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macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
I think Apple need to be commended on their patience and continued customer service. If you returned a device 16-18 times to a company like Amazon for instance, they would blacklist you on their database and from what I’ve heard it’s irreversible on their side.

Personally if I was the OP I would have written this off king before now and be looking at alternatives.


Jun 3, 2015
I just finished reading this thread and I am amazed with so many posts blaming the OP for a situation is just simply unnacceptable.
Apple prices are far from being reasonable, due to the perfection, precision, high level of quality.
Can anyone explain to me how come it is acceptable to keep a new phone with dust on camera lenses, considering this is a dust and water resistant phone?
Honestly, if I buy a Samsung, Huawei or other brand phone costing a third this costs, I get no such issues!
And all people say is that customers have to bare with this, because there is no way to get a perfect device?
As far as I can tell, the op wants to get a device with at least the same quality level other brands happen to deliver.
And just for the record: I got today my 3rd iPhone XS, 2 of them with dust specs on camera, the third one had a deep scratch on back glass out of the box.
If I accept to pay that much for Apple products, as I expect great quality from them, I cannot accept this type of defects out of the box.
And classifying that as OCD is just a nonsense!
Apple quality control is just crap, and til customers start to let them know they expect to pay for products with no production issues, they will keep selling low quality produced products and charging premium prices for all of them.
It's as simple as that.
I hear you. So go buy another brand.


macrumors 65816
Nov 22, 2015
I'm on my 16th iPhone Xs

That's just ridiculous.
Returning all of these phones must be a very time consuming process.

Yeah. At some point you gotta check your sanity. What gadget is worth so much wasted time? None that I've ever seen. If it ain't good enough, just move on.
How long ya gonna keep this golden goose if you find it? Worried about breaking it?

Yeah, that's the first thing I thought of. The perfect phone...and then, whoops, dropped on concrete.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 15, 2012
I have no problem with anyone returning a phone 16 times. In my eyes if you have a issue and return it and the company allows it so be it.

Where I differ though is I would have never gotten that far. After 2 maybe three returns I would have written it off and got something else. No way am I wasting that much of my time for 16 returns. My time is more valuable to me than that. Plenty of other devices out there for that kind of hassle.

But to each their own I guess.


macrumors regular
Jul 22, 2013
Go to your nearest store an buy the Galaxy phones. Your problem will be solved

EDIT: Notice to readers—I understand it’s a hard to believe claim. Note that first, these are exchanges, not returns. Secondly, almost half the exchanges occurred in succession at the store without a complete transaction, I did not travel 16 times back and forth to the store. Thirdly, I have exchanged once at a different store—same issues.

Hey all,

I haven't found many threads relating to iPhone Xs issues, but I thought I'd share my experience and wanted to see if anyone else is having any issues like these, because I want to decide what I should do from here (i.e. keep current iPhone or return, and place an online order).

So basically, as the title says, I am currently in possession of my 16 exchanged iPhone Xs (and apparently my last exchange because they're losing money opening all those phones). Something seems to be wrong with apples manufacturing facility or something. In almost every phone Ive opened up, there has been some sort of strange debris / possibly glue (holding the bezels and watertight seals together) between the bezels, and obviously if you can see that, the metal or seals are separated.

Besides that being present in almost every phone, I have had 2 with dust within the camera lens, 1 with a rattling speaker, quite a few with button issues (mushy and uneven), and many with uneven and almost sharp edges along where the steel meets the glass, and a lot of the iPhones have multiple of these issues combined.

All of the display models I checked at the store had the debris as well, and one phone I opened had an almost pre-peeled and crumpled plastic cover (you know, the plastic that comes on the phone, you use to pull it out of the box then peel it off the phone).

At one point, I opened up about 5 in store at once and all of them had issues, and all the staff involved, including managers, saw it as well. I have never had this experience with an iPhone. They always come perfect and develop some sort of defects or issues later in their life, if any.

