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Who doesn't root their Android phones ? I've owned maybe 20 smartphones the past several years. And every one of them, I root as soon as I take out of the box with the stickers still on them. That's the big selling point of Android to me, they're meant to be rooted, to install AdAway and giving ultimate control to the user, as it should be.

Just like an iPhone, I only buy one when the Jailbreak is available for that current firmware, an iPhone with no JB is useless to me. I couldn't even fathom using a stock iPhone. So you just take it out of the box and start using it, with zero customizing done to it ? Holy cow no way, not in a million years could I use that phone bone stock. And I'm sort of the same opinion with my Android phones too

But hey that's just me, a nerd. I want that complete freedom of total customization and no limits as to what I can do to my phone. Otherwise they feel like a dumb-phone locked down with zero changes allowed.

Been there done all of that fed up wasting hours of my life fiddling around but if you still enjoy then good for you :)
Plus you can't assume everyone wants to or even can root their phone. Rooting is easy for us, but your average consumer would probably be lost.

I could handle the technical part of rooting just fine and I've done it on some cheaper phones, but for my actual daily driver rooting isn't an option. That's because rooting would make it less useful as a tool for the very simple reason that a rooted/jailbroken phone isn't getting anywhere near our work Exchange and not getting my full calendar on the device would be quite a letdown that wouldn't be compensated by a couple of extra options.
Been there done all of that fed up wasting hours of my life fiddling around but if you still enjoy then good for you :)

Thing is, I don't waste all my time rooting and ROM'ing. I root the phone once out of the box the first day, which takes 15 minutes. And then I find that perfect ROM, install it, and set it all up, which takes 30 minutes, one time. Now for 4 months I haven't touched any of those root or ROM settings, I've been using my phone normally, never once tweaking it again, after that initial setup way back when.

But for doing that I get;

- No Ads no commercials ever on my phone, not even on YouTube, zero ads.
- Much increased battery life on my Note 5 = 6h Screen On time, and 30 hours total heavy usage
- Super fast fluid speed, zero lag
- Multitask RAM issue fixed and gone
- Tweaked display, to make it look even nicer
- Many other misc. extra features.

Hey that's cool, if you like Ad's on your phone, and less battery life, and a little lag here and there. I do not.
Thing is, I don't waste all my time rooting and ROM'ing. I root the phone once out of the box the first day, which takes 15 minutes. And then I find that perfect ROM, install it, and set it all up, which takes 30 minutes, one time. Now for 4 months I haven't touched any of those root or ROM settings, I've been using my phone normally, never once tweaking it again, after that initial setup way back when.

But for doing that I get;

- No Ads no commercials ever on my phone, not even on YouTube, zero ads.
- Much increased battery life on my Note 5 = 6h Screen On time, and 30 hours total heavy usage
- Super fast fluid speed, zero lag
- Multitask RAM issue fixed and gone
- Tweaked display, to make it look even nicer
- Many other misc. extra features.

Hey that's cool, if you like Ad's on your phone, and less battery life, and a little lag here and there. I do not.

Sounds like someone feels the need to start justifying themselves.
Question for you guys

If you have a Note 5, would you trade that in and give up the stylus for the S7 Edge or would it be worth holding out for the next note series?

I have the option to trade my iPhone for a note 5 right now with the wife but I'm not sure if I should just go for the S7 Edge or wait even longer for the next note series?

Just wondering if the S7 edge has enough pros over the note 5 to justify losing the stylus
I could handle the technical part of rooting just fine and I've done it on some cheaper phones, but for my actual daily driver rooting isn't an option. That's because rooting would make it less useful as a tool for the very simple reason that a rooted/jailbroken phone isn't getting anywhere near our work Exchange and not getting my full calendar on the device would be quite a letdown that wouldn't be compensated by a couple of extra options.

Yea that is very unfortunate :(

Funny thing is many companies will give local admin rights to users on their work pcs (which is essentially giving them root) then on the other hand insist that noone has root on their mobile devices.

I'm very sad that mobile has this whole paradigm of the user is always a user and never gets admin rights

How are kids gonna ever learn if they can never touch the heart of the OS? :p
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Sounds like someone feels the need to start justifying themselves.

No not at all, didn't mean to come out that way. I'm just surprised on a geeky site no one is interested in Root here, kind of shocked to be honest.

Like I said, different strokes for different folks.

I just like making my smartphone even better than stock, is my point. But it's not for everyone, I understand.
Question for you guys

If you have a Note 5, would you trade that in and give up the stylus for the S7 Edge or would it be worth holding out for the next note series?

