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macrumors newbie
Nov 24, 2016
I put my new MBP to work right away and edited a project in Premiere Pro.
When I used the Adobe Media Encoder the graphics card freaked out and computer crashed.
I went to the Apple Store and they said it's probably a hardware problem.
So I ordered a new one.
I kept the MPB I have now because when I switched over to FCPX everything seems to be working fine.
But the technician said I shouldn't trust it after I showed him the video of it freaking out. I have the
Radeon Pro 460 with 4GB memory

UPDATE: This didn't happen after I created a new project on this MPB. The other project that made the computer crash was created on a MacPro with a NIVIDIA graphics card. Interesting.
But there is still a weird graphics glitch when I restart the computer.

My computer also did not crash right away when I started a new project and then rendered. However, after about an hour, the computer started crashing again just like before.

Is your computer still not crashing with this new project?


macrumors 68040
Aug 15, 2010
Southern California
Hey haven't read through the whole thread but I just noticed that Final Cut Pro 10.3 has had the flickering and artifacting issue. Hasn't done that in in other software. Anyone else have this issue? It doesn't do this on my rMB.

This crap is definitely going back before the holiday return period!

Spoony Bard

macrumors regular
Apr 12, 2007
Since when glitches are "normal"? :)

We are talking about a ~$3000 notebook here. Can't it be a little more stable than a $300 notebook for all its money?
Let's be real. It's graphical quirk that has absolutely zero impact on usability, and most people won't even notice it as they'll hardly ever need to reboot their machines. This has nothing to do with stability.

There are plenty of legitimate complaints and concerns about the new Macs, including malfunctioning display hardware, broken keys, and blown speakers. But the login glitch? Come on.


macrumors newbie
May 5, 2014
Could someone please post the Kernel log of the glitch? Screenshot of the kernel panic log output, or better: Go to Applications > Utilities > and look under System Diagnostic Reports for the last logged kernel panic.

If someone who is experiencing this, has a developer account, you could download the latest Kernel Debug Kit from (There is a typo in the name of the latest one.. should mean 10.12.2 instead of 10.2.2, obviously) and boot the DEBUG kernel. Then, the kernel panic might print more useful information.

On the other hand.. Apple will probably solve this soon anyway, so not worth digging into it that deep.. ;)


macrumors 6502a
Feb 7, 2009
On the other hand.. Apple will probably solve this soon anyway, so not worth digging into it that deep..

Just like the 2011 MBP, right?

At this point nobody really knows for sure if it's a software or hardware problem. As usual it's not a great idea to buy a first gen Apple product and if I had any of those glitches I'd return it ASAP. Even if it meant waiting a couple of weeks before getting a new one.

At these prices nobody should expect anything other than perfection. Those who say a little glitch here and there is ok are being delusional.


macrumors 6502
Jan 18, 2011
Washington, DC
I have been having some issues, most recently I was watching a full screen Youtube video on an external monitor (in clamshell mode) and the GPU panicked and crashed. The Temp was quite high as well... So I downloaded this:

And ran it full screen. The Temp of the GPU hit 90C, and hovered there for awhile. Then slowly came down to 86C and stayed there. It didn't lock up, but 90C seems quite high to me.

This is to an external LG 31MU97 4k Display at full resolution, in clamshell mode.

EDIT: Using iSTAT to view temps, and the Heaven benchmark program has GPU temp built in along with FPS in the top right corner.


macrumors member
Mar 12, 2011
Anyone having problems with the Mission Control not showing previews of whats on each desktop, but rather grey outlines of the window? Other than Parallels showing red windows and quickly correcting soon as the session is active again. I haven't had any video related issues. Just curious if anyone has had the problem.


macrumors member
Oct 7, 2004
Curious...if there are any developers on here, would you be able to download the beta of the new OS update and see if it fixes any of the battery or display problems?

I installed the latest beta last night and so far I haven't experienced the graphical issues. I also haven't had the bluetooth disconnection issue I've been having (keyboard and mouse disconnecting every 10 or so minutes) so fingers crossed this update will sort the issues.
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macrumors 6502
Nov 2, 2012
I installed the latest beta last night and so far I haven't experienced the graphical issues. I also haven't had the bluetooth disconnection issue I've been having (keyboard and mouse disconnecting every 10 or so minutes) so fingers crossed this update will sort the issues.
Any other issues you feel are resolved? Things like the little problematic three finger drag on the new trackpad?
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Shadow Puppets

macrumors regular
Nov 28, 2016
I installed the latest beta last night and so far I haven't experienced the graphical issues. I also haven't had the bluetooth disconnection issue I've been having (keyboard and mouse disconnecting every 10 or so minutes) so fingers crossed this update will sort the issues.