My local store is Robina, in QLD, Australia. I was hoping to get some feedback about other users phones, and if they notice anything like the issues I noticed mentioned above, to find out if its just a few stores here in Australia receiving these horribly produced phones (compared to apples own boasted standards obviously), or if this is happening across multiple countries. The current phone I have now is probably the best Ive had, with minor mushy volume down button on the lower half of it, and only a slightly uneven 'edgy' bezel. It's alright, but it's not what apple should be sending out, and nothing like what Ive ever received before from the company. I am just debating though on returning it, and then attempting to order one online, and possibly get it from another location or 'batch' to see if it could be just a bad batch.

(Also, just to note, this has occurred over 2 months of exchanges, besides the 5 or 6 at once in store, starting with the pre-ordered one I received on September 21st)

Anyway, thanks for reading if you took the time, and I appreciate any and all replies.

Kind regards,

EDIT: I appreciate everyones replies thus far, and thank you. I just wanted to post a reminder that, while I do appreciate your wisdom and opinions, I am mainly looking for anyone who might have noticed the same issues I have. I came here for others experiences with their iPhones, and not for plain suggestions and assumptions. I can say, I know what I know, I see what I see, and I would not be here listing a seemingly ridiculous topic if it was made up. It goes without saying that no one except myself and the ones around me have seen this first hand, so its understandable if you can't fathom this a reality. But family, friends, and apple store employees have all agreed upon this. If they didn't, how would I be this many phones in without their approval? Believe it or not, I just want one that works properly out of the box, as it should come according to Apple. If I didn't want that, I'd go to another less reputable company and buy a phone from them, toss it when it completely breaks, and just buy another new one.

EDIT 2: For those of you who can't fathom that the apple store was on board with my iPhone comments, here is at least half of the 16 phones, and for some I don't have receipts because, as I said, a few were opened in the store before making a complete transaction to make sure they were actually up to standard. I feel it would be unreasonable to continually exchange unnecessarily, and as you all are aware, so would Apple. But I have had genuine, visible and noticeable defects witnessed by the staff who have helped me out. I agree that 16 is a ridiculous amount, and I am also amazed, and to be honest, disappointed, that this is the case.

I have just blacked out most of the information except for the date and the end of the serial numbers so at least you can notice there are multiple serial numbers over different days, with some a same day, and a few only a couple days apart.
View attachment 802633 View attachment 802634 View attachment 802635 View attachment 802636 View attachment 802637 View attachment 802638 View attachment 802639 View attachment 802640


Sep 13, 2018
Montana USA
After watching this thread I realized that my two iPhone’s (5 and 6S Plus) have dust in the Camera which i’m living with past five years. I didn’t look at or realized before because there’s was nothing odd or crazy happening with the countless pictures I have been taking with my phone’s from past years. Is this really was a problem for me, I don’t think so. I’m on XS Max now and if I start looking briefly at my device there’s possibilitie I can detect a flaw (which in my case I don’t need to) my device is perfectly fine and it does what it’s supposed to do.

Bottom line: it’s a man made product there’s possibility there’r could be a flaw in some units when these’re produced in millions.


macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 8, 2018
QLD, Australia
After watching this thread I realized that my two iPhone’s (5 and 6S Plus) have dust in the Camera which i’m living with past five years. I didn’t look at or realized before because there’s was nothing odd or crazy happening with the countless pictures I have been taking with my phone’s from past years. Is this really was a problem for me, I don’t think so. I’m on XS Max now and if I start looking briefly at my device there’s possibilitie I can detect a flaw (which in my case I don’t need to) my device is perfectly fine and it does what it’s supposed to do.

