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Might be a silly question, But is handbrake mainly used for ripping dvds to the machine? If so doesn't that occupy alot of space for something you'll probably only watch once or twice?


Or ripping DVD's to an Apple TV (or similar device) for later viewing. They do occupy a lot of space, but (IMO) it's the best way to watch episodic TV.
Update Problems

I love HB and think it's one to the greatest things since sliced bread. That being said, the new update is driving me nuts. I RIP my disks to my drive and then queue several disks for HB to work on overnight and through the day. The new HB (for me) will only read on disk folder at a time. It will load one folder, then finds nothing on subsequent folder. It processes, but finds no files. If I quit and then relaunch it then works on the same folder just fine, but then has to be shut down and relaunched to find the next one. Then to top it off, it wouldn't process until I quit and relaunched again. So to rip 6 VIDEO_TS folders involved 6 quits and starts. Nice. I have used HB for over two years now with no problems like this before. The new update does seem to work nice other than this.
Or ripping DVD's to an Apple TV (or similar device) for later viewing. They do occupy a lot of space, but (IMO) it's the best way to watch episodic TV.

I think they were talking about movies more than TV Shows. I rip both but tend to favor TV shows just because I do tend to watch them more than one. But it's the convienience factor of having movie at your finger tips. Same applies for tv disks, I'll scroll thru the ATV and pick a show that I never would've went over to the rack, open the box, find the correct disk etc.
Handbrake 9.4

I tested Handbrake 9.4 vs 9.3 in the preset AppleTV setting. In 9.4 the output was 834 x 352 and in 9.3 it was 853 x 480. Does anyone know why the resolution was dropped to 352 in the newest version? Will this effect the quality?
I think they were talking about movies more than TV Shows. I rip both but tend to favor TV shows just because I do tend to watch them more than one. But it's the convienience factor of having movie at your finger tips. Same applies for tv disks, I'll scroll thru the ATV and pick a show that I never would've went over to the rack, open the box, find the correct disk etc.

Another use is if you have kids that are rough on DVDs. Kids will watch a movie over and over. I RIP them in to protect them from destruction. (They still get destroyed but it takes longer.)

Now I know people are saying the 64Bit version has been showing performance improvements but i've been seeing results way off the charts.

I always thought there was some bug in the version of HB prior to the brand new one because my brand new 2009 MPB (2.8C2D, 4GB, dual gfx cards) macbook pro would only encode videos at around 45-50fps on FFmpeg - which is much faster than x.264 and playback on iPods just fine and look about the same to me. Older computers of friends of mine would encode the same video at faster fps and i can remember a time when my older computers (early intel builds) were fetching up to 100fps. I kinda just gave up trying to figure out what was wrong.

Then I upgraded to the 64bit version of VLC and HB and did my first encode. I was averaging 250 fps and it rested up in the 330fps range for a bit. The preset was on normal, and the quality cranked to 100%. Now I'm not complaining at all.. but seriously.. what gives? People here with MacPros are getting less fps that me. And while I understand that many use the x.264 encoder which in my experience works slower, I'm scratching my head as to why everything sped up so much on my machine.


on an unrelated note... when are we going to see a version of handbrake that lets you encode into something Final Cut will actually edit?!?! THATs gonna be the dealbreaker for me!
make sure you use the new updated apple tv preset. You MUST turn The x264 encoder feature weightp off, since there is a bug in QT on the ATV which causes the macroblocking, and yes it is a serious bug in QT, looks awful.

Cheers Ed.

Thanks, I'll give that a try. So you mean under "Advanced" uncheck "Weighted B-Frames"?

But I have had my Apple TV since it came out and I have never had a problem using HandBrake 0.9.3 with my custom presets until right when I updated to HandBrake 0.9.4. So if that is the way my presets are done, wouldn't it have already been doing that?

I mean what you say makes sense, since the files look perfectly fine on my MacBook Pro and not after I sync them to the Apple TV, but how does that work since it preserved my same custom presets from 0.9.3?

Did Apple TV 3.0 update the QuickTime engine to QuickTime X? I'm just a bit confused as the only variable that has changed to cause the problem is me updating to 0.9.4. So did 0.9.4 change something in my custom presets without me knowing? :confused: Or was it a change in the new x264 engine they updated in 0.9.4?

Also, if I do alter my custom presets to unchecked weighted b-frames and then Apple fixes that QuickTime bug, will my movies still be ok and good quality that will work with QuickTime and Apple TV?

Thanks again!!! :)
Ty for the reply ozman, i will go and read it.

The first things i read in the workflow, is windows, windows ,windows, so i think thats my answers right there in the first lines.

I was afraid of that, owell, ill just watch them on my screen via ps3 and not on my mac then.

This is my resource for encoding Bluray. Please read the entire thread and ask questions as it is a time consuming and detailed process. But the results for me are fantastic as I use these steps to convert Bluray discs for the purpose of playback on ATV.
ive got a 2.2ghz core2duo (santa rosa) laptops with 4 gig of ram and i am averaging about 45fps in the iphone preset, is that what i should be expecting? will i get higher fps if i rip the dvd before using handbrake? if i go apple universal i get about 20fps.
Ty for the reply ozman, i will go and read it.

The first things i read in the workflow, is windows, windows ,windows, so i think thats my answers right there in the first lines.

I was afraid of that, owell, ill just watch them on my screen via ps3 and not on my mac then.

