You know what I love about the faultless iMac sitting in front of me?
It's hard to say what specifically. Love is often intangible.
I've read the previous posts and I wondered how that dealt with people receiving quad's recently.
If this computer wasn't so damned popular we'd have all received them long ago. Clearly Apple did something right. It must be tough when you build a product that people love so much that you have no way of keeping up with demand.
I think I'd love to have Apple design and build cars. I wonder what an Apple car would look like?
It's hard to say what specifically. Love is often intangible.
I've read the previous posts and I wondered how that dealt with people receiving quad's recently.
If this computer wasn't so damned popular we'd have all received them long ago. Clearly Apple did something right. It must be tough when you build a product that people love so much that you have no way of keeping up with demand.
I think I'd love to have Apple design and build cars. I wonder what an Apple car would look like?