Bottom line: it’s a man made product there’s possibility there’r could be a flaw in some units when these’re produced in millions.
I’m fairly certain iPhone 5 and 6S Plus don’t retain an IPX rating for dust and water, but correct me if I’m wrong. iPhone XS has a protection rating for dust and water, therefore, even man made items with a IP6 should not contain dust within them, nor allow it inside, in any context.
This is ridiculous. The issue is the OP not the phone. I’m surprised Apple wishes to keep him as a customer
I’m surprised you’re here, let alone posting anything at all.
I have no problem with anyone returning a phone 16 times. In my eyes if you have a issue and return it and the company allows it so be it.

Where I differ though is I would have never gotten that far. After 2 maybe three returns I would have written it off and got something else. No way am I wasting that much of my time for 16 returns. My time is more valuable to me than that. Plenty of other devices out there for that kind of hassle.

But to each their own I guess.
Well, respectably, as I said previously, I didn’t make 16 complete returns. I made about 8 or 9 I think. The rest were opened in succession at the store at the discretion of the manager.


Nov 14, 2018
And we wonder why Apple charges so much for their phones...

After about 10 phones I would have bought a Galaxy Note. But then again I am not that picky. There may be evidence of dust and glue on my phone but I have never looked that close or even have a desire to look that close. Works as it should dust and all.

Over the years while lurking here I have seen people post photos of a spec of dust or a barely visible scratch, etc. You really had to shine a bright light on it and use a macro lens at just the right angle to even see it. I understand having OCD is a real problem so I am not going to pass judgment.


macrumors P6
Oct 1, 2007
And we wonder why Apple charges so much for their phones...

After about 10 phones I would have bought a Galaxy Note. But then again I am not that picky. There may be evidence of dust and glue on my phone but I have never looked that close or even have a desire to look that close. Works as it should dust and all.

Over the years while lurking here I have seen people post photos of a spec of dust or a barely visible scratch, etc. You really had to shine a bright light on it and use a macro lens at just the right angle to even see it. I understand having OCD is a real problem so I am not going to pass judgment.

I would not say Tim Cook retroactively charging $1000+ for XS is Bc of op’s situation


macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 8, 2018
QLD, Australia
Over the years while lurking here I have seen people post photos of a spec of dust or a barely visible scratch, etc. You really had to shine a bright light on it and use a macro lens at just the right angle to even see it. I understand having OCD is a real problem so I am not going to pass judgment.
The dust in the cameras and the bezels I have seen is visible to the naked eye without flashlights.


Nov 14, 2018
The dust in the cameras and the bezels I have seen is visible to the naked eye without flashlights.

I am sure if you look close enough you could find a flaw in just about any item. TV, computer, car, clothes, bedding, glasses, shoes, people... Nothing is perfect. Even a handmade Bentley that costs a half a million most likely has a nick or scratch straight from the factory.

I guess the point is if you look hard enough you are going to find flaws just about everywhere. Good luck in your pursuit of perfection.


Jul 12, 2016
Apple is allowing the returns. We can’t blame the OP if Apple is permitting the returns for XYZ reasons. If they wanted to stop the excessive returns, they would have already. So in theory, the OP isn’t at fault and isn’t abusing anything if there are not any guidelines established by Apple on how many devices they can return.


Nov 14, 2018
Apple is allowing the returns. We can’t blame the OP if Apple is permitting the returns for XYZ reasons. If they wanted to stop the excessive returns, they would have already. So in theory, the OP isn’t at fault and isn’t abusing anything if there are not any guidelines established by Apple on how many devices they can return.

It's like going to a buffet. Just because you can go back for more 15 or 16 times and the management doesn't say anything doesn't mean you should or the behavior should be accepted.
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Jul 12, 2016
It's like going to a buffet. Just because you can go back for more 15 or 16 times and the management doesn't say anything doesn't mean you should or the behavior should be accepted.