I have the option to trade my iPhone for a note 5 right now with the wife but I'm not sure if I should just go for the S7 Edge or wait even longer for the next note series?

Just wondering if the S7 edge has enough pros over the note 5 to justify losing the stylus
I am going to jump to the S7 edge from my Note 5. I only use the stylus once in awhile. But I know if will be jumping to the Note 6 this fall too :)
I am going to jump to the S7 edge from my Note 5. I only use the stylus once in awhile. But I know if will be jumping to the Note 6 this fall too :)

I'm kind of thinking the same thing, but haven't made the jump yet. Waiting a little bit to see real reviews here. I'm pretty happy with my Note 5 still, but for sure jumping to the Note 6. I still want to see the HTC One M10 first, or at least the official spec's.
One of the main reasons we left ATT for T-Mobile, was the locked bootloader BS, and on principle I just couldn't keep giving them my money, for their Nazi ways, they have become far worse than even Verizon used to be with their crappy business practices. Plus ATT billing used to always be high each month, never the same, always nickel and diming us, and with T-Mobile my monthly bill for seven months straight now, has been exactly to do the dot what it should be, month after month the same, and the service network I see no difference, very fast speeds, and we get connection everywhere here around Chicago. I just can't support ATT on principle anymore.

I remember back in the day ATT was great, I had the ATT Note 2, and that thing was a beast, with amazing XDA Development, and some awesome ROM's and Kernels back then, turning the Note 2 from a good phone, into a great phone. Those ROM's would get me 7h Screen On time. Sadly those days are gone with ATT :(

I am so happy with my T-Mobile Note 5;



Just read the list of details this ROM + Kernel offer, it transforms the phone into a super beast of a device. I now get 6h to 6.5h Screen On time, and 30 hours battery life on my Note 5. Super smooth, very fast speed. The Multitask RAM issue is fixed. Better colors and display tweaks. Louder speaker, I mean much louder and crystal speaker sound. No ads on any apps or websites. And tons more customization than you can imagine.

Is this ROM + Kernel stable ? YES, never once had a reboot, never once a force close, or weird issue. It has been 100% rock solid stable. As they say "It just works"

As far as warranty be void ? Ok I guess so, but out of the 20 different smartphones I've owned, never once used or need my warranty. And Samsung Pay I don't use.

Oh I completely agree, I would LOVE to move over to Tmobile. Unfortunately their reception is horrible where I live, commute and work, and their indoor penetration is atrocious. I can't stand ATT, but I have no options. Sprint isn't an option for obvious reasons. Tmobile reception sucks here and I can't put that risk to my business. Verizon is very good but I can't stand them, plus I can't stand the idea that people know when I'm on the line and don't answer their call and you can't turn that "feature" off.

I've toyed with the idea of a Note 6 unlocked on ATT, but then I won't be able to use wifi calling. But even the Tmobile one can't be rooted without consequences such as losing Samsung pay and losing warranty, so I don't see the Tmobile one being much of an advantage at all.
Its most likely a design choice by the app developer instead of scaling, or they haven't updated for the 6 Plus. Here are some pics of a bunch of apps on both my iPhone 6S Plus and Note 5, and for the most part they seem about the same. I tried my best to line up the content.

You're right, I remember just before I ditched my 6s+ Waze totally revamped its app and the scaling was much better, but not perfect. You can still see how their text is still much larger, and that makes a difference in a dense area with more streets and such. But you are right, the impact probably isn't that bad and I'm worrying needlessly. Plus I haven't seen it with my own eyes yet, I'll have to stop in a BB this week and compare it to my Note 5.
Thing is, I don't waste all my time rooting and ROM'ing. I root the phone once out of the box the first day, which takes 15 minutes. And then I find that perfect ROM, install it, and set it all up, which takes 30 minutes, one time. Now for 4 months I haven't touched any of those root or ROM settings, I've been using my phone normally, never once tweaking it again, after that initial setup way back when.

But for doing that I get;

- No Ads no commercials ever on my phone, not even on YouTube, zero ads.
- Much increased battery life on my Note 5 = 6h Screen On time, and 30 hours total heavy usage
- Super fast fluid speed, zero lag
- Multitask RAM issue fixed and gone
- Tweaked display, to make it look even nicer
- Many other misc. extra features.

Hey that's cool, if you like Ad's on your phone, and less battery life, and a little lag here and there. I do not.

