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If Expansys have it in 15 days I assume that Apple Stores will have them in the same time frame and we may be able to order direct from Apple...

You maybe able to pre-order with Apple but you won't get it until the end of May. The Expansys kits are coming in from the US and as I ready have an iPad I thought I would try this route.
You maybe able to pre-order with Apple but you won't get it until the end of May. The Expansys kits are coming in from the US and as I ready have an iPad I thought I would try this route.


Expansys are also doing the iPad cases for £55.74 delivered - a little high in my opinion. I would expect to be able to collect one from an Apple Store or Reseller for just short of £40.

I may wait until the end of May for the accessories.
I would say with 95% certainty that you have no customs fees to pay. I would also say that you will receive the item either tomorrow or Thursday.

Cheers for that. Hope you're right!! A friend brought me back an iPad yesterday and I've just synced it. First impressions are it's pretty awesome. Everything I expected and more.
Where did you hear that?

All of the above links say end of May. I think they will give us the details much sooner, on or shortly after the 10th. I don't expect the monthly charge to be cheap !!!! I will be getting one SIM FREE if I can.
The three mobile networks that will offer the iPad in the UK are Orange, Vodafone and O2. They all announced at the same time and used the same copy (presumably given to them from Apple). I doubt therefore that there has been much pre-planning in what the pricing is going to be.

I would have thought that it would be ethically dubious (and quite possibly, illegal) if Apple to price-fixed what the tariffs had to be over here so it seems safe to assume that each of the mobile networks will compete with each other to secure iPad business.

It's possible that they will compete by subsidising the iPad and offering it on a contract in the same way that these networks already offer netbooks (i.e. 24 monthly payments of £25) with bundled data included. I expect the price to be higher than £25/mo x 24 however..

Technically, there's a built in workflow for purchasing 'top ups' that Apple are already using the United States with AT&T. Perhaps we might get something similar over here?

Would an iPad over here from a mobile network be locked to that network or will the customer be free to pick and choose a network at will?

All the questions and we can only speculate until May 10th when everybody reveals their cards (I expect the networks will play a 'You show first' game with each other and they will announce in the days following May 10th).

There is no way Apple would be allowed to fix the prices. The operators are going to be in serious competition with this. I would imagine that one operator will announce first, and the others will follow suit, with either the same price or slightly lower. I don't get 3G in my area with any of them so it doesn't matter to much to me.

Three '3', is the only network that gets the slightest bit of coverage here for me so I am hoping to maybe get one of their PAYGO deals and just chop the Sim Card down to iPad size.

I think your right about them subsiding them like they currently do on Netbooks and Laptops. The only problem is though the cost. A netbook can be purchased for Free on a £25 x 24month contract like you say but thats because they are only £300. But an iPad is circa £400ish so that moves it into the Laptop pricing and those contracts are £35 x 24months = costly!
I was thinking more of my local haunt which is a shopping centre. The hordes of folk going from the centre entrance to the store will be a sight to behold! Hence me just going to Regent St.

Probably be there as well. Always been ok there before.

Didn't get my ipad 3g from U.S. in the end due to the release date. My friend came back on 27th. Oh well. :):)
Well it's happened. My tech-centric curiosity has driven me to want the iPad.

£400 (or less) and I'm putting my order down May 10th. I doubt they will grant us that price though.
Well it's happened. My tech-centric curiosity has driven me to want the iPad.

£400 (or less) and I'm putting my order down May 10th. I doubt they will grant us that price though.

I reckon the 16GB Wifi-only model will be around £417. I'm getting the 64GB Wifi-only model, assuming the prices aren't completely daft.
I have been hearing from a couple of contacts I have the price in the UK and Europe will be magical. Magically high.

They work for the telecoms and they have heard that people working on the deals have been surprised at how high the price is. They do not know or have been told the exact price and all they have been able to find out is at least 1GBP = $1. the telecoms need to price to work out their deals.

What they said is that Apple are keeping the price close to their chests in order to milk the Brits and the Europeans. They are leaving it until the last minute in order to minimise sales from the states. they hope to lock in the would be buyer who is more reluctant to look around.

