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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 16, 2016
The login glitch (display anomaly that flashes only at the bottom of the screen for a moment) is, however, entirely normal.
Normal? Never had that with any other Mac.
I took my MacBook Pro into the Apple Store last night and got it to freeze with corruption and backlight strobing on the Genius Bar. They're going to ship me a new one.
Did you have to give the other one back?
My computer also did not crash right away when I started a new project and then rendered. However, after about an hour, the computer started crashing again just like before.

Is your computer still not crashing with this new project?
I'm too busy to do test at the moment. The thing is I don't trust my Mac anymore. Even if it seems to be working okay at the moment.
Could someone please post the Kernel log of the glitch? Screenshot of the kernel panic log output, or better: Go to Applications > Utilities > and look under System Diagnostic Reports for the last logged kernel panic.

If someone who is experiencing this, has a developer account, you could download the latest Kernel Debug Kit from (There is a typo in the name of the latest one.. should mean 10.12.2 instead of 10.2.2, obviously) and boot the DEBUG kernel. Then, the kernel panic might print more useful information.

On the other hand.. Apple will probably solve this soon anyway, so not worth digging into it that deep.. ;)
So you are saying it's a software issue?
JaninLa, have you tried downloading the new Sierra beta? Would love to know if it fixes any of your problems.
No time for experiments at the moment


macrumors member
Sep 27, 2006
Just adding to the list of those having graphics/GPU issues. I've also managed to get it on video and I've been on the phone with Apple senior support today who said "they've not come across any issues yet" so asked me step by step what I was doing when it happened, took a copy of my entire log and diagnostic data, asked for photos, videos, etc and will update me.

I received my 15" Macbook Pro on Monday. I specced it to the max with 2.9GHz i7, Radeon Pro 460, 2TB SSD. I hadn't migrated any data. I powered on, created user account, downloaded Lightroom CC and Photoshop CC from Adobe CC and worked on 50 RAW images in Lightroom. I haven't even opened photoshop yet. So apart from the two adobe apps this is a fresh out the box machine, no migration of settings or documents, no cloning of old data or partitions.

I decided I had time to migrate all my data so I launch the migration assistant on the new macbook pro which logs you out and starts the wizard. Then I decided I should do some housekeeping on old 2012 Macbook Pro before migration so I quit the migration wizard on the new machine and ended up back at the log in screen. Even though it was asking for a password on screen the TouchID was prompting for a print so I tried TouchID and no joy, entered password via the keyboard and then the screen went black for 5-10s before logging me in to a glitchy and very yellow desktop. The glitch looks like it is following the contours of the default mountain wallpaper by the way and since on the lock screen the wallpaper is blurred slightly it could have something to do with that?

I filmed a little bit of the glitch which is system wide, on the dock, toolbar, safari, system preferences pane, etc I even tried switching from one resolution to another to try and kick start it back to normal which eventually worked after two or three tries.

The original issue happened during login so no apps were open at all. It happened whilst plugged into OEM charger to the right hand side rear port, the problem continued when running on battery too. The machine was not hot or even warm to the touch so not heat related.

Here is a video of the main original glitch

I tried to recreate all my steps again, launching migration assistant which logs you out [and changes your screen resolution] then quitting migration assistant which takes you to the login screen and typing my password. I see the exact same glitch pattern (like the mountain range) in red on black one time, green on black another, but only for a very very brief period before it goes back to normal.

I again, managed to video this a few times, and take a snapshot of the glitch as it happens

If anybody else has a new Macbook Pro with touchbar what happens if you launch Migration Assistant, then quit it and log back in, do you see the screen glitch a little like my example?

So far Apple couldn't comment if it is hardware or software related. They said if it is hardware related I'd need to send it in for repair or I could get a refund but either way I'd need to wait for a new custom build which takes me into 2017.

I've also been having some TouchBar issues with a phantom blank button appearing in the control space on the touchbar which cannot be deleted or sometimes a bar chart icon showing in the same place. Both blank button and bar graph button appear to do nothing and are not documented anywhere. Apple asked me if one of the icons looked like 3 or 4 vertical lines....yes...a bar chart I it seems they know about that one.

Interestingly I have a dozen or so crash logs at the same time as the major graphics glitch I had all pointing at TouchBarAgent crashing, might be co-incidence?
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Shadow Puppets

macrumors regular
Nov 28, 2016
For the love of god, will those of you with issues try the new Sierra beta? One poster earlier claims he has done this and it has solved his display problems.

If you are having issues, try downloading it and report back.


macrumors member
Sep 27, 2006
For the love of god, will those of you with issues try the new Sierra beta? One poster earlier claims he has done this and it has solved his display problems.

If you are having issues, try downloading it and report back.

