The main point of something like planned obsolescence is the intent and in some sense cause behind it--the "why" aspect of it--otherwise it can't be what it is as it wouldn't be planned, which is the aspect of it that I've been commenting on.
Now, there's certainly been commentary on the symptoms and effects essentially--the "what" aspect of it--but that aspect of it isn't what I've been involved in nor care to be involved in (as otherwise I would have been involved in it already). The insinuations that I've been involved in that part of it, and have been saying something in particular about it, along with the attempts to deflect things and try to get me involved in that part of it are misplaced.
It is a slight variation of the
main subject of the thread, which is Apple purposefully slowing down devices. (Discussions never tackle only the main and absolutely the main part with no absolute deviations whatsoever. Discussions tackle different aspects of a problem). We have been over how we cannot prove that Apple is intentionally slowing down devices. We never will. Now, what we are doing is leaving it aside - as it has been thoroughly discussed. This is what you were really thorough in denying - the intention.
We are saying that fine, I'll grant you that, but that's not everything. What matters, too, is that regardless, updates slow down devices - or so we claim - and Apple (even if it is NOT intentional) does not do enough to guarantee the best possible performance in older - and not so older - devices when updated.
We are asking you a direct question that pertains to the issue at hand - as we are discussing a - as I said - slight variation of the main point, which is what generally happens in discussions, as the "only" - or so you claim - point of discussion has already been cleared, as I said.
Respectfully, you say you are not interested, but you are not, because you are slightly trapped. If you answer yes to the question of "Do iOS updates slow down devices? - intentionally or not, because we have been over that; You would be contradicting your entire argument, because we have discarded the relevance of the intentionality (before you accuse me of being off topic - we have been over that).
If you answer no, you would be blatantly lying. So fine, do not answer the question, but Apple is indefensible.
PD: I hope you don't find offense in this post. I'm not attacking you, I'm addressing why I think the issue you claim is not relevant, actually is. No offense intended. Cheers.