Kind of a poor analogy. The difference being Apple hasn’t said otherwise, if they wanted to ban/prohibit the returns, they _would_ have. Apple clearly isn’t faulting the OP regardless of 16 returned iPhones. Why? Because the OP is legitimately finding ‘defects’, how does Apple stop something when the customer is not in the wrong? They are standing behind their product. Is 16 iPhones normal to be returned? No. But we have to consider the OP maybe encountered a bad batch of iPhone manufacturing, which is very possible and we can’t rule that out. If anything, perhaps you should contact Apple and tell them you don’t approve of This ‘behavior’ before chastising the OP, since they are the ones permitting the returns.


macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 8, 2018
QLD, Australia
I am sure if you look close enough you could find a flaw in just about any item. TV, computer, car, clothes, bedding, glasses, shoes, people... Nothing is perfect. Even a handmade Bentley that costs a half a million most likely has a nick or scratch straight from the factory.

I guess the point is if you look hard enough you are going to find flaws just about everywhere. Good luck in your pursuit of perfection.
Thank you. As I said, not looking hard to find this stuff.


Nov 14, 2018
Kind of a poor analogy. The difference being Apple hasn’t said otherwise, if they wanted to ban/prohibit the returns, they _would_ have. Apple clearly isn’t faulting the OP regardless of 16 returned iPhones. Why? Because the OP is legitimately finding ‘defects’, how does Apple stop something when the customer is not in the wrong? They are standing behind their product. Is 16 iPhones normal to be returned? No. But we have to consider the OP maybe encountered a bad batch of iPhone manufacturing, which is very possible and we can’t rule that out. If anything, perhaps you should contact Apple and tell them you don’t approve of This ‘behavior’ before chastising the OP, since they are the ones permitting the returns.

You are absolutely right I stand corrected. My conclusion is flawed based on the information provided, but I think the Buffet analogy was pretty good.
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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 8, 2018
QLD, Australia
Kind of a poor analogy. The difference being Apple hasn’t said otherwise, if they wanted to ban/prohibit the returns, they _would_ have. Apple clearly isn’t faulting the OP regardless of 16 returned iPhones. Why? Because the OP is legitimately finding ‘defects’, how does Apple stop something when the customer is not in the wrong? They are standing behind their product. Is 16 iPhones normal to be returned? No. But we have to consider the OP maybe encountered a bad batch of iPhone manufacturing, which is very possible and we can’t rule that out. If anything, perhaps you should contact Apple and tell them you don’t approve of This ‘behavior’ before chastising the OP, since they are the ones permitting the returns.
Well said. The pure fact they opened that many with me in store logically says there must be something noticeable at minimum to the managers to merit further investigation.
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macrumors regular
Oct 27, 2013
I’ve had similar issues and finally settled on a mostly “perfect” phone. It doesn’t have the gap around the edges that dust and debris can get in, but the SIM card tray sits in too far causing the hole it goes in to be sharp.
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macrumors 6502
Jul 19, 2011
Central Florida
I have had my Xs max almost 2 weeks now. The only thing I can find is the sharp edges on the volume buttons. Other than that nothing is wrong with mine. However my wife's phone (Xs max) right out of the box (we opened it at the Sprint Store) didn't have a SIM card installed.
If the OP wants to take the time and return how many ever phones and Apple lets him that's on them. I'm sure those opened phones were sold to other customers or sent back and will be used a repair/replacement units. Apple is missing out on any money trust me.


macrumors regular
Jul 22, 2013
Just because a device costs a lot of money does not mean it is flawless. Apple quality is better than 90% of the market. If it were not people would not buy them. In a few years you will not be so OCD and this post is correct. No device or gadget is perfect and the time is wasted.

Yes, indeed. And I sympathize with this. I used to be a bit like that with some things, like computers, and the only reason I never got close to this number of replacements may have been that I found a good one earlier. But at the risk of sounding patronizing, as I grow older (42 by now) I start to get a feeling for time slipping away, and when I think back of some hunt for perfection in a precious gadget that I have long since sold or dumped again, I cannot help but regret the waste of time and effort.

