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If someone is happy with something, and then learn not to be, is that better?
I don't have a problem with people who say it doesn't bother them, really good for them ! But I also don't have a problem with people who demands the things they

a) expect from that kind of technology. From a good plasma screen you also expect good black levels.
b) seen advertised (and it is at the moment still touted as a screen with excellent color consistency)

I also don't think there is something wrong with educating people of what they may (or may not) expect from any kind of product to be honest. Here in Europe there even is a great demand for such kind of education knowing that every european country has (one or more) consumer organizations which also provides that kinda of service through websites, old fashioned magazines or even television shows. And if I may Apple's practices (with regarding warranty and quality) has already been under public fire started by those organizations.

And I also don't think that technical incompetence or lack of knowledge should be an alibi for any manufacture to sell faulty devices or devices that aren't up to standards.

Don't get me wrong I love my Apple products otherwise I would take my business elsewhere, but I don't see them as the "victims" some claim they are.
As you can see they yellow is gone. Or is it?

I really don't see it in person and these were taken from an Iphone so forgive the quality.

However, the bottom of the screen is still warmer than the top.

What do you guys think?

Should I send this one back also?

I think they got rid of the yellowing but not the uneven gradient.

But then again, I tested this on my cinema display and it seems to have the reverse problem. It is brighter on the bottom than on the top.

I am thinking it has something to do with the way the displays are lit? Maybe on the Imac 27 the LEDs are down firing so it is brighter on the top and that the 24 LED cinema display is up-firing?

I don't know what to do at thins point? Should I live with it?

BTW I ran the same test gradient on my 50 inch plasma and guess what? No gradient issues at all. The lines at the top and bottom are the same color. (Plasma does not have a backlight at all due to the nature of the technology).

I found the best way to check for the uneven colour consistency / yellow hue was to reduce the test page size to a far smaller window (I've actually saved it as a TIFF image via the grab application). I then just drag the reduced size page all over the screen and the difference in colour temperature is even more apparent - basically cool whites in the top left to warmer/yellow whites towards the bottom, especially bottom right corner).

As far as your screen goes - if you're happy with it then it's fine - you don't need any of us to tell you either way.
Shipping times have increased to three weeks.


The 27" iMac has serious QC issues. Caveat emptor.

3400 posts of info.
Delay shipment!

I got like most an email last night about the delay. I had been checking my order details over the last few days as my ship date was last Wed the 20th. After i got the email I check to see what date it would change too but it hadn’t. I left it up until 3pm (GMT) and checked again. The date still hadn’t changed! After reading a few posts about apple give $100 back for the inconvenience I decided to contact apple and find out my date and see about any little gift they might give me.
I spoke to the sales person and she checked my order. After about a minute of checking she found that my iMac wasnt affected by the delay (she said that I wasn’t on the list of delays) and that it is being prepared for shipping and should be delivered to me on the date given (28th).
I don’t know what to make of this now. Will i get one of the faulty units?
After about a minute of checking she found that my iMac wasnt affected by the delay (she said that I wasn’t on the list of delays) and that it is being prepared for shipping and should be delivered to me on the date given (28th).
I don’t know what to make of this now. Will i get one of the faulty units?

People seem to have drawn some imagined line in the sand that that the delay for orders some how translate to iMacs without faults. There is no evidence what so ever that the delay in shipments has anything to do with the the perceived quality issues and that Apple are addressing them. It really could be the most simple of things causing the delays. I only bring this up as all that will happen is everyone, over the next couple of weeks, will work themselves up in the belief that all will be well with iMacs delivered after 4th February. Then the first delayed order will be delivered and then we'll see a glut of posts asking how come Apple haven't fixed X, Y and Z.

Don't get me wrong, maybe Apple are fixing things but it's all just wild speculation with absolutely no foundation what-so-ever.
People seem to have drawn some imagined line in the sand that that the delay for orders some how translate to iMacs without faults. There is no evidence what so ever that the delay in shipments has anything to do with the the perceived quality issues and that Apple are addressing them. It really could be the most simple of things causing the delays.

Yes, indeed, people are eternal pessimists. It could EVEN be Apple having trouble keeping up with the demand. Noone but Apple knows.
Sorry jimkirk...but both shots

I can see the yellow tinge on the bottom of both...the grey has yellow in dont see that? Thats what mine looks like...minimize a safari panel to about and inch or two high. I use the apple website cause they have a very white background and move it to the top then move it to the bottom. If you have the yellow tinge you'll see it starting around the middle. But according to your post, I definitely see yellow grey. Sorry.
Yea I know

I called executive relations for another replacement.

