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So whatcha gonna do?
I dont know cos i really love the ipad but as im a photographer the colour tint always bothers me but i doubt ill get a pure white screen i am disappointed tho, and the true tone is always off, its sad every apple screen has slight display issues apart from that its an amazing device
I dont know cos i really love the ipad but as im a photographer the colour tint always bothers me but i doubt ill get a pure white screen i am disappointed tho, and the true tone is always off, its sad every apple screen has slight display issues apart from that its an amazing device

if it were me id try another and keep the better one,

since you're conflicted and its a new purchase, shouldn't settle Imo
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My 10.5 is perfect. It's nearly pure white. My iPhone 7 screen looks duller and bluer in comparison. Best Apple screen I've ever had.
It's not only about lucky. It's about tolerance and being physically able to see the issue.

There are people with trained/sensitive vision, there are people who see a screen as only a thing with moving images, there are physically perfect displays, there are bad displays.

Just need to match those out. For some it's way easier, for others not so much. And that is what makes a "issue free screen".
This is the best description that I've seen so far. Some people see things like this and some just don't. I'm one that is very sensitive to screen differences like this. In order to use these types of devices, I had to accept that none of them would ever truly be perfect for me and that eventually I do stop noticing it so much. My Air 2 is decent, but the screen is darker on one side than the other. I've just learned to not pay much attention to it over the last couple of years.

The only truly perfect screen that I have ever had is my old iPad 1. I sold that a long time ago.

You should have seen the first iPad 3 that I got. That thing was a train wreck.
got a second ipad Pro 10.5 (DMPT serial like my other one) and both screens are perfect... but this one came without the occasional static white flickering during the start up screen when the apple logo appears.

interestingly when compared side by side the static-flickering model takes a good second longer to boot as well. bizarre. also the first model loses "magically" ~5% battery life every 7 hours (screen locked and dark) whereas the new one was put to bed at 100% last night and woke up at 100% this morning. same settings and apps.

both are ever so SLIGHTLY curved which isn't a big deal to me. we are talking about 1/2 mm maybe.

needless to say that the first model goes back to the store today and i keep the other one. but again- both DMPT serial number screens are perfect. even whites (completely even), zero yellow band, and no obvious light bleeding at highest brightness on black in a dark room.
Same as the majority of iPads. As long as there are no dead pixels and dust under the screen I wouldn’t bother playing the screen lottery as it’s quite rare to get a ‘perfect’ screen.

Not really. My iPad Air 2 has a perfect screen. And it was my first try.
So are the DMPT screens perfect than other one's ? The DLX one's ?
I really don't think it matters. You have an equal chance Of getting a bad one regardless of the serial number. And it's not like you can order by serial number at the store anyway. Just buy one and if it has a problem, return/exchange it.
I think my screen is pretty close to perfect. It's a little warmer than my iPad Pro 9.7 (that has a bluish white screen) so I'm not currently using true tone. It has an even, white screen with no yellow tint.


Sounds the same as my DMPT unit. I also wear glasses with blue-light reducing lenses, so I don’t use true tone that often as it makes the screen too pink.

Very happy with mine, and especially as it was the first unit I got. Was really expecting the display lottery.
The only crap screen I can remember having was my iPhone 6S Plus. It was not uniform and had backlight bleed all over. I got a second one and it had the same issues. My iPhone 7 screen is flawless, but I skipped the plus this time. Not sure if that made a difference.

My iPad screens have all been great.
I bought a 512GB iPad Pro 10.5 today and noticed the yellow tint of the display compared to my Retina Macbook 2016. It looks like the iPad has night shift turned on. I checked and it isn't. The display jsut have this yellowish tint. I'd probably return this and just give it a few more months before buying it again. Most likely when IOS 11 is officially out.
I bought a 512GB iPad Pro 10.5 today and noticed the yellow tint of the display compared to my Retina Macbook 2016. It looks like the iPad has night shift turned on. I checked and it isn't. The display jsut have this yellowish tint. I'd probably return this and just give it a few more months before buying it again. Most likely when IOS 11 is officially out.

If you’re going to compare iPad screens to MacBooks, iMacs etc, you’ll never be happy. All of my iDevices have different temp screens!
All of my devices have had different tints when compared to each other. I wouldn't accept a yellowish screen, but a warmer white screen is fine. In my experience I find that after using a warmer screen for a short time it looks just as white as my other screens that have cooler tints.
Well I discovered a dead pixel so I took it back to the store tonight. Opened a replacement in store, another dead pixel. Tried 4 iPads in total and they all had dead pixels!!! Argh!!! Ended up getting a refund, even the staff member was horrified. At least the one with the uneven screen doesn't have dead pixels. Now I don't know what I am going to do :(

Well I decided to order another one online, this too had 2 bits of dust or dirt behind the screen so I took it back to the store and got a refund!!! So much for quality control, I think I now give up and will keep my original one with the slight yellow bottom. There must be a bad batch going around :(
Well I decided to order another one online, this too had 2 bits of dust or dirt behind the screen so I took it back to the store and got a refund!!! So much for quality control, I think I now give up and will keep my original one with the slight yellow bottom. There must be a bad batch going around :(

DM or DL serial?
Has anyone tried messing with display accommodations in settings. You can adjust the tint. Will only benefit uniform screens really, but worth a try.

I have the faintest yellow tint down the right hand side (landscape, button side), but does not bother me because the screen pops so nicely and everything else is perfect. Best screen I’ve had on my iPad.
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