Have you tried to specifically replicate the methods that people used to make it freak out? i.e. using those Adobe programs at those settings etc?

Could anyone who was previously experiencing these graphical issues please try the beta as well and try to see if it is now resolved? It is the only thing that is holding me back from getting a new MBP really...that and the battery issue.


macrumors member
Oct 7, 2004
Have you tried to specifically replicate the methods that people used to make it freak out? i.e. using those Adobe programs at those settings etc?

Could anyone who was previously experiencing these graphical issues please try the beta as well and try to see if it is now resolved? It is the only thing that is holding me back from getting a new MBP really...that and the battery issue.

No - I had glitching issues repeatedly in general day to day use and so far with almost a full day of use I've not seen it so far with this latest build of Sierra.
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macrumors newbie
Nov 29, 2016
After reading this thread, I finally fixed the login glitch that appears when loading into the computer, I hope they still fix this so I don't have to always disable my file vault. With that fixed, I still suffer from one issue though, I wonder if anyone here has it too.

When I try logging on to my MBP, I am presented with the login page where you see all the available profiles. When I click my profile, the screen suddenly slows down and fades to the next password page. Once there, I am unable to input my password, I can do nothing but either click the restart or shut down button. After a few restarts, I was able to finally put in my password again. I keep restarting my Mac after that and I still get this problem.

I'm not sure if this is related with the same issues here, would it be a software glitch which I should just wait for apple to update and fix? or is it hardware and should I go to Apple support for a repair or fix?


macrumors 65816
Jun 30, 2002
Rancho Cordova, CA
I took my MacBook Pro into the Apple Store last night and got it to freeze with corruption and backlight strobing on the Genius Bar. They're going to ship me a new one.


macrumors member
Jun 5, 2016
Apple is shipping a new one to a store near me too, but it's clearly just a loss-prevention effort. They don't yet know what's going on yet.


macrumors newbie
Nov 29, 2016
Bangkok, Thailand
I think I missed the part about "battery issues". Would you mind sharing what's up with it? I ordered my 15 inch MBP from Singapore to Thailand, it's in transit at the moment so I am really hoping I don't have the graphics issue since I also upgraded the GPU to 460.

Camen Hodges

macrumors newbie
Nov 30, 2016

Let's start a hashtag, since that's the only thing this s**tshow of a society seems to respond to.

#GPUgate2016 #EmojiPro

- 2.9/460/1TB - Restored from target disk mode
- Laggy login screen (including but limited to lower screen mini-glitch
- Full blown graphics meltdown strobe in Premiere Pro CC 2017
- Transferring large folders of files the transfer hangs, freezes, and forces me to hard reboot


I know almost nothing about computers. Which is why I use a mac. With that being said I have some thoughts about what might be going on.

- I think this has everything to do with the usb-c cable. (which, to be clear, I am incredibly excited for. I've wanted one cable to rule them all since I started using computers for video seriously.)

- Large read/writes are the issue. I think that's why some people are seeing issues during export with media encoder. I experienced the graphics meltdown in Premiere while scrubbing through some 8K footage.

- People in the time machine thread are experiencing crashes during backups. Transferring files from the computer to an external drive. Both with an adapter, and without.

- Mine crashed 6 times backing up a card to an external Raid. Redmag Reader>Usb3-UsbC Adapter>Through Computer>USBC-TB2 Adapter>TB2 Akito Raid.

- Red files are FAT32. It's not the size of the file, it's too many going through the pipe. Footage is organized into folders. The system seems to hang on the transition to the next folder. Usually an entire folder (and all included spanned clips) will copy before the crash.

- The problem has only appeared for me during these more-extreme-than-"usual" tasks. Seems like most of the other reports also include transfers or the movement of massive groups of photos. Browsing the web, spotify, even a short session in Premiere isn't likely to trigger it - I think thats one of the reasons why it isn't more widely reported.

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Shadow Puppets

macrumors regular
Nov 28, 2016
Could anyone else chime in to tell us whether the new Sierra beta has fixed these graphical glitches, as Skaro suggests above?
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