You are wrong, Apple has been even probed by the government and has proven that those conspiracy theories are WRONG!
Apple is not Samsung.
Here's the Samsung talking heads. The most viewed, most influential YouTube stars...
Wonder why the most influential and most viewed YouTube stars (that idiot Casey Neistat that gratified NYC walls with BS that Apple makes the iPods planned obsolescence and they break in 18 months, which we know it's not true, because there are millions of them alive today) appear on a Samsung comercial?
Here's this idiot that usually makes snark Apple videos, and comparisons between Samsung and Apple phones were (surprise alert: Apple always loses)
That's how they get money for their expensive cameras and luxurious lives, they get money from Samsung and Apple competitions everytime they bash on Apple, even though it's untrue, like the case of the Apple Pencil.
There is no denying, YouTube is a safe haven for Apple haters. People that don't do anything with their phones, don't even leave the house to need a phone.
Samsung is also an astroturfing champion:
Samsung fakes their benchmarks, and even faking them, they lose:
And again:
All your YouTube "references" are invalid.
Apple is the most trusted brand in tech for a reason, and that's because they don't do shady stuff like PO.