Thanks for the quick response.
I was planning on getting SLS if my copy wouldn't work anyway, its just as cheap on Ebay right now also.
I recommend you purchase directly from Apple for $19.99 + sales tax & shipping. eBay sales of used software raises license issues that are not worth the minimal savings, if any.
The retina macbook is the 8GB of RAM 15" base model. I returned a standard 15" MBP the other day in which I already purchased 16GB of RAM for, I will have to return that also.
I am confused; are you telling me all this information as a way to let me know you already have 8GB RAM? Yes, that should be enough to comfortably run SLS in Parallels.
I guess Parallels 7 is gonna be my choice, since I need Windows XP. Parallels 8 does support Windows XP, correct?
How much do you save over version 8? Have you "shopped" version 8 on the internet for the best price? Version 7 will run Windows XP.
Im not sure they are PowerPC apps, my 2008 MBP is a Intel core2duo chip.
Programs for SLS are, Final Cut Express, a version of Cubase, not sure which one, I think 5, Pixelmator, and a few others, although I am not sure I want my projects running in a virtual environment, is it prone to crashes with processor heavy tasks? Like rendering HD video, or playing back 24+ track with plugins?