I appreciate that an earlier poster said Sierra Beta solved their issues, the reason I haven't installed the beta (yet):
  1. If I had beta OSX installed when I called Apple support the first thing they ask you to do is restore from your pre-beta backup as they don't offer support for Beta versions. It doesn't void warranty but they do not offer support for specific issues when running beta.
  2. Apple seem keen to want to know the source of this issue. It is easier for them to try and narrow down the problem on factory OEM installations, especially new machines like mine that have <24 hours of system logs, crash logs and very little changes made. If I install the beta and then roll back to GM version the logs will get diluted with non-relevant information?
  3. This is going to be my main machine and as the beta FAQ clearly state
    Install only on non-production devices that are not business critical.
  4. It's a beta not a patch. Even though it might address or fix the graphics issue, Beta versions can introduce a whole host of other errors and bugs hence point (3) above. I need to use this as a production machine, I'd rather take a chance with occasional graphics glitches that take a gamble with a potentially unstable beta.
  5. I will ask Apple if the beta specifically addresses the issue and see if they suggest installing it.
If I can free up any external SSD drives I might try making a bootable external image of beta and test it that way, thus leaving my factory partition as is. I'll report back if I get around to doing that.


macrumors newbie
Nov 30, 2016

I'm experiencing the login glitch on my 19 day old 2016 13" Macbook Pro without touchbar.

This is the second 13" MBP w/o touchbar I've had in the past month that has had this issue. The first one lasted only a couple days before the issue presented- got a replacement at the Apple store with no issue because I was still within the 14 day return window. Now I'm not sure what to do. I would hate to get a third MBP only to have the same problem again.
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macrumors 6502a
Apr 24, 2010
Just adding to the list of those having graphics/GPU issues. I've also managed to get it on video and I've been on the phone with Apple senior support today who said "they've not come across any issues yet" so asked me step by step what I was doing when it happened, took a copy of my entire log and diagnostic data, asked for photos, videos, etc and will update me.

I received my 15" Macbook Pro on Monday. I specced it to the max with 2.9GHz i7, Radeon Pro 460, 2TB SSD. I hadn't migrated any data. I powered on, created user account, downloaded Lightroom CC and Photoshop CC from Adobe CC and worked on 50 RAW images in Lightroom. I haven't even opened photoshop yet. So apart from the two adobe apps this is a fresh out the box machine, no migration of settings or documents, no cloning of old data or partitions.

I decided I had time to migrate all my data so I launch the migration assistant on the new macbook pro which logs you out and starts the wizard. Then I decided I should do some housekeeping on old 2012 Macbook Pro before migration so I quit the migration wizard on the new machine and ended up back at the log in screen. Even though it was asking for a password on screen the TouchID was prompting for a print so I tried TouchID and no joy, entered password via the keyboard and then the screen went black for 5-10s before logging me in to a glitchy and very yellow desktop. The glitch looks like it is following the contours of the default mountain wallpaper by the way and since on the lock screen the wallpaper is blurred slightly it could have something to do with that?

I filmed a little bit of the glitch which is system wide, on the dock, toolbar, safari, system preferences pane, etc I even tried switching from one resolution to another to try and kick start it back to normal which eventually worked after two or three tries.

The original issue happened during login so no apps were open at all. It happened whilst plugged into OEM charger to the right hand side rear port, the problem continued when running on battery too. The machine was not hot or even warm to the touch so not heat related.

Here is a video of the main original glitch

I tried to recreate all my steps again, launching migration assistant which logs you out [and changes your screen resolution] then quitting migration assistant which takes you to the login screen and typing my password. I see the exact same glitch pattern (like the mountain range) in red on black one time, green on black another, but only for a very very brief period before it goes back to normal.

I again, managed to video this a few times, and take a snapshot of the glitch as it happens

If anybody else has a new Macbook Pro with touchbar what happens if you launch Migration Assistant, then quit it and log back in, do you see the screen glitch a little like my example?

So far Apple couldn't comment if it is hardware or software related. They said if it is hardware related I'd need to send it in for repair or I could get a refund but either way I'd need to wait for a new custom build which takes me into 2017.

I've also been having some TouchBar issues with a phantom blank button appearing in the control space on the touchbar which cannot be deleted or sometimes a bar chart icon showing in the same place. Both blank button and bar graph button appear to do nothing and are not documented anywhere. Apple asked me if one of the icons looked like 3 or 4 vertical lines....yes...a bar chart I it seems they know about that one.

Interestingly I have a dozen or so crash logs at the same time as the major graphics glitch I had all pointing at TouchBarAgent crashing, might be co-incidence?

