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Stages of grief...

1. Denial

It's in theory too late for an April release now, with no prices or dates announced - but Steve said it would be April and so I'll believe Steve.

2. Anger

May. MAY - M A Y !!!!!!

3. Bargaining

Look, £675 buy it now plus one kidney and a date with my sister.

4. Depression

Not gone into work today. Looked at YouTube and saw American's letting their cat play with an iPad. I can't. Never going to have one. Date will just go back until I die. Couldn't be arsed to shop so ate the cat food. The cat will understand. She's depressed as well - she saw the videos.

5. Acceptance

Ordered a new 15" MBP, shuffle, touch and a sexy leather iPhone cosy. Keep me going for 6 weeks. I mean - it's a success isn't it, so when it comes I'll just be iCooler and iHappier. Aluminium. Cashmere. I've ordered my BMW in the same colours to match the iPad. And the drugs are helping.
So what is the actual final price on ordering each of the models through Bundlebox? Including shipping and all the taxes.

I will be out of the country at the end of May.
If I pre-order on 10/05, is there anyway that i can have it delivered on a specific date?? i.e. when i return in June?
Just been looking at ordering/delivering a 16gb 3G through Borderlinx... works out at around £560, I don't think the UK version will cost all that more much than this.
However, its the leap into the unknown which worries me... is it worth all the stress over shipping, Customs delays, credit card acceptance etc? :confused:
Can we get the title changed to 'Abandon hope all ye who enter here'

the typo is starting to kill me now :p

unless of course its deliberate...
Anyone else used a UK card and got further on in the process?

Edit// Just been reading up on their credit card policies and it seems that they might not do a full address verification untill later on, the quote below implys they will do it after you have orderd and it could hold up the order if you have entered wrong info, so thinking maybe should use a virtual usa credit card instead.

I placed an order around 10am yesterday morning. I didn't get an Order Acknowledgment until about 4pm. By that time though I had already rung my CC company who confirmed the payment had gone through. I also called Apple in the US who said the order was waiting to be shipped - they said it all looked ok.

One thing the concerned me was that I only received an 'Order Acknowledgment' and not a confirmation. However, Apple said that this was ok.

Plus the money has already been taken so I guess that's something!
Well, I'm going to break down the likeliness of it being due to demand.

8th April, 6pm GMT, Jobs announces that 450,000 iPads have been sold

Shortly after, Jobs confirms that International customers will get iPad late April

Today, sales reach 500,000 and suddenly that means a month delay

Do they really expect us to believe that they were going to launch all over the world with just 50,000 iPads?

It has nothing to do with that, you are right. I posted a thread and it got locked exposing the genuine reason! The truth is that Apple knew they weren't going to launch late April as the plan weeks ago was set to launch the 3g version, AND the wifi only version at the same time, and there was an embargo on releasing this information until, what do you know it, yesterday when Apple coincidently announced there was a delay due to high volume of US sales! There was pressure from the UK mobile phone companies to do it this way as they felt that selling the iPad wifi only at launch would affect their sales drastically as they weren't allowed to show how good the deals were going to be on the 3g versions (much much better deals than they are getting in the US)
Stages of grief...

1. Denial

It's in theory too late for an April release now, with no prices or dates announced - but Steve said it would be April and so I'll believe Steve.

2. Anger

May. MAY - M A Y !!!!!!

3. Bargaining

Look, £675 buy it now plus one kidney and a date with my sister.

4. Depression

Not gone into work today. Looked at YouTube and saw American's letting their cat play with an iPad. I can't. Never going to have one. Date will just go back until I die. Couldn't be arsed to shop so ate the cat food. The cat will understand. She's depressed as well - she saw the videos.

5. Acceptance

Ordered a new 15" MBP, shuffle, touch and a sexy leather iPhone cosy. Keep me going for 6 weeks. I mean - it's a success isn't it, so when it comes I'll just be iCooler and iHappier. Aluminium. Cashmere. I've ordered my BMW in the same colours to match the iPad. And the drugs are helping.

I went through all this and now accepted that I will wait.
I placed an order around 10am yesterday morning. I didn't get an Order Acknowledgment until about 4pm. By that time though I had already rung my CC company who confirmed the payment had gone through. I also called Apple in the US who said the order was waiting to be shipped - they said it all looked ok.

One thing the concerned me was that I only received an 'Order Acknowledgment' and not a confirmation. However, Apple said that this was ok.

Plus the money has already been taken so I guess that's something!

Wow they took the whole day to come back to you - I would have been a nervous wreck! :eek::D So glad it worked for you though! :)
I assume when you preorder you preorder online

Though when you do this can you select reserve for store pickup ?

Do you pay the full amount online or just a deposit or nothing at all , and do you need to print off a receipt (i got no printer)

I placed an order around 10am yesterday morning. I didn't get an Order Acknowledgment until about 4pm. By that time though I had already rung my CC company who confirmed the payment had gone through. I also called Apple in the US who said the order was waiting to be shipped - they said it all looked ok.

One thing the concerned me was that I only received an 'Order Acknowledgment' and not a confirmation. However, Apple said that this was ok.

Plus the money has already been taken so I guess that's something!

I got an email this morning saying my order has been cancelled :mad: lol

Can I ask what you put in for your billing address? (without giving too much away obviously!)
May! I'm so glad i bought one off ebay on Tuesday now. In fact, I'm typing this post on it right now. Shame the app store isn't available on it from the uk at the moment though! No surprise i guess.
I assume when you preorder you preorder online

Though when you do this can you select reserve for store pickup ?