My guess for this is:

Apple have been surprised at how popular the iPad has been and are regretting selling at such a low price initially. Instead if they had got their numbers right they could have (milked) the earlier adopters in the US with higher prices and then done a price drop to these levels to get more in September. Instead there is going to be high initial sales and the drop off will be significant. Apple want to show the sales growing but with this huge inital demand it will be hard to show quarter over quarter growth. In order to keep their numbers up for quarterly reporting a price drop will be inevitable for the US.

Apple cannot continue to sell a million units a month, that is 9 million units this year, which is even more than Gene Munster at Piper Jaffrey has invisaged, and he always over estimates. The Europeans will not purchase in the same levels.

Remember, a share price goes up fast on sales growth but falls even faster with slowing or stagnant sales growth. Apple need to show better numbers each quarter, particularly as the third quarter is back to school numbers.

So what can they do, well two things:
1. Price high in the rest of the world and milk as much money from early adopters here. This will slow uptake allowing sales to be pushed into the third quarter.
2. Keep pushing the delivery date back. Pushing it back to the 1st of July, (only just over a month after late May), they can include the sales figures in their 3rd quarter earnings not the second quarter as is the case with the first million.)

Afterall, the initial extra sales have not been particulalry impressive (1.5 million ibooks (1.5 per iPad) and 12 million apps (12 per ipad) and this includes the essential duplicates that have been made for the iPad. Remember, the IPhone and IPod Touch are showing nearly 20 apps per unit (nearly nearly 2 billion apps (last estimate I saw) and 80 million Iphones and Ipod touches)

Also this would not have put such a strain on the logistical and construction aspects. With rumours of production problems less demand would have allowed Apple to rectify the problem, however with production at full blast the problems still persist.
I don't think there will be £100 between each model. I'd think £70 at the most.

Here's my justification for my estimates

(Exchange rates courtesy of

16Gb = $499 = £329.22
£329.22 + VAT @ 17.5% = £386.83

32Gb = $599 = £395.18
£395.18 + VAT @ 17.5% = £464.34

64Gb = $699 = £461.16
£461.16 + VAT @ 17.5% = £541.83

Then I just rounded them all up cause it's Apple.

Although you do raise an interesting point regarding the difference between each model. I had not considered that.

At this point though, I'm just itching to know. Roll on Monday. I wonder how early we will be able to Pre-Order?
Here's my justification for my estimates

(Exchange rates courtesy of

16Gb = $499 = £329.22
£329.22 + VAT @ 17.5% = £386.83

32Gb = $599 = £395.18
£395.18 + VAT @ 17.5% = £464.34

64Gb = $699 = £461.16
£461.16 + VAT @ 17.5% = £541.83

Then I just rounded them all up cause it's Apple.

Although you do raise an interesting point regarding the difference between each model. I had not considered that.

At this point though, I'm just itching to know. Roll on Monday. I wonder how early we will be able to Pre-Order?

No way on those prices, they're just too low. Pending the results of the UK election the value of the £ may fluctuate wildly.

Also don't forget the UK "cost of business" tax (Steve Jobs puts this at 7% but could be higher).

My bet, based on the comparitive pricing of the Mac Mini on both the US and UK Apple Stores is £420 inc VAT for the 16GB WiFi only model, £470 for the 16GB WiFi+3G models and +£70 or so per doubling of capacity.
No way on those prices, they're just too low. Pending the results of the UK election the value of the £ may fluctuate wildly.

Also don't forget the UK "cost of business" tax (Steve Jobs puts this at 7% but could be higher).

My bet, based on the comparitive pricing of the Mac Mini on both the US and UK Apple Stores is £420 inc VAT for the 16GB WiFi only model, £470 for the 16GB WiFi+3G models and +£70 or so per doubling of capacity.

Apple need to be careful, if they get overzealous on the "Apple Tax" you end up with a situation where people see the macbook doesn't cost a whole lot more.

I think over £400 (for the 16GB WiFi) and people will be turned off.
I have been hearing from a couple of contacts I have the price in the UK and Europe will be magical. Magically high.

I fear your going to be right.