There is a program for Mac that will take a Bluray input and mux it into a MKV container (which can then be used as an input to Handbrake). Do a Google search for "MakeMKV" and you'll find some info on it. The reason that workflow hasn't been updated to use it is that I have been perfectly happy using AnyDVD HD (as I already have a license for it), MakeMKV doesn't really support HD-DVD properly, and I simply haven't taken the time to really give MakeMKV a shot.
Also, if I do alter my custom presets to unchecked weighted b-frames and then Apple fixes that QuickTime bug, will my movies still be ok and good quality that will work with QuickTime and Apple TV?
No eddyg means you have to add "weightp=0" to you're custom presets for the atv. x264 will use weightp by default now and as eddyg explained, it is broken on the atv. Built in presets auto update now so they should already have "weightp=0" in the advanced option string. You will have to manually add it to any custom presets you use. Note: "weightb" and "weightp" are not the same thing. Notice the last letter.
TY nightstorm, i found this thread just now that is about that program:

There is a program for Mac that will take a Bluray input and mux it into a MKV container (which can then be used as an input to Handbrake). Do a Google search for "MakeMKV" and you'll find some info on it. The reason that workflow hasn't been updated to use it is that I have been perfectly happy using AnyDVD HD (as I already have a license for it), MakeMKV doesn't really support HD-DVD properly, and I simply haven't taken the time to really give MakeMKV a shot.
Does the 64bit version use up pretty much 800 percent? On my imac(i7) it only used 550-600 yet still outperformed the 32bit version. I had a post a few pages back.

The 32bit was still using all the full 800%. Weird how you're only getting 550-600%. Maybe something to do with the newer architecture?
I haven't had a chance to test it, but it def looks cleaner. Hopefully I'll see some big jumps in performance too.
Just installed this last night and ran some encodings; finally it uses more than 1200% processing cycles. My encoding speeds increased by about 50%. Of course RAM usage has also now quadrupled from the 500MB to a whopping 2GB.
I've been using Handbrake a little over a year... I love it. It's an incredible piece of software and I find it hard to believe it's all produced out of love, free of charge.

After upgrading to 0.9.4, I updated the presets as one is supposed to. I tried using my old preset (basically the old Universal setting, bumped to 62% CQ, detelecine and decomb, and loose anamorphic.) I tried creating a new (although same settings) preset. I tried taking the Universal setting and adding decomb and detelecine, and I tried using both the Normal and Universal settings without any changes.

The files run through the new HB will not transfer to my 6th gen classic (fat 160GB.) Some transfer and play on my iPhone, and some do not. But none will transfer to the classic, even the unchanged Universal and Normal presets.

I've updated the presets several times, but still no dice. (I remember going from 0.9.2 to 0.9.3, I had the same issue, and once the presets were updated everything worked.) What else can I try?
No eddyg means you have to add "weightp=0" to you're custom presets for the atv. x264 will use weightp by default now and as eddyg explained, it is broken on the atv. Built in presets auto update now so they should already have "weightp=0" in the advanced option string. You will have to manually add it to any custom presets you use. Note: "weightb" and "weightp" are not the same thing. Notice the last letter.

Got it, thank you. But again, if I do this now to all my DVD rips and then Apple fixes that bug in QuickTime and the Apple TV, will all my movies still be ok?
I'm trying to migrate my movie collection from iTunes to my PS3, now films without subs are fine but for some reason I can't get subs to work using handbrake (on my mac or PS3).

Anyone have any presets ideas?
I'm trying to transcode a 2.35GB mkv file, and handbrake basically leaks memory until my box (3gb iMac core2) is unusable due to the swapping.

I'm using the 64-bit version on SL. Anyone else seeing this problem?
sorry, not seeing this problem :( maybe its specific to your puter?)

The 32bit was still using all the full 800%. Weird how you're only getting 550-600%. Maybe something to do with the newer architecture?

it may be. the i7 updates have pretty good improvements on video encoding as well so maybe that is contributing.
I tested Handbrake 9.4 vs 9.3 in the preset AppleTV setting. In 9.4 the output was 834 x 352 and in 9.3 it was 853 x 480. Does anyone know why the resolution was dropped to 352 in the newest version? Will this effect the quality?

If you have a 1.78:1 video (16:9) and you have the auto-crop feature off or there is no useless pixels on the vid (like thin black bars on the sides), then you can encode to either a 640x480 or 720x480 video and it will play back at 853x480. If you use auto-crop and Handbrake slices them off, you may get a different playback ratio.

If you have a 2.35:1 video (wide widescreen) and encode it with auto-crop, you are slicing off the bars and thus don't need or want it to play back at 853x480. It looks like Handbrake is slicing off embedded black bars on the top and bottom as well as some dead space on the side(s) of the video.

This is what you want, since encoding the black bars or dead space on the sides just increases file size. I guess keeping the dead space on the right or left of the video can be done for people who are uptight about quality, but for the most part its not necessary.

Basically, you want to encode 720x480 or 640x480 for 16:9 or 4:3 content, and playback at 853x480 or 640x480, respectively. For wider widescreen content, you will usually encode to 720x352 or 640x352 and playback at 853x352. If you have cropped off some of the sides, your aspect ratio may be a tad lower, but as long as the parts cropped were just plain black video, you shouldn't see a drop in quality.
novice here, apologize in advance.

avi removed, does that mean that i can't convert .avi to .mp4 using handbrake anymore?

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