I must say that the "new Siri" is not that smart!
Me: (spoken...) "Siri, How much is one hundred times five percent divided by twelve?"
Siri: (shows me...) "How much is 100x5% divided by 12" , with no answer, and then lists a bunch of websites for Fraction Calculator, Long Division Calculator, and a Search Google button!
Me: (spoken...) "Siri, How much is a five percent discount on one hundred dollars?"
Siri: (shows me...) "How much is a 5% discount on $100", with no answer, and then lists a bunch of sites that I can go to for the answer along with a Google Search button.
Ask Siri "What is the fastest way to get to Mexico City from San Diego", and it will give you driving directions in Apple Maps. Ask ChatGPT the same question, and it will give you the "fly" option, and the "fly and drive" option!
Ask Siri "What is the fastest way to get from New York to Rio de Janeiro?", and it says "I didn't find any matching places". Ask ChatGPT the same question, and it tells me to take a direct flight, tells me which airlines offer direct flights, and throws in that I should factor in airport checkin and arrival formalities etc.
I am a huge Apple fan, but they have a long way to go with Siri to meet the AI hype. That said, AI summaries for messages, notifications, and mail are not that bad for beta versions. Hoping that Siri improves soon.