Here we go again.
sir cecil, william g reply

First off, Sir cecil, that was a nasty remark, convalescence..are you implying that someone who spends close to 3000 for a machines doesnt have the right to a machine that doesnt have problems? and therefore the guys a nut? I guess im a freakin nut also because its unacceptable to me also. Secondly, WilliamG, you thought i was nuts about my 40-60 per cent defective rate...well this was just in an article linked from here. 77 per cent of the posters reported problems with this machine. I cant find the article but I heard 50 per cent of the original batch was being returned to apple. The point is, apple is trying to brush this thing under the table, instead of stopping all shipments until they can sort out the problem with the screens. I for one, will not accept a faulty monitor.

On Apple's discussions forum, there's a thread entitled New iMac 27inch screen flickering/tearing/shutoff that has ballooned as of Thursday morning to 3,411 posts read by 474,072 viewers. Over at, 1,932 posters have weighed in on a Apple iMac (Late 2009) Issues survey, with 77 per cent of the posters reporting problems.

And now the 27-inch iMac is being delayed again. In US parlance, it may be time to admit that many of those high-end iMacs are simply "lemons" - that is, irredeemably flawed. ®
And now the 27-inch iMac is being delayed again. In US parlance, it may be time to admit that many of those high-end iMacs are simply "lemons" - that is, irredeemably flawed. ®

Repeat: only Apple knows why the 27-inch iMac shipments are being delayed and everyone else is speculating. Demand is as much a possibility as defects.

Second, no iMac is irredeemably flawed. If you get a bad one you either replace it, repair it or return it and get your money back. The end result in all of the above is redemption.

Also, and off the topic, convalescence has nothing to do with being "nuts". It means recovering after an illness or an operation.

Lastly, I happen to agree that you're pulling numbers out of your posterior with your 50% return data, all the articles you can't find and "ballooning" threads at the Apple forums aside.
It is rightful to ask for proof to people who claim certain (high) return percentages.

But the same goes for people saying they think return rates are low: for instance they need to explain why quite a few people have to exchange their computer several times before getting a good one.
Pics look good!

As you can see they yellow is gone. Or is it?

I really don't see it in person and these were taken from an Iphone so forgive the quality.

However, the bottom of the screen is still warmer than the top.

What do you guys think?

Should I send this one back also?

I think they got rid of the yellowing but not the uneven gradient.

But then again, I tested this on my cinema display and it seems to have the reverse problem. It is brighter on the bottom than on the top.

I am thinking it has something to do with the way the displays are lit? Maybe on the Imac 27 the LEDs are down firing so it is brighter on the top and that the 24 LED cinema display is up-firing?

I don't know what to do at thins point? Should I live with it?

BTW I ran the same test gradient on my 50 inch plasma and guess what? No gradient issues at all. The lines at the top and bottom are the same color. (Plasma does not have a backlight at all due to the nature of the technology).

That's a keeper Jim! If it gets worse, have if repaired, but that looks good. I don't think you'll get anything better. I'd be happy with that, if the the slight warming at the bottom doesn't get worse.
First off, Sir cecil, that was a nasty remark, convalescence..are you implying that someone who spends close to 3000 for a machines doesnt have the right to a machine that doesnt have problems? and therefore the guys a nut? I guess im a freakin nut also because its unacceptable to me also. Secondly, WilliamG, you thought i was nuts about my 40-60 per cent defective rate...well this was just in an article linked from here. 77 per cent of the posters reported problems with this machine. I cant find the article but I heard 50 per cent of the original batch was being returned to apple. The point is, apple is trying to brush this thing under the table, instead of stopping all shipments until they can sort out the problem with the screens. I for one, will not accept a faulty monitor.

On Apple's discussions forum, there's a thread entitled New iMac 27inch screen flickering/tearing/shutoff that has ballooned as of Thursday morning to 3,411 posts read by 474,072 viewers. Over at, 1,932 posters have weighed in on a Apple iMac (Late 2009) Issues survey, with 77 per cent of the posters reporting problems.

And now the 27-inch iMac is being delayed again. In US parlance, it may be time to admit that many of those high-end iMacs are simply "lemons" - that is, irredeemably flawed. ®

Tell me you're kidding. PLEASE tell me you're kidding. Where's the ;) or the :cool: or the :p??