I'm not expecting the 16 GB 3g unit to be any lower than £600 sim free.

Then the phone companies in the UK can have our pants down with a great deal :D. £200 for the 16 GB 3g on a £25.00 per month for 24 months (£600) over the contract term.:mad::mad::mad::apple::mad::mad::mad:
I fear your going to be right.

I'm not expecting the 16 GB 3g unit to be any lower than £600 sim free. Then the phone companies in the UK can have our pants down with a great deal. £200 for the 16 GB 3g on a £25.00 per month for 24 months (£600) over the contract term.

That's what I can see happening also. Note sure I really need / want the 3G version, but I think the networks will have a field day with this product.

In theor thought that would mean we could go to an Apple Store, An Orange Mobile Store, a Vodafone Store, an O2 Store, and possible any other Curry's, Dixon's or John Lewis (to name a few) to get it on launch day.

That would be A) Madness, and B) a nightmare for stock levels
I fear your going to be right.

I'm not expecting the 16 GB 3g unit to be any lower than £600 sim free. Then the phone companies in the UK can have our pants down with a great deal. £200 for the 16 GB 3g on a £25.00 per month for 24 months (£600) over the contract term.

I cant see it being that high. I suspect the 16GB WIFI will be £420 much to our disgust. So another £180 at least for the 3G model. No way. The difference in the model prices will have to line up reasonably with the US ones or it will be a total farce. The carriers don't have to subsidise the iPad, in fact I doubt many will. They will be glad enough to milk us for expensive data rates and a "special" SIM chip. I think the 16GB 3G will be around £499 to £520, but people like PC World will do it for something like £100 and a 24 month contract.
I cant see it being that high. I suspect the 16GB WIFI will be £420 much to our disgust. So another £180 at least for the 3G model. No way. The difference in the model prices will have to line up reasonably with the US ones or it will be a total farce. The carriers don't have to subsidise the iPad, in fact I doubt many will. They will be glad enough to milk us for expensive data rates and a "special" SIM chip. I think the 16GB 3G will be around £499 to £520, but people like PC World will do it for something like £100 and a 24 month contract.

time will tell. I think its going to be well overpriced in the UK. Just look at the iphone what has more operators done to the price of that, nothing really.

Apple will want a large cut of the data tariff and they have more avenues in the UK to get it.
I cant see it being that high. I suspect the 16GB WIFI will be £420 much to our disgust. So another £180 at least for the 3G model. No way. The difference in the model prices will have to line up reasonably with the US ones or it will be a total farce. The carriers don't have to subsidise the iPad, in fact I doubt many will. They will be glad enough to milk us for expensive data rates and a "special" SIM chip. I think the 16GB 3G will be around £499 to £520, but people like PC World will do it for something like £100 and a 24 month contract.

Umm, with all due respect £420 would not be anywhere near the ballpark for disgust. $500 in the US + 17.5% tax currently comes out at... £388.39. Add in the additional costs of doing business in the UK (as someone else mentioned that's been estimated at 7%) brings you in around £415... not exactly a massive rip off is it?

On the price front... why doesn't everyone take a chill pill for a while? We're only a week away from the pre-orders, just wait and see rather than push your blood pressure into the stratosphere. If the 3G prices are stupid then go get a Wi-Fi model and Mi-Fi, in some ways it's a better option anyway (no 3G restrictions on content for a kick off).
Umm, with all due respect £420 would not be anywhere near the ballpark for disgust. $500 in the US + 17.5% tax currently comes out at... £388.39. Add in the additional costs of doing business in the UK (as someone else mentioned that's been estimated at 7%) brings you in around £415... not exactly a massive rip off is it?

On the price front... why doesn't everyone take a chill pill for a while? We're only a week away from the pre-orders, just wait and see rather than push your blood pressure into the stratosphere. If the 3G prices are stupid then go get a Wi-Fi model and Mi-Fi, in some ways it's a better option anyway (no 3G restrictions on content for a kick off).

I didn't mean to suggest it's a rip off. What I was saying is that a lot will be disgusted because of this idea that it will come in under £400. My actual guess has been £419 all along.
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