Do you pay the full amount online or just a deposit or nothing at all , and do you need to print off a receipt (i got no printer)


I am wondering this also, but most likely I will go in store to pre order, or try and do it on the phone. Do you have to pay a deposit? If so how much do you think?
The truth is that Apple knew they weren't going to launch late April as the plan weeks ago was set to launch the 3g version, AND the wifi only version at the same time, and there was an embargo on releasing this information until, what do you know it, yesterday when Apple coincidently announced there was a delay due to high volume of US sales!

They'd always said that they were going to launch the Wifi and 3G versions internationally at the same time, that's been known for weeks.

Anyway, I've decided not to get one now for the forseeable future, because:

  • I was starting to wonder more as I waited whether I really needed it anyway.
  • I'm pretty annoyed about the way they've messed the rest of the world about over the launch dates and the only realistic way you can express annoyance with companies is to vote with your wallet.
  • By the time the UK gets the 3G one (which I wanted) it won't be that long until the 4.0 software release (does anyone really believe they'll release at the end of May without further delays? I don't), so you might as well wait until after that anyway because that then entitles you to a free upgrade to 5.0 when it comes out rather than having to pay for it.

I expect I'll be in a minority, but you've got to draw the line somewhere.
you can't use an out of US billing address. I can pick you up one and send it. PM me.

Hi Matthew!
I live in UK and I'm too frustrated at apple delaying release until late may! I can't find a way to pm you, sorry, I'm a Newbie to the forums but have been following macrumors for a couple of years, as I'm a true apple fan!!
Could you pick me up 2 (if possible with availability etc) and I'll pay you through paypal! Could you pm me or email me at (my spam address!! Then I'll give you my other one to avoid spam. I'll pay you for your fantastic service! Email me and we can sort it out.
Many Thanks, look forward to hearing from you,
Guys, let's all do a reality check on the UK situation -
It essentially breaks down into whether you want a Wifi or 3G Ipad (I am personally going for the latter after the Vodafone, Orange, etc. announcements on tailor-made broadband deals)

Wifi Ipad - Bar the most probably higher cost, you could get one from Bundlebox/Ebay/etc. right now and get to enjoy it earlier. All the qualms about warranty, lack of service until UK release, no clear way to return it in case of manufacturing defect, etc. remain.

3G Ipad - US route not worth it for a variety of reasons. No clear date on US shipments, "Late April" listed as shipping date means you can have one in your hands no early than second week of May, unclear status regarding compatibility with UK networks (everyone says they do work, but until proven, its not clear), warranty etc.... likely higher price considering VAT all for what is likely to be a 10-15 day advantage over people securing their iPads through UK official channels.

All to both scenarios the quirks of needing to use the US iTunes Store, the relative lack of iPad-optimised apps, the convenience of dealing directly with Apple UK, and I think that, however sad it is to wait and wait, if you want a 3G iPad, simply sit tight until May 10 - you will have a nice web order and confirmation email from Apple UK on that date, which will make you feel much better :). If you want a wifi one and REALLY need to have one before anyone else (and we are talking weeks, not even a month, once it arrives in your hands), then by all means go for it, but I really would not splash my cash (and we are talking excess of 500 pounds here) on something that has no ready service options in the UK and unclear warranty status, not to mention paying a 100 pounds premium for early adoption....
Does anyone know what the cheapest way to ship an iPad from US to UK is? Anything cheaper than FedEx I mean.

And does the whole package really weigh 1.5kg? Seems a lot when the iPad is only half that.

Wish I had done this earlier, shipping times in the US are 5-7 days now.. does anyone happen to know if iPads are in stock in TX Apple Stores?
I agree, you have to draw the line somewhere.

Nobody wants an iPad more than me, but I know that if I go down the 'bundlebox' route then it would just cause me more stress. I don't need that, I'll let Apple do some stressing instead.

I think I will try to switch off and take a step back from the world of the Apple iPad until May 9th.... It will be tough. I'll log onto my comp on May 10th, attempt to reserve a 32gb 3G iPad -if there is a further delay, then I will vote with my wallet indeed. I will never buy Apple again if there is another delay.

Good luck to all who are importing or buying on eBay. Try to keep a cool head and don't get sucked into overpaying by too much. You'll regret it later ;)
If you want a wifi one and REALLY need to have one before anyone else (and we are talking weeks, not even a month, once it arrives in your hands), then by all means go for it, but I really would not splash my cash (and we are talking excess of 500 pounds here) on something that has no ready service options in the UK and unclear warranty status, not to mention paying a 100 pounds premium for early adoption....

You pricing is a little out...using bundle box you can grab a 32Gb WIFI pad for £490 all in. While I agree the UK price will be less than this I doubt it will be by very much, maybe £50.
I got an email this morning saying my order has been cancelled :mad: lol

Can I ask what you put in for your billing address? (without giving too much away obviously!)

I put the Zipcode as 00000, with my normal postcode on the line above.

When did you place the order and how long did it take them to cancel your order?
Ok tried to go the BundleBox route last night. Got an email this morning. Here's an excerpt.

We are unable to complete your order. We do not ship to international,
freight forwarder, APO, FPO, or P.O. Box addresses.

We offer the following information:

International Shipping: We are unable to ship to an international
address. Therefore your order has been cancelled. Please visit the Apple
Store Worldwide for the Apple Store Store in your country of residence.

Freight Forwarders: We do not ship to Freight Forwarders. Therefore
your order has been cancelled.

Guess I have to wait. Not too bothered, just means I'll save some cash really.
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