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macrumors regular
Nov 13, 2007
have you tried a power cycle, force closing the message app, or go into settings remove the emoji keyboard then re-add it?
Tried both... Neither worked. It does work when you hit the emoji button after typing something to get suggestions by tapping the word. But it still doesn't make predictive emoji.
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macrumors G5
Jun 21, 2013
Is the Taco Bell app still broken in this beta?
If so, I'm going back to 9.3.2!
Tried both... Neither worked. It does work when you hit the emoji button after typing something to get suggestions by tapping the word. But it still doesn't make predictive emoji.

I think this is the way its supposed to work. I've never had it "autocorrect" a word directly to an emoji. Is it supposed to?


macrumors regular
May 16, 2016
Oh crap didn't see that. I even read through the whole post but I guess I kinda skimmed at one point, as there were 17 pages to go through...

What do you mean iOS 6? There was no control center in iOS 6 and there was a completely different design across the entire system back then.

I don't think you can delete them. I even turned the additional spotlight settings off such as suggestions and back on and the same recent searches were there. Potential privacy concern. Also, mine will not change. i have the same exact recent searches even after I search something different... reboot has not fixed.

Yes, increase contrast was tweaked a little bit, the grays are lighter.

An option to delete them might be coming/should come in the future betas. Still really weird though, we also cannot clear the past searches done inside of Apple Music.

Broken Hope

macrumors 68000
Jan 15, 2015
If so, I'm going back to 9.3.2!

I think this is the way its supposed to work. I've never had it "autocorrect" a word directly to an emoji. Is it supposed to?

It is supposed to yes, you're supposed to be able to type a word and if there is an emoji it will suggest an emoji.


macrumors regular
Jul 2, 2013
Just installed beta 2 on my 6s+. When I get a text and 3D Touch it from the lock screen, it lags when opening. Is this normal right now? (I know it's a beta but I'm just asking)

Broken Hope

macrumors 68000
Jan 15, 2015
Could someone who still has predictive emoji working post a screenshot of an emoji in the QuickType suggestions?


macrumors 6502
Jul 14, 2007
Inland Empire


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macrumors 6502
Nov 12, 2006
I know it's been an issue in other betas however I am experiencing the Bluetooth issues for the first time in beta 2. Listening to podcasts in overcast in truck it will quit playing at random times. Listening to Apple music I will encounter skips. Anyone else seeing theses hiccups. Can't complain about it since it is beta and apple seems to work these things out later.

On another note, beta 1 was pretty stable for me. I would encounter a few resprings each say and some crashing of Facebook however beta 2 has pretty much resolved those thus far.


macrumors 68000
Jan 12, 2014
Not sure if this is a beta 2 thing? I can't press on the person's picture in the to open the thread. I have to click across on the actual conversation. I used to just click on the very left hand side of the convo to open it.


macrumors newbie
Sep 18, 2015
I know it's been an issue in other betas however I am experiencing the Bluetooth issues for the first time in beta 2. Listening to podcasts in overcast in truck it will quit playing at random times. Listening to Apple music I will encounter skips. Anyone else seeing theses hiccups. Can't complain about it since it is beta and apple seems to work these things out later.

On another note, beta 1 was pretty stable for me. I would encounter a few resprings each say and some crashing of Facebook however beta 2 has pretty much resolved those thus far.

I have the exact problem, I could've sworn it started in 9.3.2 but I may be wrong. It sure is annoying. I listen to Podcasts and the ALOT! Seems to be data related as it happens at the same area of my trip to work and from.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 8, 2014
Hampshire, UK
My 2 issues so far (which I didn't see above but may well have missed)
a) after an upgrade from beta 1 touchID wouldn't work to unlock my screen after auto lock, though it did work in applications. No amount of fiddling toggles on/off would fix it, nor changing lock settings. My device is MDM managed. I ended up doing a "reset settings", after which it worked perfectly (the biggest annoyance: loosing apple pay data!)

b) If the system is is reset & booted up for the first time in an area with no cellular signal it appears not to download carrier settings. understandable, but even then connecting to the cellular network, or checking for updates, would not retrieve the carrier settings. fortunately a simple reboot whilst in coverage did work ok. Perhaps iOS has always been like this.


macrumors regular
Jul 2, 2013
I know it's been an issue in other betas however I am experiencing the Bluetooth issues for the first time in beta 2. Listening to podcasts in overcast in truck it will quit playing at random times. Listening to Apple music I will encounter skips. Anyone else seeing theses hiccups. Can't complain about it since it is beta and apple seems to work these things out later.

On another note, beta 1 was pretty stable for me. I would encounter a few resprings each say and some crashing of Facebook however beta 2 has pretty much resolved those thus far.

I'm having that same issue with Overcast :(


macrumors member
Jun 11, 2015
Read through all this so far and didn't see any mention of the alarm bug being fixed. Can anyone confirm this?


Sep 25, 2015
Just installed beta 2 on my 6s+. When I get a text and 3D Touch it from the lock screen, it lags when opening. Is this normal right now? (I know it's a beta but I'm just asking)
Yep, unfortunately it is big step back from Beta 1 where this worked flawlessly. Gonna be a long two weeks.
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