You're seriously judging what percentage of iMacs are "faulty" based on how many people replied to a poll on "IS YOUR MAC FAULTY?" Well, I can tell you I haven't gone out LOOKING for those polls because MY iMac ISN'T faulty.

Here's another statistic for you:

My aunt's iMac is perfect. I set it up for her so I KNOW this. And my dad's iMac is perfect. I set it up for him so I KNOW this. MY iMac is perfect (thus far). I set it up so I KNOW this. THEREFORE, we can deduce that 100% of iMacs are perfect! Right?

Did you ever take into consideration that the people who vote on these polls are INFINITELY more likely to be the people with issues? I never even knew about the Apple thread until this week. Do you seriously think that every Mac owner goes to the Apple discussion boards?

To sum this up, the Apple forums of ANY sort are NOT a representative sample. I was at the Apple Store at University Village, Seattle WA, and I actually spoke to one of the "Geniuses" there and asked them this week while I was there looking at iMac accessories whether they'd had any 27" iMacs returned. The guy said "Nope!" What does that mean? What conclusion can we draw from this? NOTHING. But please, don't go quoting forum polls as gospel. Just plain idiotic.
First off, Sir cecil, that was a nasty remark, convalescence..are you implying that someone who spends close to 3000 for a machines doesnt have the right to a machine that doesnt have problems? and therefore the guys a nut?

Not at all. It is YOU who have read that poster's messages and come to that insulting conclusion. I think that's a nasty way to think and you should apologize to that member for suggesting anyone would possibly consider him "a nut" based on his bad experience.

My post was merely sympathetic, suggesting he might need a period of convalescence after all the headaches caused by his faulty computer.
To interpret it otherwise is malicious.

I heard 50 per cent of the original batch was being returned to apple.

My (perfect) iMac is numbered as over #5100 produced in Week 53 only. That means a very MINIMUM of 5100 are being produced every single week. Actually the figure is probably nearer 10,000 or more.
So you apparently believe that a MINIMUM of 2,500 iMacs are being returned as faulty each and every week. Take that over just 10 weeks and that's 25,000 returns at a bare MINIMUM, and possibly up to 50,000, according to what you've heard and have reported.
Thanks for the valuable information.
lets see screen shots

of your two so called perfect imac' curious. Secondly, according to wikipedia Convalescence is the gradual recovery of health and strength after illness. So your saying the guy must be ill, for thinking his mac is faulty, or maybe he's ill for getting 4 faulty If you guys were lucky enough not to get screens that look like the dog pee'd on them, then kudo's to you both. The bottom line is, its a crap shot, maybe some dont see the yellowing, some might not care, but some do, and some refuse to settle for apple shoving a bad monitor that they just paid up to 3000 bucks for down their throats. For apple, to not halt production until its resolved is ridiculous. Imagine if a car manufacturer had a defect in their braking system, and decided what the hell lets keep making these defective cars....I know its a wide analogy, but you were lucky enough not to have problems and its easy for you to sit there and judge those of us that have problems. I wonder if you had the yellowing monitor if you would really be happy?
I really enjoy reading this argument while trying to find information relevant to the topic!


Jim Kirk, just my opinion but you seemed happy with your screen up until some poster here said they could see the yellow hue. If you're happy and think it's a keeper then it's fine - keep it. Don't allow posters on here to sway you if you're eyes tell you different.
I was happy until I started using it more.

It is about the same as the previous one as far as yellowing goes.

I am going to try to get apple to let me keep this one until they fix the problem then I will try to get a repair once they sort out the screen problems.

IMHO nobody but Apple is in a condition to know data and stats regarding returns and defects.

However I do not have any intention to place my order for a new 27" i7 until Apple sorts out the problems and the probability of receiving an iLemon is back to normal, i.e. not reading on many forums/threads MANY posters claiming to have returned their admittedly defective iMacs 2, 3 and even 4 times !
IMHO nobody but Apple is in a condition to know data and stats regarding returns and defects.

However I do not have any intention to place my order for a new 27" i7 until Apple sorts out the problems and the probability of receiving an iLemon is back to normal, i.e. not reading on many forums/threads MANY posters claiming to have returned their admittedly defective iMacs 2, 3 and even 4 times !

You're seriously being put off by the low percentage of faulty units? Seriously? I and many others are enjoying our first 27" with no issues. Stop worrying about it!
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