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You cannot possibly complain about the prices. When you remove the 17.5% VAT (which is beyond Apple's control to set), you see that UK iPad prices are LOWER than US retail prices. Yes, that is not a typo, it's cheaper in the UK. I thought Apple would apply its standard 20% pre-VAT markup to the UK iPads but in fact, they've done nothing of the sort.

Apple: damned if you do, damned if you don't.:rolleyes:

He was complaining that the jump from 32GB to 64GB is bigger than the jump from 16GB to 32GB. In the US, the price difference is the same between all models. Whether the conversion from US to UK is good or not isn't what he is saying. One of the models is priced fairer than it should be or worse than it should be.
Just a guess and maybe someone else has picked up on this already. But based on the new MBP, comparing the US/UK prices and exchange rate Apple has gone with. I reckon these will be the prices we'll be looking at.

£419 - 16GB
£499 - 32GB
£579 - 64GB

£519 - 16GB + 3G
£609 - 32GB + 3G
£689 - 64GB + 3G

The pricing gets a little skewed with the 3G model on the calculator, but due to Apple's love of ending in 9's (and the psychological factor), with an £80 increment per $100 I think it's a half decent guess.

Oooh I was close.
Naturally I'm not complaining, but just to compare:

Taking the 16GB as the example, removing 17.5% VAT puts the UK Price at £365 = ~ $535 at current exchange rates. Which puts the UK pre-tax price $35 more than the US. To quote a certain man out of context for the thousandth time "not that big of a deal"

As an addendum, I don't know the intricacies of UK customs costs. Also I believe there is a what ... 5% tax at the till in the US? So these prices are all a big relative.
I was wrong to say there was no pre-VAT markup for UK prices. UK prices are in fact higher than US retail prices but the markup is much smaller than usual for Apple. Depending on the model, the UK pre-VAT prices are 3 to 7% higher than US retail prices. I think that's good relative value for money although I personally think the 3G models are overpriced anywhere you buy them. But if you insist on the 3G models, it may be some small comfort to know you're not being gouged anymore than the Americans.
I have someone who might be able to bring me one back. The exchange rate has changed a bit, so might go for the 32gb which would cost about £407, which would be a nice saving. He wouldnt need to pay duty if hes bringing one in his suitcase would he?

edit - actually with a 7% sales tax (since the ipad prices in US dont include it) it comes to about 436 an overall saving of 60 pounds...not sure whether to bother with it, and get a pure UK ipad..

Legally he would be liable for tax at UK customs when he gets off the plane. But I'm sure he'll just walk on through the green lane, right? ;)
I am extremely pleased; got my iPad a month early and saved £74. Couldn't get much better than that! :D As an aside, I do feel for those that waited...the price is at least 30-50 quid excessive.
I was thinking we wouldn't get that much Apple tax.

That "Apple Tax" is between about £20 and £40 when you count in VAT and the current terrible exchange rate. Not bad really, especially when you consider that operating costs are generally higher in the UK than the US. I doubt that Apple are actually making any additional profit.
I think that seeing the prices "in the flesh" is quite a shock (especially seeing a £699 model -too much!).... but now that the prices have sunk in, I realise that they were probably never going to be much lower than this -and even if they were lower, they would be what? £20-30 lower maybe? That's not worth losing sleep over, that's the price of a bad PlayStation game.

However, those bloody Orange data plans are daylight robbery -they should be wearing a Dick Turpin mask! :eek:
However, those bloody Orange data plans are daylight robbery -they should be wearing a Dick Turpin mask! :eek:

I agree. Which is why I'm glad that I went with a WIFI only only and use my MiFi which is unlocked. I'm picking up loads of free SIMs which are giving much better data tariffs than orange are offering
Any ideas on how to approach parents and try to explain to them that I won't want one went year when then thing will mostly likely become defunct/outdated? At £500?
Any ideas on how to approach parents and try to explain to them that I won't want one went year when then thing will mostly likely become defunct/outdated? At £500?

Tell them you'll clean the bathroom every week from now until next year. It'll help you learn the value of credit agreements, and will make you less likely to take them up when you're old enough.

That way you get ipad
Mother gets a clean bathroom
You learn something
They don't have a moping child in the house
You're less likely to steal

If that fails....ask Nan :D
Tell them you'll clean the bathroom every week from now until next year. It'll help you learn the value of credit agreements, and will make you less likely to take them up when you're old enough.

That way you get ipad
Mother gets a clean bathroom
You learn something
They don't have a moping child in the house
You're less likely to steal

If that fails....ask Nan :D

Don't have nan - I already pay the electricity bills - and some of the council tax.
Don't have nan - I already pay the electricity bills - and some of the council tax.

Sorry. It was a bad taste joke really.

I'm not sure what else to suggest. We've all been there when we really really want something, and we're worried about other people getting it before us etc. (happened with me and the iPhone 3G), and people on eBay have made a fortune from people who are impatient.

Best thing to do would be to sit down with one parent and have a long chat with them, and try to make a deal. Then get them to speak to the other.

Other than that I don't know what else to suggest. Everyone is different and in different situations. Are you able to get a job and promise to pay the money back to them.

Good luck.
If these European prices are indeed true, than the iPad is cheaper in Europe excluding VAT.

UK - EU (Netherlands)
$499 - (EUR 479 - ((479 / 100) * 19) =) [to dollar] $493.61
$599 - (EUR 579 - ((579/100)*19) =) [to dollar] $596.66
$699 - (EUR 679 - ((679 / 100) * 19) = ) [to dollar] $699.71

$629 - (EUR 579 - ((579/100)*19) =) [to dollar] $596.66
$729 - (EUR 679 - ((679 / 100) * 19) = ) [to dollar] $699.71
$829 - (779 - ((779 / 100) * 19) =) [to dollar] $802.77

Only with the 64 GB WiFi-only you are cheaper. Of course this is WITHOUT taxes so in the end there's still a difference, but over-all it's a very fair price from Apple. But than again, Apple can't do anything against taxes.
I see they have changed the website to reflect the announced date (front page only), but no prices listed? Unless I'm missing it. Just curious that's all.
UK prices aren't really high. US prices are without tax. It will cost you a bit more, but not really much. There are no big differences, see below:

$499 - (POUND 429 - ((429/100)*17.5) =) [to dollar] $522.14
$599 - (POUND 499 - ((499/100)*17.5) =) [to dollar] $607.35
$699 - (POUND 599 - ((599/100)*17.5) =) [to dollar] $729.07

$629 - (POUND 529 - ((529/100)*17.5) =) [to dollar] $643.87
$729 - (POUND 599 - ((599/100)*17.5) =) [to dollar] $729.07
$829 - (POUND 699 - ((699/100)*17.5) =) [to dollar] $850.78

US residents just are lucky because the government doesn't ask high taxes. The taxes are making it expensive. European prices are actually cheaper than those from the USA, but with tax European prices are higher. UK prices are just a bit higher than USA prices, only the tax is making it expensive.
im disappointed!!!!! whoever it was at the start of the thread who said unbelievable price meant a high one, i tip my hat to you sir.......

really wanted the 64gb, but im not spending £600 on one, no way
Done deal Apple. Well, hopefully anyway, it IS a birthday present but that's in the range I've discussed with the wife so fingers crossed.

It's about what I figured it'd be if I looked at it realistically. Price should be equivalent to the US + 7% to account for the increased cost of doing business in the UK (buildings, wages, transport, electric etc) and the 16Gb is +8 to +9%. Fair enough and really doesn't leave much room for complaint at the lower end.
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