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Not several weeks, no. Usually 1-2 weeks. You can get an idea of where they are based on kernel compile dates.
I think my point was that Apple is already ahead of things and will not be incorporating developer/public feedback necessarily into the next beta release.
I think my point was that Apple is already ahead of things and will not be incorporating developer/public feedback necessarily into the next beta release.
They absolutely will be. Otherwise they wouldn't be investing resources into releasing these builds. They're not doing it for the lulz.
Stay away from beta 2. I have multiple reboots each day, one time
the watch froze completely. It‘s not stable enough for a public beta imho.
Must be why they haven’t released it yet, and that’s why I’m waiting for the public beta instead of using a dev beta.
If the space gets cleared when apps need it which it sounds like it does as people say downloading lots of big apps/games clears the 'other' space, then Apple won't see it as a blocker bug for public beta.
Yes and these are my most hated bugs in general. Same stuff happens at work. I'd rather just have bad bugs so they get fixed, instead of productivity bugs that keep getting shuffled down due to budget or whatever other excuse the devs want to give
There's never been less than 2 weeks separating beta 2 and beta 3 of a x.0 release. Unless you count beta 2 coming on Tuesday and beta 3 coming on Monday 2 weeks later, I guess that's technically 13 days and less than 2 weeks.
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They absolutely will be. Otherwise they wouldn't be investing resources into releasing these builds. They're not doing it for the lulz.

You are not reading what I am writing. Of course they’re not doing for it laughs. First and foremost, they’re doing it so developers have something to build against. Secondarily, I’m sure they get lots of good info, both from submitted feedback, as well as automated feedback and logging.

But I’m pretty sure that something someone reports one week in the beta is not going to make it into the VERY NEXT publicly released beta, which probably is already in the can at the time the first one is publicly released. The one after that: possibly.
We will see

Yup, and you'll see I'm right, based on the past many years of there being 2 weeks between Beta 2 & 3 😉

Stay away from beta 2. I have multiple reboots each day, one time
the watch froze completely. It‘s not stable enough for a public beta imho.

It's been fine on mine, more stable than WatchOSS 6 was for me.

They absolutely will be. Otherwise they wouldn't be investing resources into releasing these builds. They're not doing it for the lulz.

Apple are always many builds ahead of the Dev Beta, so they might know about the bugs that get reported and have already fixed them, and any ones we raise, that they are not aware of, will not get resolved until the beta after the next one due, unless they're showstoppers. Source: Many years of beta testing, via Apple's iOS as well as within my job role for the last 20 years.
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Hot Take: Beta 3 will release in July

(Watch Apple release it August 1st)

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