13" TB had the exact same glitch after hitting enter on the login screen maybe 50% of the time. (usually when starting up prior to a shutdown if I login as soon as it pops up). I haven't had any glitches besides the split second one when logging in though (seemed to trace the mountains in ovals or lightening like bursts).
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Dolores Abernathy

macrumors newbie
Nov 30, 2016
Hey guys so I bought the MacBook pro last Tuesday . It had the log in glitch I went to exchange it today and they gave me a new one. I opened it in store and it had the exact same problem. At this point I'm hoping its a software thing but if nothing improves ill probably return it. Anyways just downloaded the new beta and it DIDN'T fix the issue.
MacBook Pro (15-inch, Late 2016)
2.7 GHz Intel Core i7
16 GB 2133 MHz LPDDR3
Intel HD Graphics 530 1536 MB
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macrumors 6502
Jun 26, 2016
Hey guys so I bought the MacBook pro last Tuesday . It had the log in glitch I went to exchange it today and they gave me a new one. I opened it in store and it had the exact same problem. At this point I'm hoping its a software thing but if nothing improves ill probably return it. Anyways just downloaded the new beta and it DIDN'T fix the issue.
MacBook Pro (15-inch, Late 2016)
2.7 GHz Intel Core i7
16 GB 2133 MHz LPDDR3
Intel HD Graphics 530 1536 MB
Are you using file vault? If so try turning it off, that has caused graphical issues upon login for many people.


macrumors 604
Aug 5, 2010
Too many of us seem to be having this issue. Still hoping it's software. I can't but beta on at the moment, but would appreciate a report if someone has done so.

It's possible, but it would be low level software. Driver issues can cause some real problems. User applications software are almost incapable of it.


macrumors 65832
May 7, 2009
Guys, don't exchange your MBPs because of the login glitch with FileVault enabled. This happens on all MBPs and it is probably due to driver switching that only happens with FileVault enabled. Swapping it with a new one won't fix it.

Also, disabling FileVault is a bad idea - your data is wide open with FileVault disabled in case someone steals your beloved MBP. Seriously, that millisecond-glitch you see only when logging in cannot be a reason enough to disable such an amazing feature like FileVault.
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Camen Hodges

macrumors newbie
Nov 30, 2016
For the love of god, will those of you with issues try the new Sierra beta? One poster earlier claims he has done this and it has solved his display problems.

If you are having issues, try downloading it and report back.

Issues are still present after updating to 10.12.2 Beta (16C53a). Also turned off file vault.

The mac works great for posting to macrumors. Useless for actual work.


macrumors 603
Dec 8, 2005
I returned my 13" Non-TB model for this reason - the guys in store hadn't heard of it but took one look at the video of the glitches and didn't hesitate in offering a replacement. On the non-TB model the glitches I had mainly seemed to happen whenever the machine was waking from sleep or being connected/disconnected to an external monitor over USB-C.

Anyway, I went for a 15" TB model instead and I've since only had one glitch and it was a much more minor one where one open Finder window became a solid block of red but quickly reverted. I've got FileVault enabled and last night I spent a few hours on iMovie editing a bunch of 2.7K GoPro footage and didn't have any issues at all.


macrumors member
Oct 7, 2004
Issues are still present after updating to 10.12.2 Beta (16C53a). Also turned off file vault.

The mac works great for posting to macrumors. Useless for actual work.

I thought mine had gone with the new beta - it's massively reduced the problem for me but had two incidents of the graphical glitches in the last few days.

Dolores Abernathy

macrumors newbie
Nov 30, 2016
Are you using file vault? If so try turning it off, that has caused graphical issues upon login for many people.
I know that disabelling file vault will stop the glitch but I purposefully don't want to turn it off because I want to see it fixed through a software update and it's the only thing so far that is glitching for me so I want to ensure that it's nothing inherently wrong with the computer. Which would be difficult to determine if I remove the main glitch of the computer. If that makes sense.
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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 16, 2016
This is getting a bigger and bigger issue. I thought it was only related to the Radeon Pro 460.
Yesterday I walked up to a random guy at a coffee shop who had the new MBP 15" - same model as mine. I asked him if he had issues with the graphics and he said yes! Nothing major but there is the glitch when starting up and he had some issues moving bigger files around. He just didn't bother to look it up online or go to the Apple Store. Yet.
So how many MBPs are affected? All of them? That's crazy.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 24, 2010
This is getting a bigger and bigger issue. I thought it was only related to the Radeon Pro 460.
Yesterday I walked up to a random guy at a coffee shop who had the new MBP 15" - same model as mine. I asked him if he had issues with the graphics and he said yes! Nothing major but there is the glitch when starting up and he had some issues moving bigger files around. He just didn't bother to look it up online or go to the Apple Store. Yet.
So how many MBPs are affected? All of them? That's crazy.

Tried another 2016 13" just stock (no filevault) and after a couple of logins it had the same glitch upon hitting enter on the passowrd


macrumors 6502a
Dec 2, 2014
I suggest to stay tuned and return them if you think to have problems in the next future.
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