post has gone and I have to start again, which is a pain even if the app refreshes super quickly.

Whilst for many it's limitation is indeed liveable, and its effect less noticeable - for me more it will likely frustrate me, especially as I currently don't experience this limitation on my current crop of devices which I would likely have to sell to pay for the S7 edge. I don't even game on my devices but I still routinely have a dozen apps backgrounded with work and social connections.

I will still likely get one, but this has cemented that I'll definitely wait until it's gone down in price or available easily on the resell market and therefore a lot cheaper rather than pay the €799 launch price.

It just really painful to me and why I am so conflicted because Samsung have everything else nailed hardware wise. They hit the mark on nearly everything bar this one aspect and it's just one that sullied my experience with the Edge/Note 5 & Edge +
Ok looks like Ram performance hasn't improved over the current Note 5 / Edge + and certainly quite far behind like G4/Z5/6P/X Force which can routinely hold 12-14 apps in memory (with less ram) etc ... So essentially it looks like Touchwiz hasn't been changed at all, which leaves me very very conflicted :(

Never understood the need to keep 12 to 14 apps ready in the background ? I rarely ever use the Multitasking button on my Android phones, if anything I mainly use it close down all those apps running and taking up power in the background. I like zero running processes. Yeah having few ready to go to instantly is nice, but I'd say that's maybe 4 or 5 for me personally, never once ever needing or wanting 12 apps ready in the background. Just for me, nothing I need.
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Came back from a Tmo store. I don't have Jump on Demand so I'm out of luck this round. I can do Jump on Demand moving forward though if I do get the S7.

I guess I'll wait a bit as planned, and I still need to test the Edge in hand, too, but man it was tempting to just pre-order while I was there.
Could be the new "Game Manager" functionality had some impact on that. Hearthstone is a beast for resources. Maybe they system closes apps more aggressively so it runs better. Would be nice to see an app count without a game in the middle.
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Yes about 8 and then refreshing...

Sadly it likely is a deal breaker for me. I do actually have more than that open at most times (generally 10-12) and whilst it may refresh quickly it doesn't solve the problem as I have often left an app such as tapatalk or similar with partially written post or and then go to check out a YouTube or answer email and then go back and it has chosen to refresh tapatalk then my post has gone and I have to start again, which is a pain even if the app refreshes super quickly.

Whilst for many it's limitation is indeed liveable, and its effect less noticeable - for me more it will likely frustrate me, especially as I currently don't experience this limitation on my current crop of devices which I would likely have to sell to pay for the S7 edge. I don't even game on my devices but I still routinely have a dozen apps backgrounded with work and social connections.

I will still likely get one, but this has cemented that I'll definitely wait until it's gone down in price or available easily on the resell market and therefore a lot cheaper rather than pay the €799 launch price.

It just really painful to me and why I am so conflicted because Samsung have everything else nailed hardware wise. They hit the mark on nearly everything bar this one aspect and it's just one that sullied my experience with the Edge/Note 5 & Edge +

I'm sorry, that does sucks for your situation. Still don't fully know or understand why Samsung designs their RAM management that way. The most I've read about a reasoning behind it is so that the 8 apps you are running are at optimal performance. : Shrug : Whatever that means.

We all lose when MRU doesn't get a new phone and post his in-depth impressions. :(
Looks like it's the Sony IMX260.


Hopefully it's the same in all models so no isocell lottery.
hmmmmmmmmm Ok, so I have found the official size of the S7 on EE's website:

And it is interesting, I got my digital calipers out and measured against my iPhone 6S which I have to use with the official Apple leather case as it's slippery, and the S7 is very close, it's slightly thinner width wise and is a tad longer, 1.8mm longer, it may be too big for me but I'll take a look.
The size of the device for a 5.1" screen I have to say is truly impressive especially considering the home button and fingerprint reader are on the face of the device.

Does anyone know if the camera is a Sony Exmoor or a Samsung Isocell?
Does anyone know if the camera is a Sony Exmoor or a Samsung Isocell?

I thought that it was a Samsung Britecell?
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