At least the good thing about this beta 10.1.1 JB, is that hopefully once the more stable version is released is soon, at least a lot of good tweaks should have been updated and be compatible with iOS 10.1 ?
At least the good thing about this beta 10.1.1 JB, is that hopefully once the more stable version is released is soon, at least a lot of good tweaks should have been updated and be compatible with iOS 10.1 ?
Could any one please confirm if tweaks like YouTube ++ Snapchat ++ instagram ++ work on the iOS 10.1.1 JB?
They work on non-jailbroken 10.2.1 betas, so yes they will work on 10.1.1.
You can't test jailbreak tweaks on non-jailbroken firmware. Your post makes no sense.
You can't test jailbreak tweaks on non-jailbroken firmware. Your post makes no sense.
You can't test jailbreak tweaks on non-jailbroken firmware. Your post makes no sense.
I saw a video of the snap chat features (like pics from camera roll) working. I don't use snap chat so I can't say much beyond that.Could any one please confirm if tweaks like YouTube ++ Snapchat ++ instagram ++ work on the iOS 10.1.1 JB?
I've seen that Pixel Launcher tweak, I would love for that to work on 10.1.1 JB, and thn give me that cool Pixel launcher app drawer slides up from the bottom, and I'm set. Along with a good icon pack, and the no animations, and some lock screen tweaks, and I a happy camper
Hopefully this stuff below, will eventually work on JB 10.1.1 ?
I'm unfamiliar with the process. I stand corrected. My apologies.You can side load them non-jailbroken. They will work on a jailbroken device if they work side-loaded.
You can side load them non-jailbroken. They will work on a jailbroken device if they work side-loaded.
and I had to ssh command to restore cell data and iMessage
edit- re-read this quick not sure if its English? who cares, tired, and did the jaiblreak in proper fashion of getting really really baked, feels like I'm an actual hacker for a min haha
Yeah I did an ssh from within terminal,
I dunno but it worked lol
also, this makes 9.3.3 tether a complete breeze by comparison, this is not a polished injector jb. you think it getting knocked out of its tether mode, once every month or few weeks is bad, its nothing to getting this thing going and started up, sometimes tether succeeds but substrate initiator causes reboot. its like you gotta understand the cpu timing of things to make it work buttery.
its like a jailbreak generator (pull the engine with a string, generator)
if the injector mach portal doesn't inject JB, it reboots essentially. when it succeeds is when it looks like a normal app crash,
when substrate mode works, it goes from respring animation to back to locksreen,
when this thing works tho, its surreal! so excited for some polish, and some workaround for 7 day side loading like an App Store slip or a jb me site like Luca's jbme-like injector site, perfect for longevity peace of mind on 9.3.3 pro and SE.
Luca is a 2016 hero!!!!1
also because people are very much pics or it didn't happen-
bloard in action, dark keyboard for the uninitiated
Congratulations. Welcome to the Club!
out of lunacy, and living dangerously, I went to Yalu b3,
on 7+ 10.1.1, it works!
you have to kinda double tether tho, with tether itself, and then substrate mode (which mostly works but sometimes sends into a reboot too), be prepared to put up with reboots before you finally get the tether working, essentially. but ti does work lol
I would not recommend for faint of heart, I also retract what I said and will go with this is deeply technical. not for someone who is a year over year jailbreaker, but be prepared for caveats temporarily that will get solved with a later side loaded ipa I'm confident,
however hearing good things about stability provided you tread lightly with compatibility list,
and I had to ssh command to restore cell data and iMessage, but thats a problem across the board. the tweak didn't fix it either, had to go in there and ssh away ,
all good tho!
really excited I got take and touchr going (touchr, lol) -- touchr is really rough beta form of iOS 10 virtual home,
I'm hearing on reddit that this new jailbreak for 10.1.1 does not work on iPhones with the TSMC chip.
Does anyone know anything about that?
out of lunacy, and living dangerously, I went to Yalu b3,
Did you have to ssh in order to get iMessage working?
Any chance a quick guide on what commands to use?
Am very tempted to JB can't wait lol just concerned about iMessage and the basic use of the phone
You like living on the edge I see
I think its still way too early for non developers to be installing this new JB.
It's like 4 commands enter in between chmod777 just search for that and qwerty's twitter I don't remember off hand sorry still sleepy
chmod 755 /var
chmod 755 /var/mobile
chmod 755 /var/mobile/Library
chmod 755 /var/mobile/Library/Preferences
I would agree, not for the faint of heart. I just went with it because b3 has been out 5 days and people have reported success and relative stability, so I figured screw it.
I've jumped the gun on preliminary JB in the past and its been OK.
I was also on the very first build of pangu 9.3.3,