I went nuts with ROMS on my Note4, trying to make it a decent phone. It was awesome in many ways, but in others it was a POS. I was pretty hardcore and installed at least a dozen custom ROMS, all promising to debloat, improve battery life, run faster, etc. You know what, I found that they didn't do squat. I think a lot of that is user perception. A lot of the ROMS promising faster speed actually slowed down my N4 and/or caused issues.

I'm not saying custom ROMs can't be awesome, but just in my small, limited experience they were more hype and trouble than they were worth. With that said I'd still love to root mainly to get rid ads and to run Xposed module, and possible to adjust DPI reading how Samsung made that worse.
Question for you guys

If you have a Note 5, would you trade that in and give up the stylus for the S7 Edge or would it be worth holding out for the next note series?

I have the option to trade my iPhone for a note 5 right now with the wife but I'm not sure if I should just go for the S7 Edge or wait even longer for the next note series?

Just wondering if the S7 edge has enough pros over the note 5 to justify losing the stylus

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...HELL...NOOO!!! The stylus is virtually the only reason I stay with Samsung, otherwise I would have probably grabbed a 6p a looooong time ago. But the Note 6 is a long time away, what in October/November? So maybe get what you want now, and just resell or trade in later. I'm committed to using my Note 5 until then though, unless someone else comes out with a stylus equipped phone.

Just about the only pro I see the S7 having over the Note 5 is that it looks cooler, but functionally I don't see anything better.
No not at all, didn't mean to come out that way. I'm just surprised on a geeky site no one is interested in Root here, kind of shocked to be honest.

Like I said, different strokes for different folks.

I just like making my smartphone even better than stock, is my point. But it's not for everyone, I understand.[/QUOTE

This forum is not xda though, we are just hopeless smartphone fanatics looking at the latest devices.
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Are you currently leasing the S6 on JoD, or would you join the program with the S7?

Pretty sure the reviews are going to be very favorable. There is little to nothing wrong with the new phones.

Still paying for my s6. I'd have to knock that out first. Then start jump on demand with s7 edge.

I think they should be favorable too.
Hmmm, still undecided. The plan price is about $50 cheaper than AT&T, but that is before taxes and any phone payments. But I would have unlimited with t-mo. I did grab a SIM card to use this week to test out the network. Will see how that goes first.

Anyone use t-mo in the Tampa Bay Area?
Oh I completely agree, I would LOVE to move over to Tmobile. Unfortunately their reception is horrible where I live, commute and work, and their indoor penetration is atrocious. I can't stand ATT, but I have no options. Sprint isn't an option for obvious reasons. Tmobile reception sucks here and I can't put that risk to my business. Verizon is very good but I can't stand them, plus I can't stand the idea that people know when I'm on the line and don't answer their call and you can't turn that "feature" off.

I've toyed with the idea of a Note 6 unlocked on ATT, but then I won't be able to use wifi calling. But even the Tmobile one can't be rooted without consequences such as losing Samsung pay and losing warranty, so I don't see the Tmobile one being much of an advantage at all.

You're right, I remember just before I ditched my 6s+ Waze totally revamped its app and the scaling was much better, but not perfect. You can still see how their text is still much larger, and that makes a difference in a dense area with more streets and such. But you are right, the impact probably isn't that bad and I'm worrying needlessly. Plus I haven't seen it with my own eyes yet, I'll have to stop in a BB this week and compare it to my Note 5.

I went nuts with ROMS on my Note4, trying to make it a decent phone. It was awesome in many ways, but in others it was a POS. I was pretty hardcore and installed at least a dozen custom ROMS, all promising to debloat, improve battery life, run faster, etc. You know what, I found that they didn't do squat. I think a lot of that is user perception. A lot of the ROMS promising faster speed actually slowed down my N4 and/or caused issues.

I'm not saying custom ROMs can't be awesome, but just in my small, limited experience they were more hype and trouble than they were worth. With that said I'd still love to root mainly to get rid ads and to run Xposed module, and possible to adjust DPI reading how Samsung made that worse.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...HELL...NOOO!!! The stylus is virtually the only reason I stay with Samsung, otherwise I would have probably grabbed a 6p a looooong time ago. But the Note 6 is a long time away, what in October/November? So maybe get what you want now, and just resell or trade in later. I'm committed to using my Note 5 until then though, unless someone else comes out with a stylus equipped phone.

Just about the only pro I see the S7 having over the Note 5 is that it looks cooler, but functionally I don't see anything better.

I haven't had much time with the note 5 yet to know how important the stylus will be to me. Guess I will have to keep playing with it more
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