Of course, only you can judge what is worthwhile to you. But I would try to picture the situation in five years, when you have moved on to some notchless all-wireless wafer-thin foldable iPhone XV, and the once flawless Xs is battered and old and gathering dust - will you look back at all these runs to the shop and consider them time well spent?


macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 8, 2018
QLD, Australia
Just because a device costs a lot of money does not mean it is flawless. Apple quality is better than 90% of the market. If it were not people would not buy them. In a few years you will not be so OCD and this post is correct. No device or gadget is perfect and the time is wasted.
As long as it comes as expected and advertised, then I’m happy.
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macrumors regular
Feb 15, 2008
This is ridiculous. The issue is the OP not the phone. I’m surprised Apple wishes to keep him as a customer

Tim, is that you?
Just because a device costs a lot of money does not mean it is flawless. Apple quality is better than 90% of the market. If it were not people would not buy them. In a few years you will not be so OCD and this post is correct. No device or gadget is perfect and the time is wasted.
Just because a device costs a lot of money does not mean it is flawless. Apple quality is better than 90% of the market. If it were not people would not buy them. In a few years you will not be so OCD and this post is correct. No device or gadget is perfect and the time is wasted.

Do you have any data supporting that figure?
IMHO Apple still sells so many devices due to a well built marketing machine and results are preset clear: Apple markets the XS and XS max as IP68 devices, yet there are units leaving factories with dust in the camera lenses. People find that normal. People rants over customers that don’t accept such a low quality standard. People attack customers and state the issue is the customer. Remember Antennagate? Issue were customers that were grabbing phone the wrong way... Yet, antennas were redesigned.
When I buy a phone, sold as advertised and I drop it on concrete, that’s my responsibility. When I buy a phone that gets delivered not complying to what Apple advertise, I won’t take it. I value every cent I spent, it costs me a lot to earn, so its me who set my standards. Apple is on a free fall quality wise. And that’s a big deal for me. In my case, I bought a XS over Apple Online Store. Dust on camera. A replacement was sent with a deep scratch on the back glass. Second esplendente has specs of dust all over the two rear cameras.
If this was happening with Samsung, Huawei or Google, what would be your reaction?


macrumors 6502a
Jan 12, 2016
If Apple is going to charge this much for devices, they deserve every return they get if the devices aren't perfect in every way. They invited that when they chose to upcharge so much. You gotta have a really irrational love of a corporation to side with Apple on this.
Price does not mean a device will be free of defects, a £3000 OLED TV may have a slight ripple to the glass, but it wont effect viewing, or even a slight bow to the frame which LG and Sony consider within spec, all these devices are mass produced, they are not one off hand built priceless pieces or art. Buttons may well vary from device to device because tolerances do vary and considering the scale of production Apple does pretty well as it is.

I see the OP as nit picking and I'm not trying to be cruel because I used to be the same (just never 16 phones) I remember the 5s had a noisy/loose power button people were shaking their phones returning them only to get another the same, it was just the way they were made. In fact time over time as sweat dust etc got in around the buttons they stopped doing ironically. A few microns here and there that may causes a rattle, big deal after some use it will wear anyway. Apple seems to attract this more than any other company I think because of expectation, but after all its just a phone (I did mention mass produced) I mean I've seen a Breitling Super Avenger II that had a slightly off centre bezel ring at the top where it points to midday position and that cost £4,450 but it was so slight and they all had it to a degree because nothing is perfect, even Swiss watches are not because companies cant control the parts they don't make that they import to build the things. There are always going to be variances.

Also that Holy grail of devices may end up being swapped due to a component failure or a Apple replacement program down the line when they discover a fault in that line of products, what's going to happen then? Its a waste of time, a huge waste of money and I'm pretty sure next time around when the OP buys a new iPhone model in the future whatever that phone shall be called, they will get a chance to swap it once due to "to many returns" On previous products. I speak from knowing someone that swapped seven iPhone 5s's and who were basically looking at the phones with a magnifying glass looking for faults, now they get one swap on a new product because they have a black mark against their name for returning so many devices.
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